I hope you do remember me. Tia Stormclaw of The Blackguard.
We have come across a planet in Sigma-21 that I am sure you know of already, but seeing how things actually are, the Rheinladners, GMG and many more might be after the planet already, but to make things a bit more fun, we have taken interest too.
I do have a proposition for you only though. We are willing to attempt to land and inspect the whole planet for Kusari where in return, we get to stay undetected and unnoticed by anyone. The research we will do down there might even give a huge advantage to the Republic of Kusari.
I hope you will not refuse this request as we would be honored to do this for you.
Safe skies and may the gods help us in protecting our homes.
Sender ID: Kaisho-ho Katsuo Shimoe
Receiver ID: Kusari Naval Forces Admiralty
Location: Matsue Base
Subject: Expedition to the Sigmas
Stromclaw-san, I am Katsuo Shimoe of the Kusari Naval Forces. we have received your message, and I took some time to consider its merits before a reply was done.
Indeed, we are aware of the planet often called Saigon, and some of it's future potential. The KNF has tried to organize some expeditions to the sigmas to chart and prospect future endeavors of the Republic of Kusari in the region, with minimal success. We have also tried for some select groups to provide us with accurate surveys of the system, planet, and other points of interest, with little results. Therefore, there is still some gaps in knowledge to fulfill, and some interest in completing said knowledge.
Before we focus solely on the planet however, I have a more broader task to provide to you. Should you accept it, I am willing through my authority to reward you and your team with a substantial funding for your future projects.
The changes in the sigma cluster, namely the appearance of several unknown anomalies that permitted stable passage to remote systems made our intel outdated. We need someone to make a new survey of the cluster.
If you can provide the KNF with an extensive report on the Sigma-21 space, as well as any other new systems in the region, I can reward you with a sum of 100 million credits, for your discretionary use. Perhaps it will be useful for your proposed expedition to the planet itself.
Let me know if you agree with the contract, or better yet, present it's conclusion. I will be expecting the result of your efforts soon.
Sender ID: Kaisho-ho Katsuo Shimoe
Receiver ID: Kusari Naval Forces Admiralty
Location: Matsue Base
Subject: Expedition to the Sigmas
It seems my bet on your skills was not in vain, miss Stormclaw. The intel provided has helped us immensely on the cartography of the Sigma cluster, and shed light on some elements we had not noticed until now.
When possible, provide a secure recipient for the compensation of your service.
As for follow up expeditions and request for sanctuary, if I understood correctly, they can be authorized and supported, provided that supply us with a regular report on the survey efforts, and a prompt notification if you encounter any trouble that might benefit or jeopardize Kusari safety and interests in the region.