COMM ID:CMDR Burnet, Frank M. TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Channel ENCRYPTION: Medium
Good evening.
Today whilst on patrol orbiting Planet Manhattan, I happened upon a smuggler. He had on his person an Illegal Goods Transporting Permit which upon further inspection after suspicions arising from our conversation, I found it to be a fake. After explaining to him that such permits were no longer recognised in Liberty, he ranted about how he was just trying to feed his family or some such. It took quite some time for him pay a fine, which looked more like an attempt at bribery if anything.
He refused to drop his illegal cargo, and instead opted to flee. I engaged, but he managed to crawl into the Jersey Debris Field, and took refuge on a Junker base. I have attached the appropriate images at the end of this transmission.
[14.07.2017 10:10:10] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Hello
[14.07.2017 10:10:17] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Oh, you again.
[14.07.2017 10:11:42] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: You know, those transport permits are no longer valid in Liberty.
[14.07.2017 10:12:00] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: //Sorry back
[14.07.2017 10:12:03] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: I'm going to have to ask you to drop those off at Manhattan, and dispose of that permit.
[14.07.2017 10:12:04] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: //Was afk
[14.07.2017 10:12:26] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I must of fallen asleep in the pilots chair....
[14.07.2017 10:12:34] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Hello my friend!
[14.07.2017 10:12:44] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: What can I do for you.
[14.07.2017 10:12:59] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: You can drop that off on the planet in order to escape a fine.
[14.07.2017 10:13:09] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: A fine?
[14.07.2017 10:13:13] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: What for?
[14.07.2017 10:13:16] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: For illegal cargo.
[14.07.2017 10:13:27] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: These things?
[14.07.2017 10:13:41] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Indeed, those arms don't register on the books.
[14.07.2017 10:13:41] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: These are just ordinary Light Arms my friend.
[14.07.2017 10:13:50] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: I don't see any shipment information for them.
[14.07.2017 10:13:54] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Dont register ?!?!
[14.07.2017 10:14:06] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I swear on my life I am an upright man
[14.07.2017 10:14:13] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I have the permits
[14.07.2017 10:14:44] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Such transport permits are no longer valid in Liberty, and are instead issued to corporations rather than individuals.
[14.07.2017 10:15:16] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: What?!?
[14.07.2017 10:15:31] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I was assured I was all above board when I recieved this permit.
[14.07.2017 10:15:41] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: I doubt that very much.
[14.07.2017 10:15:52] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: The Navy officer was very persistent on that detail.
[14.07.2017 10:16:10] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: If you did receive one from the LPI, you would have been notified of their new status and refunded your application fee.
[14.07.2017 10:16:25] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I have been swindled!
[14.07.2017 10:16:33] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: This is an outrage!
[14.07.2017 10:16:55] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: How much does this permit usually cost?
[14.07.2017 10:16:58] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: That's not my concern. You're going to need to drop that off.
[14.07.2017 10:17:15] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Come now, grant me some pity.
[14.07.2017 10:17:16] Nazawo: Greetings Officer, Freelancer.
[14.07.2017 10:17:27] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I have children to feed!
[14.07.2017 10:17:27] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: I can't do that.
[14.07.2017 10:17:45] Nazawo: Look, this freelancer is under my charge
[14.07.2017 10:17:50] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Great... another one of your uniforms...
[14.07.2017 10:18:11] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I am innocent, I swear!
[14.07.2017 10:18:25] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: On my Junker mother's life I swear this!
[14.07.2017 10:18:27] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: You need to drop your cargo, or you'll be fined or arrested.
[14.07.2017 10:18:33] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: It's your choice, 'lancer.
[14.07.2017 10:19:02] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I deal with you Liberty Navy and Pirates on daily basis.
[14.07.2017 10:19:06] Nazawo: Officer, you can go back on your patrol, I can handle him
[14.07.2017 10:19:13] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: All you want is a "Cut" right?
[14.07.2017 10:19:26] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: I'm just here to enforce Liberty laws.
[14.07.2017 10:19:30] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: The typical military pension can't be much here?
[14.07.2017 10:19:49] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: You have little ones to feed, yes?
[14.07.2017 10:20:16] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: I don't, no.
[14.07.2017 10:20:29] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I know the state of things here in Liberty, the economic situation.
[14.07.2017 10:20:38] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Even if I did, I wouldn't be feeding them by breaking the law.
[14.07.2017 10:20:42] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Which is what you're doieng.
[14.07.2017 10:20:49] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: // doing*
[14.07.2017 10:20:55] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: What used to be a bastion of "Free Trade" has degraded into nothing but a pit of poverty?
[14.07.2017 10:21:14] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: How about this... "gesture".
[14.07.2017 10:21:28] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Listen, drop the cargo to avoide the fine, or pay up.
[14.07.2017 10:21:34] You have received 3.000.000 credits from THP|Fortune's.Fancy
[14.07.2017 10:21:35] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: If you do neither, I'll have to call in the big guns.
[14.07.2017 10:21:43] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: There you go.
[14.07.2017 10:21:50] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: You still have to drop your cargo.
[14.07.2017 10:21:55] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: A little incentive to see it my way.
[14.07.2017 10:21:57] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: I can't let you keep it.
[14.07.2017 10:22:07] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: *Grumbles*
[14.07.2017 10:22:36] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: You folks never fully appreciate the art of my trade
[14.07.2017 10:22:50] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: No, I don't appreciate breaking the law.
[14.07.2017 10:23:01] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: The lengths I go to modify this ship, to keep my business afloat.
[14.07.2017 10:23:11] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: That's not my problem.
[14.07.2017 10:23:16] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I have travelled the length and breadth of Sirus
[14.07.2017 10:23:26] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[14.07.2017 10:23:26] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Fund that lifestyle legally, not by breaking the law.
[14.07.2017 10:23:28] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Through the Omicrons and beyond.
[14.07.2017 10:23:59] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: And you are by far the least "complicating" thing I have come across
[14.07.2017 10:24:12] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I try.
[14.07.2017 10:24:15] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: It's not complicated, you get rid of the cargo, you go on your way,
[14.07.2017 10:24:18] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I really do.
[14.07.2017 10:24:26] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: To be fair.
[14.07.2017 10:24:37] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: And ensure everyone benefits.
[14.07.2017 10:24:50] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: But you are getting in the way.
[14.07.2017 10:24:55] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Just drop the cargo.
[14.07.2017 10:25:01] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Then you can be on your way.
[14.07.2017 10:25:05] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: And I tire of this, conversation now.
[14.07.2017 10:25:19] [LN]-Frank.Burnet: Have it your way.
[14.07.2017 10:26:51] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: You are persistent.
[14.07.2017 10:28:18] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I hope you write well of me in your Database.
[14.07.2017 10:28:52] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I have been in this business for a long time.
[14.07.2017 10:29:09] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: To be bested by the likes of you
[14.07.2017 10:29:14] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Goodbye
[14.07.2017 10:29:19] 2017-07-14 10:29:16 SMT Traffic control alert: THP|Fortune's.Fancy has requested to dock
COMM ID:Cadet Adam West TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Command SUBJECT:Flight report ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Medium
My first patrol was quite uneventful, Cadet Albrecht and me were controling the lanes for possible pirates preying on the traffic but we didn't encounter even one.
At some point Cadet Albrecht got readings of a suspicious ship around 10 klicks off of the lanes though and we proceeded to intercept it, whereafter it immediately turned towards the badlands.
Sadly we did not manage to catch him before he hastly docked with the Junker installation in Texas but I took a few scans of his cargo just in case.
With all due respect, I would propose to make the Junkers pay for protecting this scum. Housing criminals shouldn't be tolerated.
[RECEIVER-ID]: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Reporting Channel
[SUBJECT]: After-Action Report Dump
[PRIORITY]: Beta - Low
[ENCRYPTION]: Beta - Low
Hello, Primary Fleet Command.
I have a few reports that were meant to make it here after the events had transpired. However, due to backlog, they didn't make it in. I'll report them here and now with the appropriate tagging.
July 16th, 824 A.S. - Texas/Bering systems
The South Dakota got word of small Harmony task force operating near the Hudson gate. LSF Agency 404 operative 'Gunslinger' proceeded forward alongside LSF Agent Hugo Huntley and Fifth Fleet fighter pilot Gregory Sanders to intercept. Upon arrival, the task force was found to have consisted of the Harmony itself and a small 'Rhino'-class freighter callsign Liberty-2. An order was given for the Harmony to stand down, by which they responded by powering their weapons. The South Dakota was forced to rebuttle, opening fire.
The fight continued towards the Bering jump anomaly, where the South Dakota was intercepted by the K.K.S. 'Curse of Koeln', a 'Donau'-class Rheinland heavy cruiser sporting Unioner markings, which was quickly dispatched, the South Dakota taking moderate damage at best. We continued on, joining up with Agency 404 Operative 'Speedster', jumping after the L.N.S. Harmony into the system of Bering. There, we continued fire on the Harmony until a large Unioner warship showed up. The K.K.S. Westfalen, a 'Bismarck'-class Rheinland heavy battleship, proceeded to assist the Harmony, the South Dakota being forced to take distance, thus allowing the Harmony itself to make an edgy, if not unforeseen, getaway, aided by another Unioner vessel, the gunboat K.K.S. Gelsenkirchen, which quickly bugged out.
The South Dakota then proceeded back to the fight, where we were beset upon by another Unioner capital vessel, the K.K.S. Empress Leicht, a 'Hel'-class Rheinland pirate cruiser, which, like the 'Curse of Koeln' before, fell to the South Dakota's guns. We then turned our sights to the Westfalen, which by now had begun taking fire by the Fifth fleet 'Overlord'-class dreadnought L.N.S. Ohio. The battered battleship took repeated hits, blasts, torpedos and missiles before finally succumbing to the combined firepower of both warships, the central core blasting itself to smithereens.
Once the battle was over, 404 Operative Speedster and accompanying bounty hunter gunship 'Domino Harvy' proceeded to sweep out the remaining Harmony snubcraft while the Ohio and South Dakota made an exit for Houston. A good day, even if the Harmony got away. Still, we did significant damage to said ship, and it will take some time for them to bring her back into service after a pounding like that.
July 18th, 824 A.S. - New York system
The South Dakota departed from Manhattan in response to a call of a Liberty Rogue warship spotted near the Colorado gate. Upon arrival to the scene, we witnessed the 'Scylla'-class Rogue destroyer L.R.D. A Liberty Tragedy being fired upon by numerous capital assets of the Liberty Armed Forces, including the Fifth Fleet battlecruiser L.N.S. Soulcatcher, the LSF primary fleet battlecruiser L.S.F.C. New Orleans and the Liberty Police SWAT Gunship Fort Dix. The battered destroyer was taken out by withering firepower from all four vessels, with the South Dakota's guns claiming the final kill marker. We returned to Manhattan for rearming and celebration of another capital warship removed from Liberty space.
July 21st, 824 A.S. - New York system
The South Dakota entered Manhattan orbit to behold the sight of the M.N.S. Arrosa, a Maltesian 'Sarissa'-class battleship, staring down the defensive grid. We proceeded towards the warship, informing the vessel of it's wrongdoings and proceeded to remove it by force. The vessel proved fairly capable, but upon arrival of the L.N.S. Maryland, commanded by Vice Admiral Hirlerman, the vessel was sent to the scrap fields. The South Dakota returned to Manhattan for repairs, awaiting her next deployment.
July 22nd, 824 A.S. - New York/Colorado systems
Again, the South Dakota launched from Manhattan in response to two heavy Maltese warships reportedly causing distress east of Manhattan. We proceeded towards Fort Bush, catching eyes of the two vessels, the M.N.S. Smith and her compatriot the M.N.S. Wesson, steaming eastward from Rochester towards the Colorado gate. The bounty hunter gunships 'Domino Harvy' and 'Aquarius', who called in the request for assistance, disrupted the two vessels, calling for Liberty assets to remove the trailing warship, M.N.S. Wesson. The secondary fleet battleship L.N.S. South Carolina arrived on scene to assist in the destruction of the Wesson, blasting it to pieces. The M.N.S. Smith had retreated to the Colorado system, but was taken down and removed by the bounty hunter duo, thus concluding another heavy firefight.
Later the same day, the South Dakota again reported to a disturbance near the New York gate in Colorado, the two previously disabled ships, M.N.S. Smith and M.N.S. Wesson, as well as a small rogue gunship, blockading the gate. The South Dakota circled around from reports by civilian craft to avoid the gate, eyeing them from a distance. The Liberty Police dreadnought Leavenworth proceeded through the gate to assist, initially opening fire on the enemy warships. South Dakota proceeded to move in, taking aim and attempting removal for a second time. The Smith was the first to go down, meeting her end at the Leavenworth's hand. The Wesson fared longer, but ultimately succumbed to the firepower of both warships. The Leavenworth had taken incredible damage, but remained afloat. The South Dakota once more proceeded home, victorious for a second time today.
That concludes my reports.
Best regards,
Commander Holston Langley, Liberty Navy First Fleet.
COMM ID:Cadet Adam West TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Command SUBJECT:Flight report ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Medium
Today I headed out to test the Templar I got assigned in the field. Gladly a group of 5th Fleet soldiers had just the job for me, they found an Outcast fighter close to West Point.
To test the Templars capabilities I asked the other present forces to stand down whereafter I proceeded to engage the Outcast who by that time dragged us into the badlands.
I have to say the Templar is a formidable ship. The hostile fighters integrity went to zero in about five minutes and my ship took nothing but some minor hits and a mine blast, wich it absorbed just as one would expect of this tank.
All in all I am very content with the performance of the ship, I can only recommend it for pilots who favor firepower and stability over speed.
COMM ID:Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:Reactivation ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Per the request of Fleet Admiral Jones I have reactivated my commission with the Liberty First Fleet.
I also undertook my first combat patrol today, where I had several encounters.
A freelancer with the transponder Glenmore was found hauling unlicensed Nuclear Devices. The captain ignored my commands and docked anyway. I'll be filing the appropriate paperwork on the matter shortly.
I also had my first combat engagement as well against an Outcast. I inflicted much damage upon his vessel, but he landed under fire at Rochester. I will have to see if the Junker's Congress reporting channel is worthwhile or still as vacuous as I remember it.
Finally, I came upon a smarmy smuggler operating the vessel THP|Fortune's.Fancy hauling contraband Artifacts. The captain, one Anton Naiose Tordai, refused to obey a lawful order to halt and dump his cargo. Mister Tordai dissembled, bloviated, and otherwise talked much while saying nothing, attempted to bribe me before he ignored my lawful command to void his cargo hold and docked with Rochester. I suspect based upon his speech that he has done such things repeatedly before and that he cares nothing for the Law of Liberty. The appropriate legal motions regarding his actions are already underway. Comms logs appended below as well as visuals.
THP|Fortune's.Fancy dialogue Wrote:[23.07.2017 00:36:05] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Here we go!
[23.07.2017 00:36:20] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: For fame and FORTUNE *Laughs*!
[23.07.2017 00:36:33] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Hail, captain. Hold up for inspection.
[23.07.2017 00:36:53] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I am afraid I can't comply this time fine officer!
[23.07.2017 00:37:04] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Oh?
[23.07.2017 00:37:19] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Places to be, women to swoon!
[23.07.2017 00:37:30] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Fortunes to make!
[23.07.2017 00:37:32] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: You can't do that if you're not welcome in House.
[23.07.2017 00:37:42] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: And if you wish to remain welcome, you will halt.
[23.07.2017 00:37:42] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Come now.
[23.07.2017 00:38:11] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Give me a second.
[23.07.2017 00:38:30] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: That means no.
[23.07.2017 00:38:41] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Greetings *Gives a warm grin*.
[23.07.2017 00:38:55] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Your cargo hold, captain. Space it.
[23.07.2017 00:39:09] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: So what do I owe the pleasure?
[23.07.2017 00:39:13] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: This cargo?
[23.07.2017 00:39:17] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: What for?
[23.07.2017 00:39:28] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: For it's entirely illegal nature.
[23.07.2017 00:39:55] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: This entire a collection of curios and mementos, that is all.
[23.07.2017 00:40:10] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: All illegal? Yes, yes it is.
[23.07.2017 00:40:18] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Keepsakes from my travels through Sirius.
[23.07.2017 00:40:26] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Uh-huh.
[23.07.2017 00:40:33] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Define "legality".
[23.07.2017 00:40:46] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: The long and short of it is that we have laws. You're flouting those laws now.
[23.07.2017 00:41:09] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: You can either obey a lawful command and be legal, or you can disobey, and not be.
[23.07.2017 00:41:17] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I have always found that red tape and buracuracy get in the way of the more pleasurable things in life.
[23.07.2017 00:41:25] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: How about this.
[23.07.2017 00:41:37] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Yes, well, I am the master of the red tape, and I will make your life a red tape hell.
[23.07.2017 00:41:59] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: How much of an "persuasion" would it take you to see it my way.
[23.07.2017 00:42:13] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I am a generous man!
[23.07.2017 00:42:17] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Oh, oh, how pedestrian.
[23.07.2017 00:42:35] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: And of course this donation shall cause me to not be here, yes?
[23.07.2017 00:42:42] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: And I suspect the usual military pension is not that much these days no?
[23.07.2017 00:42:49] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: In a way.
[23.07.2017 00:43:07] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: I shall enjoy prosecuting this one.
[23.07.2017 00:43:30] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: You take pleasure in the pain of others don't you *Sighs*.
[23.07.2017 00:43:38] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: As it stand you have illegal cargo, failing to obey a lawful order to halt, and attempting to bribe a military officer.
[23.07.2017 00:43:49] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: A fair list.
[23.07.2017 00:44:00] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: The usual from these types of encounters.
[23.07.2017 00:44:01] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: You don't want to pile onto that.
[23.07.2017 00:44:26] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: How about this.
[23.07.2017 00:44:27] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Now, do you intend to comply with the lawful order and make restitution now or not?
[23.07.2017 00:44:46] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: How much "Restitution" are we talking about here?
[23.07.2017 00:45:02] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: The entirety of your hold and two million for the attempted bribery.
[23.07.2017 00:45:22] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: That seems a tad lienent does it not?
[23.07.2017 00:45:42] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: 2 million credits?
[23.07.2017 00:46:04] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Well, I suppose you'd like to pay more?
[23.07.2017 00:46:06] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: How much do you earn annually in the LN?
[23.07.2017 00:46:13] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Either way, you drop the cargo.
[23.07.2017 00:46:26] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: I pity you folk.
[23.07.2017 00:46:35] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: In anycase here is a gift.
[23.07.2017 00:46:57] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: I still see contraband in your hold, captain.
[23.07.2017 00:46:58] You have received 10.000.000 credits from THP|Fortune's.Fancy
[23.07.2017 00:47:17] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: I still require that you empty your hold.
[23.07.2017 00:47:17] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: There you go, go out and celebrate with a good looking lass.
[23.07.2017 00:47:28] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Can I make one last request?
[23.07.2017 00:47:41] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: You can say what you want within the bounds of the law.
[23.07.2017 00:47:49] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Thank you.
[23.07.2017 00:48:07] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Write well of me, my name is Anton Naiose Tordai!
[23.07.2017 00:48:18] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Uh-huh.
[23.07.2017 00:48:22] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: "Entrepenuer" extrodinaire!
[23.07.2017 00:48:38] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Chatterbox. So noted.
[23.07.2017 00:48:57] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Anything else before you relinquish the cargo?
[23.07.2017 00:49:07] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Now to fake my own "death" I suppose. I need a good Side-Winder Fang, hopefull rochester stocks them.
[23.07.2017 00:49:14] THP|Fortune's.Fancy: Anton: Fare thee well!
[23.07.2017 00:49:19] 2017-07-23 00:49:46 SMT Traffic control alert: THP|Fortune's.Fancy has requested to dock
[23.07.2017 00:49:20] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Captain, the cargo hold.
[23.07.2017 00:49:54] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: I'm sure you enjoy flouting the law, captain. You won't for long.
Please note that I will be following up on any and all reported acts of unlawfulness. Provide the proper evidence and I will see to it that justice is executed, even if the perpetrator eludes your grasp in space. While the faces may have changed though the mission remains the same. I look forward to working with all of you in the future.
COMM ID:Lt. Daniel Redding TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:Incident with Kusari Kempetei Officer ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Lt. Redding reporting in, I just wanted to share a minor incident earlier today regarding a Kusari Kempetai Officer, Rin Tanaka, who had legally (I'll explain in a second) crossed into Liberty's borders. Apparently permission to cross the border was given by the 5th Fleet for a limited time of a few hours. The officer's sister was giving birth at one of the hospitals at one of the hospitals at Planet Manhattan and there was also reason to believe that the expecting mother would not make it, as such border controls at the Battleship Rio Grande admitted entry. The officer was very cooperative with Lt. Cmdr. Bradley and I and also switched out to civilian spacecraft as we had requested. Civilians were informed that the Kempetai officer's presence was allowed and that she would be properly observed during her visit. After the ordeal at the hospital, the KMP officer was escorted out of Liberty. Also, in case anyone was wondering, her sister, the expecting mother gave birth to a healthy baby boy and survived labour.
COMM ID:Lt. Daniel Redding TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:ANOTHER Incident with Kusari Kempetei Officer ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Lt. Redding reporting in, we just had another incident with the same Kusari Kempetai Officer, Rai Tanaka. Apparently she had overstayed her welcome at Liberty, having spent the past two days at Planet Manhattan without permission from our government. I confirmed this with the 5th Fleet as they are usually the ones tracking her movements. Lt. Commander Nicole Bradley also confirmed that also Officer Rai Tanaka was given permission to enter Liberty, it was only for a limited period of time, not the two days she spent here. As such Lt. Ayato of the 5th Fleet and I escorted Officer Tanaka out of Liberty. She cooperated with us and left, but not without protest. Reference 1.
Immediately afterwards however, a vessel by the designation "Daniel102New" flying under a Rheinland 3K transport was detected by the Kempetai Officer Rai Tanaka at the Galileo System carrying almost 3000 passengers and flying into Liberty's borders. As this constituted overcrowding, and due to the non-compliance/cooperation of the pilot of the "Daniel102New",
Lt. Ayato and I gave Officer Tanaka permission to enter Liberty so long as she stayed within 10K of either our vessels to assist with the take-down of Daniel102New. It appears that the pilot was unable to speak English fluently, but in either, he spoke enough to be able to understand the words "stop", and deliberately choosed not to. I should also add that the pilot of the Daniel102New had also fired upon my vessel first. After the vessel was shot down, the Lakewood transportation ship arrived to pick up the 3000 passengers and dropped them off for Emergency Services at Newark Space Station. All references for the incident are posted below.
COMM ID:Cadet Albrecht, Alexander TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Command SUBJECT:Flight report ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Greetings Command
Patrol was reasonably eventful, an encounter with a ship my the name of 'Fotune's fancy' made sure of that. I was sitting outside of Manhattan when I noticed that 'Fortune's Fancy' was carrying a forged 'Illegal good's permit' When I asked him to stop and hand it over, he rambled so much that by the time any progress had been made, he'd driffted to Rochester and docked with an oncoming Ion storm. It is my understanding that this person has appeared on our radar before, thus we can add this to the long list of crimes he has commited.
Signing out,
Cadet Alexander Albrecht
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
COMM ID:Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:Fortune's Fancy ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
The captain of the vessel known as Fortune's.Fancy continues to rack up violations of Liberty Law with near impunity. Several days ago I too ran across him hauling Black Market Munitions near the Texas gate in New York. The captain, Anton Naiose Tordai, halted for a short while and bloviated continually in an attempt to stall for time, which included an attempt at bribery where he stated he would fund a capital vessel if I would let him go, all while he ignored a lawful order to empty his cargo hold. Eventually he gave up all pretense and flew into the Badlands and found refuge with the Liberty Rogues. Further attempts to persuade him verbally beyond the initial lawful order are hereby deemed redundant. I advise all pilots to treat Mister Tordai as a flight risk and to prepare to engage his vessel without hesitation.
COMM ID:Lt. Commander Daniel Redding TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:Defecting Rheinland Military Officer & Political Asylum ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Good evening Command, earlier today Lt. Cmdr. Nicole Bradley from the 5th fleet and I encountered a pilot from the Rheinland Military going by the name JW|Lavender.Bra flying right outside Planet Manhattan. Initially, Lt. Cmdr Bradley wanted to escort the Rheinlander out of Liberty as he claimed he had arrived seeking political asylum at Kusari. He stated that apparently his battlegroup was accused of treason by the Rheinland government and was then wiped out, and that he had barely escaped through the Liberty side of the border and not through the Sigmas unfortunately. His intention was to travel through Liberty and arrive at Kusari to apply for political Asylum.
As he does not have the freedom of movement in Liberty, I asked a Judge Advocate General (JAG/Military Lawyer) to take his case pro bono and forward his application for political asylum to the Federal Government's Immigration and Nationalisation Service. He is currently being held at the brig at the Battleship Missouri. After his application is sent in, he should have freedom of movement throughout Liberty, with a few conditions attached (for example, editing his IFF transponder and getting a new, civilian ship). During this time I am trying to send out feelers to the 404 Agency to see if they might send someone over to interrogate him as the subject is an Officer of the Rheinland Military, however I have been quietly notified that they may have more pressing concerns to attend to. So I will see if I can get someone from ESRD to review his case and conduct an interrogation as he may have some intelligence we can use about Rheinland. I will update my progress as soon as possible.
Sincerely, Lt. Commander Daniel Redding, 1st Fleet, [LN]