»»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
»»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
»»» Recipient ID: "Wreckter"
Greetings again.
Alright, I must de novo apologize to you for the delay, paperwork kept me at the desk and essentially made me by all means unavailable for any sort of comm message to our channels, including yours. Being a private organization can mean a lot of office work if you mean business. Anyhow, let's come back to the discussion we had previously.
Fundamentally, the Forlorn Hope is an organization that is very well favouring its key aspects and wishes to obtain those no matter what the cost might be. One of these characteristic features is the independence we can call ourselves to be blessed with currently, an independence we are not willing to give up easily without a -very- good reason. And as far as I judge your offer, with the approval of said proposal from our side we'd become associates of your organization, no matter how much we could theoretically keep our current business partners and find new ones on our own. Being in a so called "council" with other mercenary groups sounds like an exciting idea, not far away from the Round Table of King Arthur, but if we break it down to its basics, it's an idea with no sensible application in reality. Why would there be the need of a council if every sub-faction could do its own thing anyways?
This however doesn't mean we're absolutely uninterested in working -together- with you. Quite the opposite, we believe good connections to other groups with similar orientations would prove very worthwhile in the future. What we -could- think about are communal operations, if we found ourselves on the same side of the same contract one day.
As far as I'm concerned, that's all for now. Have a good rest of the day.
Yours sincerely, Elena Voigt,
Knight Captain
The Forlorn Hope
What I told before is that the council is necessary when there's to discuss about things in common of the mercenary groups, included the sharing of something that other groups haven't. Ships, technologies etc... Like I told before it's difficult to explain all this, there are more doubts about a management of a Mercenary council that, sincerely I have too because I still must know how a similar thing has worked before the nomad war, during the Mercenary Era (//The complete lore is still work in progress but I think that I am at a good point).
Let's try to summarize all this with a simply collaboration propose. When the Mercenary Council will be re-founded we could resume to talk about this.
»»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
»»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
»»» Recipient ID: "Wreckter"
Greetings again.
With all due respect, Wreckter, I believe as the head of your organization (I assume that you are at least, if not please feel free to prove me wrong) it should be one of your abilities to explain what your people are standing and working for and how all of them are structured in the one entity called a faction. If this is not warranted because either the idea behind it is too complex or you don't know yourself what you are actually striving for, I'd suggest either simplifying the way you explain your thoughts for the sake of people who are interested in your organization but are deterred because they don't understand your chain fo thoughts, or pondering what you want your organization to become first. As for now, joining you would be an endeavour with absolutely uncertain outcome, hence why we'd like to stay in touch with you, but not to join you.
Anyhow, of what sort of collaboration proposal did you think? Is the Auxilia Coalition currently involved into affairs where it could need a hand from a "friendly mercenary in the neighbourhood"?
Yours sincerely, Elena Voigt,
Knight Captain
The Forlorn Hope
The members under the Auxilia Coalition are aware of what are they doing and indeed they're helping me to reach, again, the success of the Mercenary era. Don't worry if I could be an incompetent leader, I know what I'm doing. So far your help might be useful to do some propaganda works, research collaborations or, since I think we have for now the same contractor in common, a hand from the military point of view. The choose of what kind of help you could give to ours is completely yours!
»»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
»»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
»»» Recipient ID: "Wreckter"
Greetings again.
First off, I sincerely apologize for the excessively long delay from our side, I've been kept busy with various things that kept me away from answering to comm channels like yours. However, now I finally had the chance to look into it, fortunately.
As with the research collaboration, before we can talk in further detail about that, I'd like to hear from you in which way and in which areas you are already doing research, in order to see whether such a collaboration would be mutually benefitial.
How does that sound to you?
Yours sincerely, Elena Voigt,
Knight Captain
The Forlorn Hope
In the Free Time or when avaiable, one our Mercenary, Carl Benson, does some exploration activities, Obtains information about some anomalies, ships, factions, structures and share with me what he discovered. We have not a precise location where we're focusing our researchs. Every mercenary can do their researchs everywhere and choose if keep that for him or share it to the entire Auxilia Coalition. Since we've still a contract with a Liberty Corporation, our main activities are in the Fowler sector (Liberty).