Taylor took is pad, looking in Murray's eyes. Yes, just to you. He looked at her with a frightening look for some seconds, then he turned to Sader. Sir, you will recive my report about all of this soon. But for now I advice you to leave the station since I don't know about any fault during the construction of the bombs. I will unlock them when I arrive at Norfolk Shipyard. This can, and I repeat: can cause a detonation of one of the bombs. Taylor turned to Murray again. I will give all my R&D stuff to Arvestian, I hope he know how to handle all of this. Only if you are fine with it, Ma'am. Then he turned to Sader. I need to talk to you soon, I have an idea... but that can wait for now. He went some steps to the exit, but turned to the people again. I hope that I'm allowed to take some days off. This task was too much for all of us. I think that we can get along at some point. I agree that this task was too much for me. Well, I await your answer, but I will go to Norfolk now. With a respectful salute he left the scene, heading to the office of the Dungeon Master to get his stuff.
As soon as he heard the voice of the Admiral he frightened. I'm sorry, Sir. He ran back to them, unlocking his pad with his code. Taylor stopped next to Sader and typed something into the Pad. Sir, I had unlocked them now from the R&D side, I just want a signature from you that you approve the project as finished and agree that he bombs are ready to use, launchable from the Omaha. Taylor turned the pad to Sader.
"The devices will be transfered to the Odyssey. As for your request for shore leave. Your request is denied. And you will be with us during operation basilisk when we deploy the first device. As for signing it. Why do you want me to do it? Is it because if it explodes after this you can wash your hands and point fingers at me?"
Taylor looked at Sader sightly confused. No, it's for my papers. The signing is just that I have a proof that you are happy with our work,
Sir. He still hold the pad to Sader.