Well, hello there, um..., Sparkles. And Sarah, good day to you as well. I wasn't sure which one of you would get this, so I just addressed it to both of you. I just wanted to let you know, the item you "requested" that I acquire and deliver to Freeport 1 has arrived. Not long after I made my way to the bar, a gentleman beckoned me over to his table. He claimed to be an associate of yours and would take possession of the "item" for safe keeping.. After speaking with the man for a bit, he convinced me he was who he said he was, as he knew..., things, quite frankly, that only someone who knows you fairly well would know. After a few rounds, the "item" was handed over and I went on my merry way. I hope the item in question was what you where expecting and up to your..., standards. At least good enough to earn the Ozymandias a free pass should we bump into one another out on the lanes again. Maybe next time I'll have an "interesting" story for you. One thing is for sure. If anyone else asks me that question, I certainly have one to share now.
Stay frosty out there.
P.S. I was serious about the lights, they are wonderful. Very...,sparkly.
Dear Jack,
I really wasn't sure if you'd actually go through with this, because it was a pretty strange idea. But I'm glad you did, because I picked it up and had a lot of fun with it! It's very squishy, I'm actually playing with it right now. Although I'm not sure how long I can leave it lying around, I think it'll probably start smelling in a day or two. But for now, it's a great decoration for my center console!
Sparkles was pretty impressed by you too. I don't remember the last time she was talking so much about someone we met. She appreciated the compliment towards her lights, too. And I'm pretty sure she liked the Ozymandias. But I'm never too sure with her, she's never really too clear about what she wants. What can you expect from a CT-53.