Good day everyone.
Today we enter Q4 of 2017 and with it we bring the re-introduction of our online time requirements for official faction. One of the main purposes of an OF is to represent their chosen NPC faction and the ID that comes with it in the DiscoveryGC server environment. Officialdom, while it comes with plenty of perks for the average player, has always been discussed to be in a need for improving upon.
That is something the Administration team will be working on for the upcoming year.
As for now, however, we are introducing one of the more immediate ways to evaluate the standards of official factions by introducing the new tracker.
Bear in mind that during the time of writing, the publicly available activity page is somewhat unstable. Worry not - the tracker itself is and has been written from the ground up in order to be much more reliable than its predecessor.
First we will start off with the essential information.
*Monthly activity checks have been replaced with a quarterly activity check. It means that as an official faction, you must obtain a bare minimum of 3 ingame days of activity in order to remain official.
*Unofficial groups that have been added to the tracker (excluding the OPEN TAG) will need to keep themselves above 1 day, respectively.
*If an official faction does not meet these requirements, they will receive a warning. If their activity does not improve over the course of the next quarter-year, they will be removed. If their activity does not improve over the course of the next quarter-year 2 Quarterly Checks (Amended Jan 2018), they will be removed.
*If an unofficial faction does not meet these requirements, they are removed from the tracker. If this happens during their officialdom request, the request is automatically denied.
*Faction leaders are encouraged to keep track of their ingame presence on a monthly basis and, if needed, voice their issues under the Faction Leaders Section.
Furthermore, we have come to a conclusion that since the administration team informed official faction leaders of the upcoming renewal of the tracker ahead of time, and that the lack of a tracker should be no excuse for official groups to show unforgivably little online time, the following groups are given a warning due to having displayed an online presence of under 24 hours over the course of the last two months.
The following groups have displayed an online presence under one hour and will be removed from the tracker:
Blood Dragons 41m 38s
Sirius Rogues (Unofficial) 0
Commune Link
VWA - Your faction's status has been a topic of discussion. Since there is no forum activity related to your group since the transfer of leadership, we have decided to uphold the initial leader's post regarding the group's disbandment.
For now there are no further alterations to this system, however the talks regarding how many official factions can a player lead are still ongoing, though unlikely, even if agreed upon, to be put in this year. We will keep you informed.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Posts: 3,085
Threads: 189
Joined: Nov 2009
Staff roles: Systems Lead
I assume a faction can get the 3 days of activity in any combination of the three months' individual activity? For example 2 days +1 day+ half a day or 1.5+1+1 or 0.5+0.5+3, etc. as long as they all give above 3 in the end.
As long as they have achieved 72 hours in each Quarter, then they have met the minimum requirement.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
What about those factions that have very little to do in game but provide plenty f roleplay on forums? Still bound by superficial in-game activity requirement? Or will we see requirements of activity on forums any time soon?
(10-01-2017, 07:59 PM)SnakThree Wrote: What about those factions that have very little to do in game but provide plenty f roleplay on forums? Still bound by superficial in-game activity requirement? Or will we see requirements of activity on forums any time soon?
That too, because waiting 3 months for a simple answer is annoying... and sometimes harmful for the waiting side. Maybe could be post requeriments too.
Just one example: 3 days/quarter ingame+15 posts/quarter (or more, dont know really how much would be suitable)
The point of an official faction is to have direct influence on the ingame environment, where all of the roleplay consequences are culminated and put in action for other players to interact with. An official faction title has little to no practical use for the server if all of it is contained in some sub-section of the forum. We would like to reward effort and roleplay, make no mistake, but the community and the mod itself is based around the server and its environment and the ingame interactions that it brings.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
I do like to just suggest that admins keep eyes on players who sit in systems far away, on or off the planes AFK to gain time on the activity tracker just like before. Avoiding all interactions cruising from A1 to A8 or something to avoid interactions should not be allowed
(10-01-2017, 09:39 PM)sindroms Wrote: The point of an official faction is to have direct influence on the ingame environment, where all of the roleplay consequences are culminated and put in action for other players to interact with. An official faction title has little to no practical use for the server if all of it is contained in some sub-section of the forum. We would like to reward effort and roleplay, make no mistake, but the community and the mod itself is based around the server and its environment and the ingame interactions that it brings.
If that is the actual intention, then you should either remove or rewrite the Faction right Nr2, which states that official factions cannot impose actions and consequences which are non-canon upon unofficial groups, because otherwise every action by an official faction has to stay within the boundaries of canon-RP that leaves no space whatsoever for anything beyond a railroaded approach to a NPC-faction.
-Divine here. Feel free to invis this post or not.
PS: btw, one can't open the window to see the actual activity for a factions individual chars, which leaves all investigation up to the staff, contrary to the way it used to be where everyone could see which character had put how much time into a factions activity. You might want to fix that, if it isn't already on the list.
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