As far as I am aware, not yet. This really needs to be a thing as the Coalition IFF is meant to be a Civie IFF while the Military is meant for the Military ships.
I just plan to start Coalition character and find it very limiting RPwise. Before the split you'd have more freedom, because IFF did not state you as military strictly. As I understand split meant to bring more diversity into one-ID-mini-houses, but made it more limiting insted. Hopefully it will change.
Actually, I remember that Admins clearly stated they cannot put more IFF due to engine limitations (that's why Solar Engineering was made Commonwealth IFF). Is that still a thing?
This little bird went to sleep forever. So long.
Thank you for everything.
There are Coalition Civilian bribes and there should be missions for both factions on their bases. Also I think the ID was set up so both factions are at 1.0 reputation so you can switch them through /droprep, unless that was undone in the FLHook rollback.
There is no sympathetic rep gain for doing Coalition Military missions (no Coalition Missions either). And the ID's are both locked to Coalition Military upon pickup. (meaning it reps auto-full to Military for both Coalition and Coalition Military).
(07-16-2017, 09:00 AM)Xalrok Wrote: the ID was set up so both factions are at 1.0 reputation so you can switch them through /droprep,
It should be done in this way. It's silly to keep on IFF just for a couple of stations without players be able to use them. In my point of view roleplay is usually coming from players and not solar objects. That's the way to make IFF split sensible, 'cause honestly.... current situation is just strange.
Even from RP prespective, we are not going to assume that all Coalition ships want to have a combatant IFF.
It was supposed to be set up like that along with the CR restart but I'm guessing it was accidentally reverted in the FLHook rollback.
The two factions have 0.4 empathy with each other, so unless there is a rephack preventing it they should both influence each other like allied factions through missions and bribes.