More or less, the infocard says the battleship was important in the battle for Tau-29 jump gate and how it slowed down IKN and retreated, and it says this two times
==================== Type: Station IFF Bug: Guard IFF on Java ====================
IMG Guard IFF on Java? This is like a really important base and IMG guard is pretty hard to dock at. Why was it changed? I do not see what the change would fix.
IMG Guard was converted into a Gallia-friendly IMG faction for Java and Holman in response to this. - Xalrok
==================== Type: Guns Bug: Scatter Guns are too strong ====================
Guys, they are too good. I like the idea that bombers are not totally helpless against fighters, but... these in the hands of capable aimers... rip fighters totally. They are fun to use, but I doubt they can stay as they are now.
==================== Type:Equipment Bug: Lootable Cultist C8s are force-orientation ====================
Documenting, will be fixed later.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
From what I understand, it is suffering the same problems as the Coalition one, the Crayter Civilian is hostile to the Crayter Military and vise versa, so the Civilian rep can't dock on the Military repped stations and so on. Please can this be changed accordingly.
The reputation isn't linked with the MND (+ BDM) ID, the rep continues to stay hostile. Thus making it unable for players to dock on Schatten. The ID also still maximizes Rheinland Military Guard Reps for the MND (+ BDM) ID's.
The IFF still displays military guard for the BDM and MND ID's upon rep-hacks.
==================== Type: Infocard Bug: not really infocard, but station NPC issues ====================
On Kirkwall Station, the infocard is fine & explains the Gaian takeover of it, but the Gaian uniformed NPC's still show up as Outcasts...& the ships at the ship dealer were never updated to the Gaian ones