I do like this community and want to say thank you.
And to some people specificly. That all you need to know.
I'm actively and consecutively playing Discovery now for more than a year. I think 14 months. That is around 1.5 babies. Back then I started out as just another newbie, overwhelmed by rules, IDs, written laws, unwritten etiquette, untouched by the social constructs of this community and barely able to write english sentences correctly. I had some strong views back then and now I have another set of strong view, some of them contradicting with the ones of back then. Made some statements to regret, noticed I made some experiences that just were unlucky coincidences, made some experiences that perfectly matched with the hints from other people and all that. With other words: The experiences have been extremely dynamic. There are some bigger groups, some smaller, some lone individuals, and I'm rather happy that I feel myself integrated into the community but still are not too much involved into the bigger community structures. Personally, I think it is a gift, as it keeps me away from the ooRP chaos that every now and then happens everywhere. Every now and then I was more daring, tried out different areas of Discovery, different Discovery-related media, got in touch with the different groups, were ingame with them as indie. I think I tried out pretty much every ID and have been in ingame-groups with most known people of the community. Have been in touch with some greens, with some yellows, with many blues, and I have been blued many times. ;3
I think I have like 40 gigabytes of screenshots and I also checked the stats of my YouTube channel today: More than 14 days of ingame footage about Discovery (literally just the recordings of what I do ingame, without voice commentation or something). There are 339 publicly listed Discovery videos, most of them longer than an hour. There are even more videos unlisted, pretty sure that would add another 50 videos to the list and probably one or two days more of footage. I mean, that is 16 days of 365 days of a year, and that is only what I uploaded to YouTube. Isn't that crazy? I believe I never played a game that often and with such a passion. For those who want to see some numbers: [x] and [x]
This mod is great. The community, even with some people being dicks, is awesome. We're playing such an old game, and people have invested so much time and effort to make it even better, either by contributing actively to the mod with new content like all kins of files, from models and textures over to systems, effects, plug-ins. Hell, people spend money for us to be able to play this game. How often can you say that? Other people using their money to allow you to play with other people. Other people investing their time with technical stuff. Maintaining structures and the social health of the community. Many people here are investing much time of a week, even of a day to do what they can to make this place a better place. Not always flawlessly, yes, but after all we're all humans except Epo.
To me, there are some people I want to thank very specificly for what I experienced with them and how it shaped me or at least my RP characters. And there are so many of those people I'd like to thank. Some have been fortunes, some have been fortune and sin at the same time, let's be honest. And the same way I know myself I wasn't always polite, or at least didn't behave they way someone would have liked to see. I think the most important thing is to never expect more from other people than from oneself. That and keeping balance in almost any aspect of Discovery.
I think I better start with the experiences in chronological order. It was a funny thing for me to look at my history here, the history of interactions, both inRP and ooRP. I think the first notable experiences were starting from the moment I got my Mako. I think nothing felt more like a bunch of milestones than getting my stuff together, with each week it got more. Got a good transport, got a battleship, started equipping it (back then I had a AU8 on it!), getting my cloak from Invicta, getting my first CAU8, battleship scanners, the right weaponry... when you're new to the server, buying those things for the first time really made you feel your accomplishment. And cry about how expensive a CAU8 actually is. And how damn justified the price is. I remember the first times flying around with the Apahanta. The Omicrons felt so incredibly dangerous and adventurous. You didn't know the paths, the jump holes, not even the political situation of the Core. I knew: Nomads is bad, and everything that shjotes you first, is bad too. The very first day I was already shot down by K'hara|Nergal, who managed to take out another battleship and then got straight effed by an Outcast Ranseur. That was intense, because back then I didn't know about the cloaking sound. Didn't get buttcloaked, but I was pretty surprised by the Marduk coming out of nowhere. Like magic.
Logged the Apahanta more often, got in touch with Wilde and saw the Eidolon Wraith roaming around in Delta. A certain troll back then tried to tell me to fight it, but that was against my agenda back then. I don't regret it. For me, still, red isn't dead. There is only so much to gain from PvP. RP offers so much more.
When people saw me logging my Core Battleship more often and frequently and actually not being too cringy bad for a newbie, the very kind @Lythrilux reached out for me, inviting me to the Core. Now you can think about Lyth what you want, but he was almost always a very kind person who cared for the Core, and he made the Core a very cool faction, in terms of what it gives and comes with. Progressive ranking, challenges, RP, reaching out for other factions for events (like Ensnared), motivating people to log for raids, defense, APM convoys. To a certain degree, I really miss that. Lyth, you're a great guy and I hope you somewhen will end up being back officially without getting buttslapped for the little things. Thanks for what you have done so far for the Core and Discovery!
Back then I made a decision, as I was honestly not happy with certain restrictions and with certain people. So I started preparing things carefully to SRP my Mako, even asked Lyth for his input. Asked other people for input. Got help. Got in touch with the amicable @Foxglove, who was at the right time at the right place and ended up with being a honestly really good friend of mine. A very good one. Foxglove ended up as being my consecutive RP partner for everything that can't be RP'd appropiately ingame or on forums. This way I got my personal guide for the entire K'hara lore.
Foxglove helped me with getting the RP for the SRP done - not as a necessity for the SRP, but to have a cool and enjoyable story about it. We got inRP in touch with some great people, like the simply amicable @WildBill for Puerto Rican support, the dangerously intelligent @Yoshida, the hedonistic self-insert Finn @Arioch, the very charming @Petitioner as Detroit Munitions, @Mephistoles as Kishiro and of course @"Auzari", @Vendetta and the Auxesian gang who helped with the final move. Thanks once more to you all for helping me - one year ago. :)
Also, the velvety @SeaFalcon joined Foxglove and me on a daily basis till this day. And suddenly we had our own little RP group on Skype, playing the everyday living of our characters. Yes, cyber included. And it's good that way. Our characters are acting as human as we do. Roleplay at it's finest. I enjoy it. Over the year, we had some guests to our RP chat. @Jazzi with Thallia Thorn, @Loyola as herself, @Lennox as Noah Xonnel and we later had also very cool opportunity to join the Auxesia RP chat for a few days. I loved it. There were also some smaller Skype RPs I had with @James Greed, or even @Kaze recently. A major kudos to all those people who take the roleplay to a higher level and put so much effort into immersion and character development. I do highly appreciate it. (sun)
With my SRP getting approved, I suddenly had the entirety of Sirius open for me, so I roamed around, still being rather unaware of the politics inRP and ooRP. I never had horrible inRP situations since I left the Core on that character. I literally stumbled over people, had many random encounters. Some very, very random. Some less random but forced. Still, everything rather merciful. I remember one day, when I was still new to the server, I was chasing an OC battleship through the Omicrons. Like, it was always 15k infront of me. I ended up in the Sigmas, flew in the wrong direction and instead of finding the OC Dreadnought, I was welcomed by four GMG snubs who weren't happy to see a Core battleship in the Sigmas. I mean, in the meantime I know the people piloting them were Antonio, Meph and two others, but let me explain what happened. I had no idea the GMG had such strong laws for the Sigmas. Like, when you're new, you first get in touch with the laws of the houses and see the GMG less badass than they actually are lore-wise. But instead of taking the invitation and fining or even fighting and shredding the noob Mako (with CAU 2 back then, I clearly remember), they played a good cop, bad cop thing and that way told me to get the fruck out of the Sigmas. Like, they put effort into it, and they were rather merciful in that situation. I like to remember it, because to me it is still a strong statement: Even the most drunk PvP whores can care about their RP. (sun)
After the SRP, I had more possible RP encounters just waiting for me. I often moved through the Omegas and Omicrons, getting in touch with some awesome people, for example @PKPower and @kenshin156 of Canaan and PRIME, who in the former roleplayed a very intriguing duet of scientists with amicable traits. Saw @Jazzi more often on either Pimakhova or Thallia Thorn, @Silver, @"Caelumaresh (Thomas)" with his thousands of female indie characters that all happened to be freed slaves of Malta back then, I found myself involved with the weird RP between @Shizune, @Ace Razgriz and @Jeremy Hunter, was weirdly attracted to @Jayce's Jessebelle Fillian, have still @Lythrilux's words of Nodtviet before me when thinking back of the moment the Core sieged FP11 first. "THE STRONG MAKE THE RULES" became so iconic that we inRP took one of the Kishiro Service Robots and called it Nodtvibot, with Foxglove's char having it programmed with the voice of Nodtviet - with a cold! Pretty much our first running gag. Like, the robot serves the food every morning with "THE STRONG NEED A GOOD BREAKFAST TO RULE OVER THE WEAK!"
In the meantime, I also tried out some other characters. Ending up with @Izay Vyu, a rather insane Corsair who used all means to catch people off-guard. Or other characters with other gameplays. Much experimenting, much effort and love to the detail. Some people went along well with it, some not, it was still fun. Most important to my however was my main character. And whenever it was convenient, I logged him. Since I was rather avoiding PvP for various reasons, I went for everything that wasn't PvP. For example the AFC racing events by @nOmnomnOm, @Dragonmaster, @Devastator and friends. Met a cool bunch of people during those events, like @JorgeRyan as Lothair Dupont and once more @James Greed as Lavinia Green, both who got a little hommage later in something else racing related in Discovery. Other honorable mentions who I'd love to see more often for the races are definitely @TheSauron with Flora and @Jack_Henderson with Julia, if she could for once stop touching the balls of @Wolfgang Weisen.
More and more I got in touch with the very lovable bretonian playerbase. Got robbed my @pulha, @Blodwyn O'Driscoll and @Kaze, fought together with @TheSauron, @Shalo and other Gaians against bad people! Got robbed by Corsairs led by @Clavius and @Pepe and later fought together with them against Bretonia and other weirdos, fought @Hubjump, @ASimpleMan, @Gagadug. and @Thunderer, and always on a very respectful and almost always fair basis. I say it rather often, but to me, Bretonia is the melting pot of good roleplay and good PvP. People there are nice, talking about problems, sorting them out, drinking tea and make women strip. It's heaven.
What really gave some encounters so much more charme was knowing father and son were fighting each other ingame, antagonising each other like rivals on the forum and keeping the community together ooRP. @Pepe and his son @Thunderer, I never had bad time with them. The one is rather funny than wanting other people to accept he is right, and the other is a pure gentleman. When I told Pepe he did a good job with Thunderer, Pepe called Thunderer a cu.nt, something that made me laugh out loud weirdly when I read it while having guests at my place. Like, if there is anything I'd wish Discovery to have more of, then it is those guys.
Stakes have been raising at some point, when we inRP got more and more in touch with the entire nomad lore. The revelation of Foxglove's loveable Maren von Westefeld being infected was a huge change inRP, and suddenly, there wasn't only one person to take care of, but four - Ezrael as Core defector, Nancy alias Sangria as searched criminal and terrorist in Kusari and Bretonia, Maren as infected but beloved girlfriend and later even Valery, the telepathic human projection of the incubus in Maren. It put my character in a very unique situation, as he can't fight the nomads anymore without risking losing Maren, or worse, his life to Valery, while he has to protect Maren and Nancy from the people who see them as threats. And then again Maren and Valery have their very own plans with him, which he still doesn't know. It is a very coll situation to play with, and I love how people join it by either being antagonists or supporters. I love this dynamic. And I appreciate everyone who was participating so far in all this. And at this point I have to thank @"Auzari" and @Vendetta specifically, because if we ignore the ooRP crap of the past, I really, really much appreciate the effort they put in Auxesia, a faction of true twilight. The roleplay I had with especially you two but also with some of your members was mostly really awesome and lead to even more awesome stuff. A major kudos to you. :)
Same I can say about @PRJKTLRD, @"Dave.Synk" and @Chrysalis. Like, we had another unique situation with the Commune, because while Auxesia became our antagonists, the Commune both on the Vagrants and with Unschuld, they became fanatic supporters. I do think it is a very unique thing in Discovery to have people roleplaying people that worship and without question listen to the orders of a member of another faction, blindly. A major kudos to you guys for keeping that up. You have earned that officialdom, really. :)
The things have been pretty intense in some situations I love to look back at. Beginning with the defection which was a nicely inscenated thing, our first encounter with the Commune in Chester/Dublin, where Maren gave the first hint of her being infected, Ish'tar in Cortez, which was the absolute turning point in the entire story of my character, because Bretonia and Auxesia started suspecting him of being infected, Leuchtfeuer giving Ezrael a bit more insight into the nomad society (major kudos to you, however you were!), fleeing from a Core trap that was a coincidence but well played situation by Cordelia Lyell, Spazzy going berserk during the probably hottest AFC race I had so far (and won, 250.000.000 Jackpot!), sick stuff happening in and outside the Kepler anomaly and so many more situations.
And we're not done yet. There is hopefully so much more to come and I look forward to have many cool encounters with you people. Much laughing, maybe even some whining (like there was pee in my eyes when Maren revealed herself), there will always be drama, but let's try to get over with things. Having fun together is so much more enjoyable than one time fun about other people. I seriously give a damn about PvP. It's fun every now and then and I learned to be not bad in caps now, but it comes always with a package of meh. I don't mind PvP as intriguing part of the RP environment, but I love it way more when PvP is the last option.
I could probably spend another few hours on this and tell you what I loved in the past, for example the current Vagrant crew, why I adore the Forlorn Hope with @KamiFaby, @Byron and @"SECShadow" so much, how I hope I can contribute some mod content by learning how to sys dev, how to reskin and all that. But instead let me just mention a few people I highly value for the community, all the controversity and shttery aside. All the people I flew together or against and had fun with that way.
@Lythrilux with Erik Nodtviet and Nova Hawken
@"Caelumaresh (Thomas)" with his thousand indies and his lesbian Corsair ;3
@Zyliath with Karl and Sajuuk
@Lennox with Noah Xonnel
@Jazzi with Pimakhova and Thallia
@kenshin156 with Amanda Kensington and Maria Calvo and Empathy
@PKPower with James El Harady
@Petitioner as Detroit Munitions and the one OC with the hard to write name, you know the cyber one, and Kelly With
@Yoshida as Yoshida
@WildBill as WildBill <3
@Alley as Ish'tar, Server person and sanic meme Skype spammer :D
@"Epona" for K'Ot and NPCs and Dron
@Jayce as Jessebelle Fillian
@Zephyranthes as al-Rashid <3 and badass libertonian brazen LSF Auxesian nurse power ranger :)
@PRJKTLRD as Jared Nomak
@Chrysalis as Bassam Hussaini
@"Dave.Synk" as the Commune character who's name I can't think of, something with G maybe? ;3
@"Auzari" as Sapphire Raven and Pop.Torpedo, because even the little torpies want to grow up to become sunslayers!
@Vendetta as Joshua Hunt/Curator Endurance/Curator Leviathan/Doguha Hund
@Yaoquizque as Ubume and the kawaii chick
@"NieRdackel" as Rosa Veraz and Sun (sun)
@JorgeRyan as Lothair Dupont
@James Greed as Lavinia Green and Gregory Sinclair ;3
@nOmnomnOm as Funny Sunny
@Shizune as Yuki Hideyoshi
@Kaze as Kalliste Silver, Megan Xei, Shiv Pancakeface, Meallan Dagon and Kaze Dagon
@Demonic as Jimmy O'Brian
@Arioch as Finn McCool (or McCumhail ;3)
@Ace Razgriz as Venator Dryad and Tantalus :)
@Jeremy Hunter as Sovereign
@Operator as Kessereya and Tatsori Kongou
@"Tænì" as Nesrin Khaaaaaaan... KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!
@Croft as Henry Pines and Jimmy the Rat
@sirlagsalot as John Silverstone
@"Bloodl1ke" as Eliza Valdez
@Shinju as Mia Takashi
@Pepe as El Comisario and Dad
@Clavius as Hector Beltran
@Thunderer as Admiral Snape Hall
@Gagadug. as Admiral McIntire
@Morosz as Stargate Import John Sader
@Kalhmera as Johnathan Kalh
@Zoe Cromwell as herself
@Laura C. as characters named after variants of the same name and Ursula von der Leyen
@"Wasserdrache" as pretty awesome Vagrant :)
@Felsvar as pretty awesome Vagrant :)
@Eurobeat as pretty awesome Vagrant :) and generic USI dude who is always around
@"Advent" as pretty awesome Vagrant (I hope you come back soon. :))
@Loyola as herself
@"Omicega" as Komachi ;3
@Ryummel as Muramasa and Steve Holloway :)
@Haste as Cerulean Reaver
@-Rax- as Uncle Willy
@realekki as Hagbard - Kallisti!
@Spectre as Machoman Randy Santiago - nice try, Inferno
@TheSauron as Flora and Matthias Clarke and Paul McKinsley or something like that - just log more often and do badass Gaian stuff! :)
@pulha as BPA, Molly, OSI and drug dealer :D
@Blodwyn O'Driscoll as Cian O'Connor and Blodwyn O'Driscoll :)
@Hans von Goeben as himself
@eigos as Kadego Sudrossa
@Reeves as the most charming Operative and Mount Hood Captain who could have gone for the kill ;3
@KamiFaby, @Byron, @"SECShadow" and @"Troy" for being the most interesting and promising Freelancer group 2017. Keep up the good work and stay with your current agenda. :) Sarah Fenn, Elena Voigt, Nick Stenn and Beardman are very cool RP characters!
@Hunor for Gateway characters ;333
@"Emperor Cao Cao" as Lady Hisano Kimura
@Casuality as Jay Anderson, Jack Worth, Tara and the OSC guy I can't remember the name right now :D
@Durandal as Lord Commander Can't-Have-Raven-Nor-Thallia Locklear
@SkyNet as Koch and Keller
@Aazalot as Jerard "Who cares about how big the pictures are on the forums" VonCloud
@Yukina as Dr. Rio Umeda
@Jack_Henderson as Julia
@Typrop as Beaumont Snell
@Shalo as that one certain Richard "of the Gaians that always makes out with Sanada Junko without getting killed" Chapman
@Piombo65 as Ar Sogan and Carl Benson
I'm sure I forgot to mention a few people I wanted to mention as well, but here a little something: I'm sure some of you won't remember when they interacted with me, as I often also fly around as either one of my other known characters but also with unknown test indies. I specifically kudos also those people who give any indie a chance to RP with. Because sometimes you make a good pick by doing so. :)
Also, a major kudos to the server team. Without you, we wouldn't be able to have all this. You deal with the stuff nobody wants really to deal with. Reports, ooRP kindergarten, thousands of requests, SRP requests with dozens of pages to read, bugs, events that don't go the way you want them to go, dicks, trolls, whiners, manipulative people, buttcrawlers and people who just want to see the world on fire. I super especially want to kudos Spazzy because of the passion, creativity and "we do this now"-ivity when it comes to everything Discovery-related, be it advertising and patiently explaining Discovery in that one stream a few days ago, or keeping the server rolling by creating events frequently. Like, this "I do this now and we'll see if it's good or not"-mentality is exactly what we need more of. That and the constant tickle in the butt to do something together with the community - like streams and stuff. Fat kudos to you, Spazzers! :)
Also a major kudos to @eigos, @"Barb", @Oldum, @Durandal, @Felsvar, @Unlucky_Soul and @Swallow and the other devs and dev trainees who still want to contribute to a game that is so old, I can see the mold on Buffalo's hull. I really hope we can get a few more people to get us new cool models to fill all ship lines and maybe the titans and all that. New planet textures, new systems, new anomalies. Who knows, maybe one day NoMe improves his english!
A big kudos especially to @Xalrok who added me to the sysdev chat and taught me the awesome arts of creating systems :)
Last but not least a very, very, very, very special kudos to @SeaFalcon and @Foxglove who are very, very great guys, very amicable and play this game for a year now, consecutively. Ingame, forum, Skype, we even play other games together and laugh about the same crap every day. Those two guys are a real blessing to spend time with and I hope I will have you two and Josia's butt for another year if not even more. I love you, you two sweet butts. :)
Our RP chat is 5 times Lord of the Rings by now already. Five times. Much cyber.
By reading this, you have lost a nice childhood memory.
(05-22-2017, 02:02 AM)Auzari Wrote: inb4 the kudos list of names is secretly a hitlist for the deep web assassins
I am afraid that's true. Sombra left out Sanae and mentioned only Rosa. That's enough of a hint!
Now to be a bit more serious:
1) that list misses too many names, there are way too many awesome people besides the listed ones out there in our community, either you forgot them or still have to discover them
2) It's just great to see such a thread instead of just hearing the odd "hey thanks" here and there on skype or after something important happened. 3) thanks for not forgetting me, also stop touching me in the shoutbox x.x
(05-22-2017, 01:58 AM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: @Inferno as Machoman Randy Santiago
That moment when your second-in-command gets more credit for being you than you do.
But, yeah. That list should honestly be a lot longer. The community, while at times may be hell, is like one massive, headbutting neighborhood. Clearly we can all agree that Werdi is the strange asian lady at the end of the block who always wants to show you her snowglobe collection. :3
(05-22-2017, 02:35 AM)Spectre Wrote: . Clearly we can all agree that Werdi is the strange asian lady at the end of the block who always wants to show you her snowglobe collection. :3
Wow. Okay. I accept this, Werdi the japanese chick of Disco?! Fine. Now Sombra hunts me for real, I tell you!