Alright kids, listen up. It's about time I open this channel up, in preparation of upcoming changes within the Forlorn Hope. For now, continue as normal with operations and daily life.
Further, this channel is for the Knight Captains to use in delivering announcements to the organization as a whole. Refrain from cluttering it, unless its something incredibly important.
That'll be all for now.
Log Submitted Knight Captain Stenn
The Forlorn Hope
The past few weeks have been a blur of activity for the knight captains as we have worked to reorganize our growing assets and streamline command efficiency for the future. As such, We are implementing a organizational change into the Forlorn Hope, dividing our ranks into two distinct groups. Each of the divisions will have a Knight Captain leading them, and will fall entirely under that Captains command and responsibility. For the moment we have decided to afford you all the luxury of applying for the division you wish to serve in, and future recruits will be assigned to a division in accordance with qualifications and skillsets. These divisions are Seraphim Division and Atropos Division, which each will handle different aspects of our operations as it comes.
Naturally, this is a rather large shift from the unified command of three knight captains having equal say across the board, and changes need to be made in the command structure itself to ensure that we continue to work as an effective and cohesive unit. As such, I will be taking overall command of the Forlorn Hope, and remain separate from the two divisions, in order to ensure that neither is neglected or favored over the other. Captain Sarah Fenn, has expressed a desire to enter into a more supporting role, and has opted to relinquish her rank as Knight Captain to support us in more logistical matters from her new station aboard as XO aboard the Haven.
In her place I am elevating the junior captain Garrus Hendrix to command one of the divisions, as we further test his potential and determine if he is ready for the rank of Knight Captain. Leading the other division will be Captain Elena Voigt, who remains a trusted and level-headed member of the Forlorn. As for myself, I will no longer be involved in directly leading the majority of you, but will do so through the proxy of your assigned division lead.
Finally, I will be fielding the mission board, open for all official members of the Forlorn Hope, in the next few days.
That will be all for now. If you have any questions, such as not knowing which division to select, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Log Submitted Knight Captain Stenn
The Forlorn Hope
»»» Location: Glendalough Orbital
»»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
»»» Recipient ID: Forlorn Hope
Dear fellow Knights,
With heavy regret must I inform you all that one of our fellow Knights, namely Kiara Garlow, is to be assigned the status of MIA. Her freighter which she used for personal travelling was found in the vast system of Tau-37 yesterday evening, damaged and with no life signs on board.
So far the investigations seem to be confirming our concern that Miss Garlow was captured by an unknown entity after several shots had been fired and a boarding procedure initiated by the unknown vessel. This should trouble us a great deal, considering she was well informed about Forlorn-internal affairs.
From now on, I want everyone to have an especially closer look. In the meantime, the investigations will go on, and we will double our efforts to bring our fellow Knight home again. Alive or dead, either way.
That is everything for now.
Yours sincerely, Knight Captain Voigt
The Forlorn Hope
With the completion of our own Cybernetic suite, and the already existent Fairchild Laboratories we can open the trial phase of the Vergil Project to members within our group. This is on a purely volunteer basis, and will not be mandatory for any Knights. However, there are several advantages to receiving the implants that do make them highly advised for any combat personal.
The implants act as an interface between your mind and any other object that has a processor. Essentially, the Vergil Nodes connect to a core, which can be any sort of network-enabled electronic device such as a subdermal chip, console or PAD. While the connection range is somewhat limited without a support network, this is neither a problem nor a concern of yours due to the nature of keeping your weapons and gear on your person. Additionally, the nodes will also connect via the Neural Net, and as such have significant range in areas that have it.
Practically speaking, what having an implant means is that you'll be operating at a higher level than anyone without an implant in similar conditions. As most equipment in this day and age is smart to some degree, you'll find that you'll be able to interface with your ship, your weapons, your exo-suits, various standard devices. So long as it has a processor and can be touched via a network, you'll be able to talk directly to it.
Once again, receiving the implants are not required, but highly advised. Haven, Glendalough, and Hope's Watch have all been prepared accordingly, and act as cores for the Vergil Network, and we've already begun a full refit of all our combat droids and equipment to ensure they are compatible with the network.
All applicants are encouraged to head to the Cybernetic suite for implantation at their earliest convenience.
Log Submitted Knight Commander Stenn
The Forlorn Hope
It's been an honor to fly amongst you all. We've had a good run, and there isn't a single one of you who hasn't earned my respect and trust. And yet, as with all good things, it's time for the Forlorn to come to an end.
We've had good times, and rough times. Throughout countless flights and operations we've made a difference. We've grown from a small group of pilots who watched each others backs into an organization that has touched all corners of Sirius and Gallia. We've flown in defense of humanity in the Omicrons, and we've fought against hopeless odds in Leeds. We've mapped the badlands, and tracked down some of the most cunning criminals in Sirius. We've brought down capital ships and stopped raids from launching.
Most importantly, we've learnt what it is to lose. We've lost friends and family across our travels, and limped out of fights we should have won. It's been a long road, and one that finally draws to a close.
Each one of you that receives this message will find that I've made provisions for future work, if you need it, in the form of joining the Bounty Hunters Guild. Others, will find an opportunity amongst our other associates, or will strike out on their own to live by what they believe.
But I will not be cutting you all lose without support. Each one of you will find your account credited with a portion of the earnings of my liquidation of physical assets. You'll be keeping your ship, or ships in some cases, you'll still have the equipment we acquired for you over the course of time. Some of you have gotten quite attached to your XV-15's and Nyx's or Marlins, and I won't be taking those away from you.
Glendalough has been sold to a private commercial interest, and Hope's Watch is being stripped down to the basics, to prevent a weakpoint should unsavory parties ever take notice of it. The Haven will remain hidden, the cargo aboard too precious to be lost, and the crayterian cruiser we bought from the republic has been made to vanish, non-existent.
It's been an honor to fly with you all, and I'm sure our paths will cross again in the future. Until then, this is Nick Stenn, signing off.