After having consulted with the member in question, there is indeed something that needs a slap on the wrists on the basis that they engaged in oorp whining. The issue arose of a general unwillingness to fight a VHF in an HF, which, if you didn't know, is a really bad one now that the hull was nerfed and the Nomad missile removed. In other words, the Nomad would've had no chance in PvP against you, and therefore wasn't interested in an eventual fight, which was quite likely. The member in question has now been instructed to go die if necessary because that is part of the game.
As a sidenote, I personally am appaled by the quickness by which you judge an entire group based on behaviours of a single individual. If you replace Vagrants with black people, you'd probably agree with me that this sort of vehaviour is generally unacceptable and I would ask you kindly to restrict this sort of conduct to your private sessions with people.
All in all thank you for bringing this to my attention. It is part of training new people in this community to approach Nomad RP and rest assured I will undergo steps to improve the situation.
Also, blame Haste for nerfs to the Nomad shipline.
(04-27-2017, 05:38 AM)Foxglove Wrote: After having consulted with the member in question, there is indeed something that needs a slap on the wrists on the basis that they engaged in oorp whining. The issue arose of a general unwillingness to fight a VHF in an HF, which, if you didn't know, is a really bad one now that the hull was nerfed and the Nomad missile removed. In other words, the Nomad would've had no chance in PvP against you, and therefore wasn't interested in an eventual fight, which was quite likely. The member in question has now been instructed to go die if necessary because that is part of the game.
As a sidenote, I personally am appaled by the quickness by which you judge an entire group based on behaviours of a single individual. If you replace Vagrants with black people, you'd probably agree with me that this sort of vehaviour is generally unacceptable and I would ask you kindly to restrict this sort of conduct to your private sessions with people.
All in all thank you for bringing this to my attention. It is part of training new people in this community to approach Nomad RP and rest assured I will undergo steps to improve the situation.
Also, blame Haste for nerfs to the Nomad shipline.
1) I think I made it very clear in my feedback that I was not planning to pvp that ship. In the first meeting with it, I even made it MORE clear that a pvp that i could have very well done was not on my interest.
2) It's not the first time that I was not happy with Vagrants, but this took the cake. I'm going to ignore your snarky and repulsive reply back to me as well. It's actually pretty damn hilarious you are comparing yourselves to racism of black people.
I personally find it appaling about your judgment of me but hey it is your feedback thread. If you want to treat the people that are INTERESTED in RPing with your faction like crap, please do so. Let's see where that takes you.
Edit: Blaming Haste for making your members not want to interact. Yeah, okay.
There is a reoccurring theme when it comes to you and feedback threads. It usually starts with you making an accusation and then being so angry thst you simply can't stop yourself from continuing. You can see it in your own time and time again. I actually agreed with you that the conduct you described was not permissible, and yet you still find something to rail on. My comment about your urge to generalize an entire group merely served to illustrate to you that the concept of a general guilt that a group bears for the actions of one is not a good one. I am not comparing black people to a game, I wanted you to think on why the described behaviour is bad on an abstract level and then apply it to the situations around you. I'm sorry that this was not clear. Same as with the joke about Haste's balancing, if that was not clear. #blamehaste
All I can say to the points raised by you is this, though: It is never visible that a ship does not want to pew. If you're playing Nomad, you are supposed to fight, and you're completely right that that does not apply to others, but it does sometimes cloud judgement. With this in mind, please take this into consideration as well.
Am I treating you like crap? No. I simply assume that you are a very intelligent person and therefore hold you to the same standards I hold myself to, and that is why I think you should not apply judgement to an entire group of people on the basis of a single one's actions. This is not mean, derogatory or snarky; it is mutural respect. I am more than glad you have interest in roleplaying with you (which I and Sombra did often in your race events if you will recall, please do more of them), but judging me or any other member based on the actions of a fairly new player to the community whom I'm trying to integrate into the faction and Nomad RP is not fair, also given that I admitted I will look into the bad conduct described? Can we agree on that, Nomnom?
This was an occurance about 2-4 months ago, but i feel i should say this.
first thing: I was flying around in a zoner colony ship doing some exploring to get some initial data into my navmap, i came across two vagrants, a bomber and a gunboat as far as i can remember. I was met with the normal nomadic speak and roleplay, then we both broke into an engagement. I was doing poorly thanks to my king-ping here, And attempted to cloak, they did not notice my cloaking and i went through unnoticed, nearly perishing.
Now, one thing i was not ammused with, approximately 15 seconds after i fully cloaked, one of the ships used the Locking bug, and could still hit me while i was cloaked, making it impossible to flee. i was approximately ten seconds from being dead if they kept it up, but i will give them credit for breaking off and not Killing the ship due to a bug which would have been considered abuse now, rather than previously. Thank you to those two individuals for not continuing the persuit like that.
This was when i first met the vagrants, I wasn't happy with the introduction, but as months went by, my opinion changed. Keep up the work, looking forward to seeing them in space.
That might have actually been me. For some reason, your ship stayed translucent on my end for some reason and only a teammate who told me about that made me stop since to me it looked like you weren't cloaked yet and I hoped to get that last killing shot. Reinstalled afterwards. Thanks for the kind words. We were all not paying attention to the cloak, so the escape was well deserved.
(04-27-2017, 05:27 AM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: I was with Pepe the first time and was told specifically to RP with the player and not attack
My dear awesome friends from both Vagrants and TBH,
let me clarify why are you in situation to argue with each other, obviously in search for truth: it was all my fault.
I was amazed by Vagrant's RP before, on both forum and in-space. So I was sure one little Vagrant was in Gamma to just RP with us. We were three on-line at the time, so I was sure he didn't come to pew us all. I love you all ooRP-ly and my prejudices made this little misunderstanding happen. Ofc, I'm the one that told my friend nOmnomnOm that Vagrants are aces of RP. Eh... You still are, but new dudes will take some time to learn.
And I must add that lone little Vagrant HF was swarmed by Sair Titan NPCs and without cruising away he had no chances to type. He probably did not cruise because we would think he wants to run. He was just behaving best he could, on his level of experience.
So, give my best regards to "member in question". I'm sure he's a great dude.
I am going to open up a Nomad bounty board soon. It will be an ooRP thing that is supposed to create an incentive for people to create Nomads and shoot people with them. Registration will not be required, since that is only really there because official factions need to make sure those people claiming can do that by their ID rules. Given that only Nomad IDs can use Nomad ships, and all Nomad IDs have engagement lines and are at least neutral to the Vagrants, a registration would be needless. I can see your Nomad ships on the screens when you claim. Ergo you have a Nomad ID and are at least neutral to the Vagrants.
In addition, I might make it possible for people who are interested in playing Nomads because of the PvP aspect to get a Vagrant ID to hunt bounties. These people would not be allowed to fly more than snubs but otherwise use the ID as though they were members. I imagined this sort of analogous to The Lane Hacker Assassins. This would be more of an experiment, as I want to see if I can do something like this without it getting abused in some sense. In addition, Vagrant ID ships would receive more credits than Nomad ID ships for a claimed kill.
Also, I recently posted a bit more lore pertaining to Nomads and the Vagrants. You can read that here if you are interested.
Feedback and thoughts are very welcome, especially regarding the bounty board idea.
The nomads shouldn't have a bounty board, they have no use for money. The only way you could justify its existence is oorp and that's just plain iffy. I get the need to encourage activity, but that's just not how nomads work.