"Right.. I hope she's doing alright.. Jaz seemed a little concerned when I asked a while ago, but maybe things got squared off..?"
He seemed a little down from hearing about the lack of news. The Montana was a bit of a Zoner's moment within the Navy, a warship just going AWOL to do it's own thing.
The bottle didn't fill up on it's own, but did however seem to be enveloped in a deep purplish glow. Shortly after, it began to rise up, Dylan smiling as she looked a little off from Nicole's face. The bottle floated in the air above the table, motionless otherwise.
A woman walked forward from behind Nicole, a second bottle of Sake floating in and setting itself down where the first one had been. She held her hand in the air, twirling her fingers as the first bottle floated away, making a clinking sound as it fell into a trash bin. "That's me."
The woman was more or less normal looking, even down to the casual civilian clothes and the long black hair. The only oddity was that her hand was glowing in the same purplish mist, it fading away as the bottle set down on the table, where she lowered her arm. "Enjoy round two, ma'am."
"Really, Micky..?"
Riley chuckled, Dylan pressing a little against him as she pouted, upset that she couldn't commit such a feat.
"Ooohhh I like the purple maybe that'll be my next hair color.." She was happy she had more liquor to pour into herself. "Wait how are you doing that??"
"Well.. I like to say I was hit by some ball of glowing stuff, but it;s really just bio engineering at it's best.." She smiled as she fiddled her fingers a bit, the same glowing returning to both her hand and the top of the bottle. The lip would be taken off, allowing Nicole easy access to the contents inside, and was placed on the table next to it. "I would also say 'magic' at times.."
"Any time."
She smiled as she stood behind the booth chair Riley and Dylan were sitting in, leaning against it and looking at her. "Anything going on, Riley?"
"Not really.. just talking with a friend here.. How's Mandy doing..?"
"Oh yea.. the one who'd burn up my ship." She continued to drink, seemingly wanting to get drunk, but not wanting to. "Why is sake so goooood.." She pouted slightly, but immediately perked up after taking another drink.