Source: [REDACTED] Sender ID:[REDACTED] Target ID:The Red Hessian Army Encryption:*H*I*G*H* Signal strength:High
After I looked upon your recent gain of power I decided to add you to the Rheinland authorities. Me and my faction will agree with your power and your claims on the rheinlandish systems you lay claim on. Since we are a faction that cannot show it's face here becasue of reasons, I would like to meet one of your representatives at the nice Freeport 5. I want to discuss about a way to make a contract between you and us. I know the potential behind this meeting.
Sender: Drax "Paladin" Stahlbrecher Encryption: High Location: Omega-54, Völklingen Station Subject: The Red Hessian Army
Guten Tag, my name is Drax Stahlbrecher Brigadegeneral of the Red Hessian Army.
It is not polite to tell us who you are especially when we talk about business. You are allowed to operate in our space if you will follow our laws. There will be no meeting with the Generalmajor herself unless you reveal yourself to us. Until this will happen I will speak for the Red Hessian Army and I will set up a meeting for us. At this moment I will not be available until this anomaly from Omega-7 will be completely scanned and researched. I will send you a transmission when I will be ready to meet you. Until then, you are free to operate in the Red Hessian Army systems until further notice from the Generalmajor. I nearly forgot to add, every disregard our laws will be rewarded with lethal force.
I will wait for your answer, schönen Tag noch.
Drax "Paladin" Stahlbrecher
Brigadegeneral of Omega-7
Red Hessian Army
Für die Volksrevolution!
Source: [REDACTED] Sender ID:[REDACTED] Target ID:Brigadegeneral Stahlbrecher Encryption:*H*I*G*H* Signal strength:High
Greetings Mr. Stahlbrecher,
I'm very sorry that I cannot tell you who I am and I agree that it's not nice. But I'm a friend, but my encryption is to weak to speak safe here.
Well, thank you for the possibility to talk to you. I'm not very interested in speaking with your Generalmajor, I really don't care who of you is talking to me, but it's a honor that you will be there.
I hope our meeting will be soon, wow, I'm very nervous. You will understand my behavior when you see me.
Sender: Drax "Paladin" Stahlbrecher Encryption: High Location: Omega-54, Völklingen Station Subject: The Red Hessian Army
Guten Tag, how can it be unimportant for you not to speak with the highest personality? If you want to make business? Since we researched the Omega-7 anomaly I will meet you at Freeport 5 in Omega-41. I will tell everything important over a secured channel.
I will wait for your answer, schönen Tag noch.
Drax "Paladin" Stahlbrecher
Brigadegeneral of Omega-7
Red Hessian Army
Für die Volksrevolution!
Source: [REDACTED] Sender ID:[REDACTED] Target ID:Brigadegeneral Stahlbrecher Encryption:*H*I*G*H* Signal strength:High
Greetings Mr. Stahlbrecher,
I don't care about who I speak to because my message will recieve your High Command anyways, but I'm very pleased to talk to you. Just give me a time when you are at the Freeport and I will be there faster than the light.
Sender: Drax "Paladin" Stahlbrecher Encryption: High Location: Omega-7, Red Hessian destroyer 'Roter Wind' Subject: The Red Hessian Army
Guten Tag, I will forward this to the Generalmajor after successful meeting. If there will be anything interesting you have to offer for us. Our meeting will be today 20:00 S.M.T.
It will be your one and only chance to get into business with the Red Hessian Armee.
I will wait for your answer, schönen Tag noch.
Drax "Paladin" Stahlbrecher
Brigadegeneral of Omega-7
Red Hessian Army
Für die Volksrevolution!