==================== Type: Ship Stats Bug: 2 CD slots Jackdaw ====================
There is a CD slot and a Torpedo/CD slot. Is it intended for the Heavy Fighter to have 2 CD slots since the torpedo/cd slot cannot have anything else inside now?
==================== Type: Infocard / Equipment Bug: Equipment name and effect ====================
A few updates ago Crayter Republic/Military was granted there very own engines, which we received and were happy with, but we noticed the names of the engines where something else.
Class 1 (Light Fighter Engine) - Name: CHN-C8 Long Range Engine MK I
Class 2 (Very Heavy Fighter Engine) - Name: CHN-C11 Long Range Engine MK I
Class 3 (Bomber Engine) - Name: CHN-C11 Long Range Engine MK I
Class 5 (Transport Engine) - Name: CHN-D6 Long Range Engine MK I
Class 6 (Transport Engine) - Name: CHN-D6 Long Range Engine MK I
The Hyperspace Matrix/Equip thing is due to an incorrect reuse of infocard numbers, you also reported it here. It should be fixed in the development branch now. -Alex
So can we have the "Names" of the engines fixed please to the "Name" that shows on the info card which I have written just above here. Also for the Class 2 (VHF Engine) it has the same "Name/Model" as the Class 3 (Bomber Engine) can the numbers be changed slightly to make it so they are for different ships inRP please. Also the same with the Class 5 and Class 6 transport engines too.
There is also a bug regarding the engine effect itself. It appears all the Crayter Republic/Military engine effects are identically the same, so for a transport it will say "Hyperspace Matrix MkI" but it will have a Very Heavy Fighter engine effect for it which makes it look ridiculous and ugly and no one wants to use it. Can this be fixed also please.
==================== Type:Ship stats/Equipment? Bug: Nova torpedo does no hull dmg to Ranseurs ====================
Novas seem to take the shields down but they don't do any hull damage whatsoever when the shields are deactivated/knocked out, this only happens when they are used against Ranseurs
==================== Type:Equipment Bug: CM-5 Heavy Countermeasure Dropper takes up 25 cargo ====================
I'm not really sure, if this is a bug, or is it intended. It is the only CM that takes up cargo, from what I know. But it's "heavy" so maybe it's supposed to be like that?
==================== Type: Systems Bug: Extra pseudo-wreck in Omicron Delta ====================
There is a "copy" of Adelaida wreck that doesn't even look like a wreck and has no health.
Here's the link to the screenshot: http://imgur.com/Zw2kyfG
(04-22-2017, 02:15 AM)ronillon Wrote: ==================== Type:Equipment Bug: CM-5 Heavy Countermeasure Dropper takes up 25 cargo ====================
I'm not really sure, if this is a bug, or is it intended. It is the only CM that takes up cargo, from what I know. But it's "heavy" so maybe it's supposed to be like that?
It is not bug , it is intended to take up 25 cargo space , same as Capital ship thruster .