Message Received - Neural Net access code 9472001835
To:Red Hessians Sender:Oberst Helena Wunderbring, Generalsekretärin der Partei für ein neues Rheinland Origin:Rheinland, Frankfurt system, Bruchsal base Encryption:High
30.10.824 A.S.
Verbündete der Hessen,
now that the Bundestag has officially decided to bring its malicious plans into the non-stop rolling, we came to a conclusion. The Bundschuh has never really been an organization of heavy firepower, but we see a rising amount of Rheinland capital ships coming near our field and base, especially since the only way to enter the Sigmas right now is directly in front of us. What we need is one big behemoth of firepower that is able to push any Rheinland ship far enough back to make them consider their attempt to cross the Taunusfeld twice. I am talking about a Vidar-class cruiser. This ship bears enough powerful weaponry to destroy any Rheinland ship without requiring us to roll out with a large amount of ships.
Such a ship requires a lot of materials, of course. Luckily, we are in possession of a small number of transport ships that can bring the needed materials to Vogtland, where the storage is large enough. Due to our diplomatic position and size, however, we won't have an easy job gathering all the needed materials, therefore we would wish the Hessians to contribute about 25% of the needed materials from the ones you already possess. The rest will be completely organized by us. This will help us become more self-sufficient as well, meaning you won't be required to aid in a fight all the time.
Now what we need from you is a list of materials required to build this ship. The Bundschuh does not own any blueprints of the Vidar-class so we could only guess what is needed. We'll see that most of the required materials can be organized by ourselves without your requirement. Wunderbring Ende.
I am sure you heard the horrid news of generalmajor Heinrich's disappearance and disbandment of die Rotte Hessen Armee. The Hessian movement is currently in a state of chaos, organisation wise. Due to this fact, I am well aware you did not expect an answer from me. But fear not, fräulein, as my influence throughout the movement is still strong enough to assist you on this matter.
As the Bundschuh movement was our loyal ally for ages and assisted us countless times, we will offer you one of our newly assembled RH-GM482 "Vidar" cruiser-class vessels and a full set of armament to use on it, as the combination will pose as a potent weapon to counter any Rheinland capital trying to encroach into your territory. You deserve no less. It will be awaiting for your crew on Wolfsburg Shipyard in Omega 54 system.
Although your offer of donating us 75% of the supplies required to construct this vessel is very generous, I might have something in mind that would benefit both of our organisations. With the Hessian expanse in Dresden and fortifying our positions in Omega 47 system, our resource stockpile used for shipbuilding is growing steadily, so we are not in dire need of those commodities. What we need is; a large amount of Industrial Hardware for our one of our newly constructed infrastructure in Omega 47 system. To be exact, we require 40,000 units of the said commodity. As I heard, the Bruchsal offers exactly what we need.
I hope this arrangement is acceptable for you. If not, I am sure we can find something we could both agree on.
Message Received - Neural Net access code 9472001835 Empfänger: Anna Kreutzer Absender: Oberst Helena Wunderbring, Generalsekretärin of the Partei für ein neues Rheinland Origin: Rheinland, Frankfurt system, Bruchsal base Encryption:Medium
04.11.824 A.S.
Guten Tag, Hauptmann Kreutzer,
this is a surprisingly simple offer, I was already expecting a long list of materials we need to acquire, I am very thankful that you are ready to provide us with a finished model of one of your cruisers. The Industrial Hardware you need is indeed being produced on Bruchsal, more than enough to supply you with the needed amount. I will immediately get things rolling.
I am delighted to hear you are satisfied with the deal and that you'l put it in motion immediately. Those supplies are essential to continue the construction and will be awaited with joy.
As for the destination of the cargo, the scrambled message over the private channel will be sent to you immediately, as the secrecy of this installation should be kept as longer it possible is. I hope the progress of your deliveries will be reported in this channel for easier inquiry into the matter.
Message Received - Neural Net access code 9472001835 Empfänger: Anna Kreutzer Absender: Oberst Helena Wunderbring, Generalsekretärin of the Partei für ein neues Rheinland Origin: Rheinland, Frankfurt system, Bruchsal base Encryption:Medium
05.11.824 A.S.
Guten Tag, Hauptmann Kreutzer,
my logistics department just informed me that the delivery of the Industrial Hardware succeeded a few minutes ago. The base should now have the required amount. What is the status of the ship? I have to inform you that we currently lack space and crew for the ship to manned by our people. I would prefer it to remain under the Hessian crew and identifications until we sorted that out. However, it needs to be stationed near Bruchsal for our assistance.
I am impressed with the swiftness of completing your part of the bargain. It is completely understandable, as I am sure you are eager to acquire the magnificent vessel RH-GM482 "Vidar" is. I thank you once again, as your effort has shortened the construction by days, if not weeks. Now, it is time to complete my part of the bargain.
Our engineers have just completed the final tests and confirmed that the vessel is ready to put in action. It is equipped with cutting-edge Hessian technology along with out finest armament. As for the problem of manning this vessel, I believe we can make a small adjustment to our previous agreement. You will send number of your pilots to Vogtland base for education & field training so you can take command of this vessel in near future. Until then, a Hessian crew will be manning it and will be put under orders of the Die Weiße Rose.
Message Received - Neural Net access code 9472001835 Empfänger: Anna Kreutzer Absender: Oberst Helena Wunderbring, Generalsekretärin of the Partei für ein neues Rheinland Origin: Rheinland, Frankfurt system, Bruchsal base Encryption:Medium
07.11.824 A.S.
Guten Tag, Hauptmann Kreutzer,
I really need to thank you once more. The Vidar-class we have been provided with is actively protecting the Taunusfeld and surroundings from threats against the Bundschuh. Meanwhile, we're sending as many Bundschuhaktivisten to Wolfsburg for your training program regarding capital ships as possible. We're eagerly awaiting the return of the future crew of the ship. We hope that Generalmajor Heinrich returns into full shape again soon.