(03-28-2017, 11:24 PM)Foxglove Wrote: The Ranseur has good stats, yes. What it also is is big, so it is almost impossible to dodge enemy fire. It can tank a lot of damage and also deal a lot, but forget about dodging.
But are other battleships able to dodge fire? like dodge how, with strafe, etc?
The Mako easily beats a Ranseur in long-range battles. The only chance you have in that case is cruising up and hoping the smaller battleship can't escape. Protip: Battleship missiles also work as CDs.
(03-29-2017, 12:43 AM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: The Mako easily beats a Ranseur in long-range battles. The only chance you have in that case is cruising up and hoping the smaller battleship can't escape. Protip: Battleship missiles also work as CDs.
The impression I have from this video is that video author is a turret steering pro and is really good and the Outcast is not even using strafe. Do you know him? How good is he? Is he also a very good player but the ships is so slow that he can do nothing? or my impression has some truth in it?
@Crazyr0m if you want to learn how to pilot a capital ship well, start with something small, like a gunship! It costs much less and is very fun to fly. You can pirate people with this, escape more easily... generally a much wiser choice, if you want to fly in Liberty.
A battleship is more like a punishment to fly. Slow, easy to catch (especially in asteroid fields), lacking a CD, cannot pirate transports, generally very dependant on escorts and whatnot. The zones you might be flying it in are very limited too. Always read up on your ID description!
If you want to set a long-term goal for yourself, like fly a particular ship with less restrictions, then think about whether or not you would be interested in creating a Special Roleplay Request, based on your extended character backstory and logical turn of events.
Special promotion on cloaks. Made In Donesia. *We claim no responsibility for any kind of damage or sudden explosion that might occur from proper use of this product.
I suggest, don't buy or fly dreadnoughts they are super easy target against anything
Ranseur is very useless against Cruisers,Battlecruisers,Light BS and Medium BS but effective against Heavy Battleships well not really though
Weapon arcs matter in Heavy BS vs Heavy BS fights
Your main oppenents are Tokugawa,Legate and Valor
Tokugawa is one of the best Heavy Battleship in the game.Best thing to do is stay away from Tokugawa and try to do some damage from far, close range combat is very diffucult to win with Ranseur
Legate is better than Tokugawa at close range combat in my opinion because of its very fast turn speed and very good arcs It can fire 4 heavies,2 primary to broadside it is very hard to takeout a skilled legate with ranseur
Valor is still best heavy battleship, it can dodge better than any heavy bs and can fight at close range better than ranseur it also have main cannon that deals nearly 1m damage, can hit heavy battlesihps very often with it
Broadside: 2 Heavy 2 Primary
Rear: 2 Heavy 2 Primary
Broadside: 4 Heavy 2 Primary
Rear: 2 Heavy 4 Primary
Broadside: 4 Heavy 3 Primary
Rear: 2 Heavy 4 Primary
Broadside: 3 Heavy 2 Primary
Rear: 4 Heavy 4 Primary <- Can't fire 4 Heavies to rear if you move around too much
If you want to win battles, use sarissa instead of ranseur
Sarissa biggest medium battleship and tanky but can't take out Light BS and Medium BS at 1v1 because of its size they can hit you very often
Also Heavy BS have more chance to kill the sarissa
Outcast Capital Ships very underpowered, they look better than other battleships tho but definetly needs buff
Dreadnoughts very weak against everything in this game but good at sieging bases
Cruiser vs Heavy BS = No chance doesnt matter how skilled you are
BC vs Heavy BS = No chance ^
Light BS vs Heavy BS = You can't win at long range combat, you have to cruise and stop when your within 1k range, you need cd support too
Med BS vs Heavy BS = ^same as light bs also don't stop your cruise at 2k range, med and light bs can dodge even at 1.4k
Heavy BS VS Heavy BS = Armor and Weapon loadout matters and also weapon arcs
(03-29-2017, 08:02 AM)eigos Wrote: @Crazyr0m if you want to learn how to pilot a capital ship well, start with something small, like a gunship! It costs much less and is very fun to fly. You can pirate people with this, escape more easily... generally a much wiser choice, if you want to fly in Liberty.
A battleship is more like a punishment to fly. Slow, easy to catch (especially in asteroid fields), lacking a CD, cannot pirate transports, generally very dependant on escorts and whatnot. The zones you might be flying it in are very limited too. Always read up on your ID description!
If you want to set a long-term goal for yourself, like fly a particular ship with less restrictions, then think about whether or not you would be interested in creating a Special Roleplay Request, based on your extended character backstory and logical turn of events.
Thank you for the reply!
I already have a gunship, but it's not very different from the Eagle I used to fly in old 1.0 (except I had a Sunslayer on the Eagle).
I want something really powerful, and fortunately money is not the issue.
Also I don't want to be very restricted - in case of Outcasts they can enter any system (or so I thought), even if sometimes as bandits (Liberty), that's ok.
Not committed to outcasts either, but on paper seemed a good choice.
At first, my goal was like "I want to go anywhere and don't be afraid of whoever I encounter", but now seems that this ship does not meet the requirement.
I am still learning, so for now I am not sure, say, Mako, can enter Liberty or not (Like the nomads who can't leave their Omicrons).
Maybe a cruiser would serve better for what i want?
(03-29-2017, 01:49 PM)Titan* Wrote: I suggest, don't buy or fly dreadnoughts they are super easy target against anything
Ranseur is very useless against Cruisers,Battlecruisers,Light BS and Medium BS but effective against Heavy Battleships well not really though
Weapon arcs matter in Heavy BS vs Heavy BS fights
Your main oppenents are Tokugawa,Legate and Valor
Tokugawa is one of the best Heavy Battleship in the game.Best thing to do is stay away from Tokugawa and try to do some damage from far, close range combat is very diffucult to win with Ranseur
Legate is better than Tokugawa at close range combat in my opinion because of its very fast turn speed and very good arcs It can fire 4 heavies,2 primary to broadside it is very hard to takeout a skilled legate with ranseur
Valor is still best heavy battleship, it can dodge better than any heavy bs and can fight at close range better than ranseur it also have main cannon that deals nearly 1m damage, can hit heavy battlesihps very often with it
Broadside: 2 Heavy 2 Primary
Rear: 2 Heavy 2 Primary
Broadside: 4 Heavy 2 Primary
Rear: 2 Heavy 4 Primary
Broadside: 4 Heavy 3 Primary
Rear: 2 Heavy 4 Primary
Broadside: 3 Heavy 2 Primary
Rear: 4 Heavy 4 Primary <- Can't fire 4 Heavies to rear if you move around too much
If you want to win battles, use sarissa instead of ranseur
Sarissa biggest medium battleship and tanky but can't take out Light BS and Medium BS at 1v1 because of its size they can hit you very often
Also Heavy BS have more chance to kill the sarissa
Outcast Capital Ships very underpowered, they look better than other battleships tho but definetly needs buff
Dreadnoughts very weak against everything in this game but good at sieging bases
Cruiser vs Heavy BS = No chance doesnt matter how skilled you are
BC vs Heavy BS = No chance ^
Light BS vs Heavy BS = You can't win at long range combat, you have to cruise and stop when your within 1k range, you need cd support too
Med BS vs Heavy BS = ^same as light bs also don't stop your cruise at 2k range, med and light bs can dodge even at 1.4k
Heavy BS VS Heavy BS = Armor and Weapon loadout matters and also weapon arcs
So it's like useless against any ship, that' what I understand from your post. Just good to bring bases down.
Other people said its only good at close range and you say its no good at close >.<
The developers themselves said Sarissa is one of the weakest but you say it can win battles.
Anyway thanks for the info, I must take it all into account.
(03-29-2017, 02:19 PM)Crazyr0m Wrote: So it's like useless against any ship, that' what I understand from your post. Just good to bring bases down.
Other people said its only good at close range and you say its no good at close >.<
The developers themselves said Sarissa is one of the weakest but you say it can win battles.
Anyway thanks for the info, I must take it all into account.
ranseur good at close range but you have to get very close
It is very hard to kill other heavy battleships with Ranseur
Sarissa can win, yes atleast you can stay at like 4k and mortar the heavy battleships all day
Sarissa also good at killing medium battleships in close range because of its strong armor, you can tank a liberty carrier with it
All factions are limited in their zones of influence. Order, for example, cannot bring capital ships outside the omicrons and omegas, unless there is a very special reason to do that. All factions have zones of influence and rules about their capital ships (if they have any).
Of course, nomads are a bit more free to roam around anywhere, but they generally are a bit restricted on cargo types and roleplay style. Not to mention everyone will be ready to shoot them.
Me, personally - I made a freelancer (leaning toward the lawful side of things) who is flying a maltese destroyer. I can go anywhere I want, but there will always be roleplay consequences. Pirates and lawfuls alike can be a problem for me, unless I am able to strike deals with them. However, this type of combination is only possible if you write a good backstory of how it happened, in a logical and interesting way.
Basically, I spent one month writing the story, creating graphics, pictures and roleplaying in the game (with screenshots to prove it), before I applied for a Special Roleplay request, that grants me the right to fly the ship under the rules of the Freelancer ID.
Any rule infraction might cause this permission to get taken away.
Almost anything is possible, provided you have the time, the motivation and the capability of writing a cool story around your char, interact with players in the game and work to achieve the ship combination that you are most comfortable with.
Special promotion on cloaks. Made In Donesia. *We claim no responsibility for any kind of damage or sudden explosion that might occur from proper use of this product.
(03-29-2017, 02:33 PM)eigos Wrote: All factions are limited in their zones of influence. Order, for example, cannot bring capital ships outside the omicrons and omegas, unless there is a very special reason to do that. All factions have zones of influence and rules about their capital ships (if they have any).
Of course, nomads are a bit more free to roam around anywhere, but they generally are a bit restricted on cargo types and roleplay style. Not to mention everyone will be ready to shoot them.
Me, personally - I made a freelancer (leaning toward the lawful side of things) who is flying a maltese destroyer. I can go anywhere I want, but there will always be roleplay consequences. Pirates and lawfuls alike can be a problem for me, unless I am able to strike deals with them. However, this type of combination is only possible if you write a good backstory of how it happened, in a logical and interesting way.
Basically, I spent one month writing the story, creating graphics, pictures and roleplaying in the game (with screenshots to prove it), before I applied for a Special Roleplay request, that grants me the right to fly the ship under the rules of the Freelancer ID.
Any rule infraction might cause this permission to get taken away.
Almost anything is possible, provided you have the time, the motivation and the capability of writing a cool story around your char, interact with players in the game and work to achieve the ship combination that you are most comfortable with.
I understand about the RP, will read that SRR posts to see how it works. It is unlikely, however, for me to spend 1 month writing a story, so most probably I will stick to regular rules (say outcast ship with outcast ID). About zones of influence: not sure how it is enforced, I constantly see outcast ships (even a cruiser and this very dread) in Liberty, engaging Navy, normally dying but still. As I understand from forum, they are way out of their zones, but seems that nobody cares, they just fight (maybe its fun for both sides) and that's it.