Last time I was on here I noticed that the /help command didn't really show you everything you could do. There's LOTS of commands that seem to be missing from the list, which should probably be added.
Although that was like 3 months ago, and if the help command was updated then well...I look like an idiot.
Mostly stuff like Faction Tags and a few other misc. items, but still, we should have every command listed there so people (like me) don't go around bugging people with //OORP messages asking "WHAT COMMAND DOES THIS"
Of course the wiki probably has all the commands but like, that requires ALT TABBING, UGH!
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It seems /help text is determined by the server's configuration files rather than by each FLHook plugin registering a command. So the admins have to manually update a block of text when a plugin update is done that changes the commands available.
(04-22-2017, 03:40 AM)Alex. Wrote: Let's add some of these:
Quote:/s[0-9], /pos, /stuck, /droprep, /autobuy, /cloak, /disruptor, /lastpm, /setinfo, /lights, /shields, /marktarget, /nodock
Pimpship commands - /pimpship when at a supporting ship dealer (e.g. on a shipyard)
Tag protection - /maketag, /droptag, /settagpass
TLAGSNET - /showscan, /net
Mobile docking - /listdocked, /jettisonship, /allowdock
Jump drives - /survey, /showcoords, /savecoords, /c[0-9], /setcoords, /jump, /beacon, /jumpbeacon, /charge, /jumpsys
This is great, but:
Docking modules does not work and who knows when will. (Actually, seeing you are FLHook fev, You might know.)
/jumpsys shows predefined list, instead of taking system names from the inis., So it shows non-existing systems such as Humboldt.
/nodock is not allowed
But still, thanks, it will go to the commands list on wiki.
This was in my bucket list.
Will screw around with this feature now.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
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(04-22-2017, 12:31 PM)ronillon Wrote: /jumpsys shows predefined list, instead of taking system names from the inis., So it shows non-existing systems such as Humboldt.
That comes from flhook_plugins/jump_allowedsystems.cfg, sounds like another thing for the admins to update.
Seconded. We should update /restart as well, due to the fact we do not have Solar Engineering, as the IFF was repurposed into The Commonwealth. There's also 90% of restarts being hostile to Crayter Republic. FreelancerLi, BrCivilian and LiCivilian restarts shouldn't be red to Crayterians, but that's just my impression.
Also, I see no reason why LiCivilian starting rep is hostile to Hellfire Legion.
This little bird went to sleep forever. So long.
Thank you for everything.
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(04-22-2017, 12:31 PM)ronillon Wrote: /jumpsys shows predefined list, instead of taking system names from the inis., So it shows non-existing systems such as Humboldt.
After being reminded of this by @Xalrok I made a new script to generate the file, have placed the script in the developer repo and the server admins have already updated the copy on the main server with the output provided by my script.