(03-18-2017, 05:25 AM)Ichiru Wrote: Xeltron245: Any contributions in the form of gameplay/camera code or examples would be much appreciated , chuck me a PM if you get the time.
Version 2017.03 has now been released. This is the first release using the new process!
Ok I checked and the models import into Unity absolutely fine, but the materials would need work to make them look better possibly eventually to be honest it would be best to remake the models with a higher poly count so they can live up to modern standards.
(05-02-2017, 01:46 PM)Xeltron245 Wrote: eventually to be honest it would be best to remake the models with a higher poly count so they can live up to modern standards.
I'll likely be the one doing the bulk of this when the time comes, but the first priority is to get a working product.
(06-27-2017, 07:52 PM)Ichiru Wrote: Sneak preview of some newer features:
- Better HUD
- Atmosphere
- Ship speeds matching FL
I used two fixed positions in local ship coordinates, one near and far. Basically you just interpolate cam position between them depending on normalized speed and clip to far if camera goes behind. Same for rotation using slerp.
And final tip that makes everything ok: you move far position in local coordinates depending on where your normalized mouse position is. This trick expands your view in direction where you point your mouse (inb4 like FL does, when you point mouse right, your cam is offset to right, ship goes to left and you see more on your right, and ye x and Y axis are trated differently becaue of your resolution, but I used circle like mouse area)
Camera still isn't accurate to FL, next demo will be released when that is fixed.
Also please ignore the random selection box in the middle of the screen, bug.
Ichiru, does the engine have the material system ready (for bumpmapped textures, reflections and specularity)?
If so, let's test some visuals, I'd like to see how things look like with bumpmaps on! I can make some bumpmaps for some of the preexisting textures, if you want
Add me on skype: b0b1man
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