My name is Xalo Nunes and I am adressing the LPI on behalf of [FL-ER]. In case a small introduction is needed,we are a network of traders,mercenaries and haulers and that kind of crap.
I'm sure you have plenty of work and I have a bar to go to, so i'll try to get straight to the point. We are currently in possession of a ship that we need to take safely to the controlled space of the Crayterian Republic, where this ship will be used, primarly, to help them in anyway we can and to support the warfront against the Gallic forces.
This said, the problem comes from the ship itself. The vessel in question would fall under the Section 3, IV.Foreign Warships, of Liberty's Interstellar Laws, more precisely a Hel class cruiser.
I assure you the ship is completely harmless at the moment. It has not received any armor upgrades to its hull and its currently free of weapons untill we get to Crayterian space. The only way it could harm something was if we rammed it into a shieldless fighter.
However given the sensitivity of this situation we would like to ask permission to take it through Liberty to Cortez. We can't really risk going through Kusari and the Taus because of the Civil War and the gallic forces roaming the Taus.
If our request is taken into consideration, we would also like to ask for a small escort squad to take us to the California system safely.
We understand there could be significant...beaurocratic hurdles in our request, and if there is anything we can do to help things move smoothly, or any more information you may need, feel free to ask away.
From: Deputy Chief Chun-Mai Dawn To: Xalo Nunes, FL-ER Subj: -
Good day,
To move such a ship through Liberty space we're going to need its documentation - more specifically scans of its armament, armour and identification. Secondly, you will be required to forward a fee of four million credits to LPI-Treasury and provide evidence of payment. Thirdly, you will need to post a date and time when you're planning to move through Liberty space so that an officer can be present and escort you through.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Chief Chun-Mai Dawn
Liberty Police, Inc.
"When one is made of glass, everything looks like a stone."
I forgot about the four million payment. I've already transfered the credits to the LPI-Treasury.
As the cruiser is still in the sigmas, it'll be some days untill it gets to Kepler. When we are ready to head to Cortez, I'll contact the LPI in this channel about 72 hours before we departe. Is that alright with the Liberty Police department?
We have already brought the cruiser to Kepler and it's hull has been fully repaired. Would it be possible for the cruiser to be escorted to Cortez, on the 25th? The time for the convoy to begin, would be up to the LPI.