So I have discovery installed on a seperate folder to my vanilla freelancer folder and I was hoping to play thr campaign through again however the game keeps crashing whenever I try to open up the campaign. I do have Dragonriders texture pack installed in vanilla, could that be the problem regarding why the vanilla campaing isn't working? Whats the best way to go about fixing this?
If you have both Discovery and Vanilla installed, it keeps crashing because of your saved games folder.
You can find it at: Documents > My Games > Freelancer > Accts
Delete the Single Player folder.
The reason you CTD, because the game doesn't recognize the Discovery files present in your saves, or the lack of certain Vanilla stuff.. whatever the case, delete the Single Player folder.
Do note however, that if you delete it, it means losing all of your saved games - make back-ups if you need it.
Another method... (I used this method to play Crossfire AND Disco on the same pc ^^)
Just create another user, so that u have one for Vanilla and one for discovery.. then you won't have the problem that they are sharing the same savegame folder ^^
but it could be, that you have to reinstall vanilla with the new user.. (deinstall it the user one and install it with user two logged in)