Suppose you were put into the spot of Lead Story Developer and now are required to create various 'storylines' across Sirius and than talk to the factions/houses involved to see if they would agree. What are some ideas you would develop and try to convince them of?
Keep it civil, memes will be viciously deleted and keep it grounded in Discovery and what is actually feasible.
just now i have started thinking of creating an dyson sphere around a sun. Dockable and able to speed up cruise for an limited amount of time. Factions involved to build it, Ageira DSE and USI for example. This could create some nice new rp right?
Have Bretonia and Liberty launch a major operation wherein they NEMP, or deploy some secret weapon they were working on which permanently disables jumpholes (and of course, destroy all the jumpgates) that lead to and from Gallia. Maybe have a few Gallic Council/GRN/Gallic corp/gallic unlawfuls remnants flying around Sirius, but their status would effectly become reduced to something similar to the SCRA rather than the behemoth they are right now. This is despite the fact that so much work has been put into Gallia, I've seen how well developed the stations there are and how beautiful its systems are, but there really hasn't been that much RP inside of Gallia as compared to the rest of Sirius. I think this is because people who play Freelancer identify easily with Sirius because they played the vanilla campaign several times and they have read many of its infocards and rumours. The same cannot be said for Gallia - we have nothing to link it to Singleplayer, so I don't think many players can really identify or understand the house hence why there isn't that much RP in it.
And then maybe focus on having Rheinland turn red with the Red Hessians successfully overthrowing the government there in a popular but extremely chaotic revolution. They can then turn Rheinland into a Socialist paradise (or hell), and persecute the Bundschuh (since they are more moderate and peaceful than the Hessians iRP) and other allies to cement their power like the LWB maybe (or maybe not). Previous government/Rheinland forces would become the new unlawfuls, leading some sort of Right-wing restoration movement inside of Rheinland.
Meanwhile, capitalist Bretonia and Liberty are alarmed that the reds have taken over Rheinland, and begin a cold war to restore power to the previous government. Maybe turn Kusari into a constitutional monarchy to so that the Republic and the Imperials stop fighting each other.
I can't really think of anything else right now, but I'll probably add more ideas.
By the way, whats the purpose of this post? Are story-devs going to implement some ideas mentioned in this thread? Are you recruiting new story devs and seeing who has good ideas and who doesn't?
*dead tone* I can neither confirm nor deny any recruitment drives. *normal tone* But you could say that I am partially curious as to what the community would consider a "good story arc".
I would make Bretonia surrender to Gallic Royal Navy after siege of New London in which Queen Carina is captured and executed and replaced with Pro-Gallic head of the state. Bretonia would be forced to ally themselves with Gallia, creating a rather awkward situation for Liberty. Cambridge and Omega-3 would be put under Rheinland protection, with Military battlegroup sent to keep an eye at New London gate. Bretonians in Newcastle would barrage themselves and shut down the gate.
I think that:
Planetform would be kept in relative peace due to their terraforming tech, as long as they would not promote old Bretonia and have IMG-like status.
Gateway would need to be under Gallic control but they wouldn't mind since they would be the only shipper in Bretonia - with no real competition, save for IDF.
Bowex would turn Anti-Gallic and cooperate with Liberty and Crayterians, sometimes turning into open corporate piracy against IDF and Gateway.
BMM would be officially disbanded, part of the intallations going under GMS and IDF control - and part of stations and resources would be incorporporated by Bowex.
With the RN pushing forward towards Liberty through the independent worlds, spreading its forces thin, Bretonian forces, and the assisting Liberty forces in Bretonia, strike and regain control of Leeds. Forces begin to deploy further into Gallia forcing Gallic forces to retreat from the independent worlds.. ID's reflect this, allowing all the relevant ID's to now engage RN in Gallia.
Eventually.. and i mean ideally as soon as possible. Gallia is forced into submission. The war ends leaving Gallia in a post-war state, an emergency government is put in place and the house begins to open up as Neutral to other houses. Gallia's remaining forces become the main outlawed force in Galia, regularly launching attacks but hardly enough to start a full scale offensive.. much like the RHA in Rheinland.
(10-21-2017, 10:07 AM)Tabris Wrote: *dead tone* I can neither confirm nor deny any recruitment drives. *normal tone* But you could say that I am partially curious as to what the community would consider a "good story arc".
Moderator Conspiracy Confirmed.
Also, it would be cool if the new gov of Kusari was a constitutional monarchy to give the Republicans and the Monarchists what they want, but also acknowledged that Samura sponsored the coup of Kusari back in the 400 A.S., and negotiate some sort of peaceful deal/settlement with the Blood Dragons which would see them go from terrorists back to Royal Guard or Military Police, or some sort of lawful Praetorian Guard of Kusari (which would mean that the new Kusari would have both an Emperor, Shogun and some democratic elements). If they can get some women involved too, maybe legalise cardamine for personal use & see some sort of compromise from the Golden Chrysanthemums, then the major unlawful factions inside Kusari would effectly disband/disappear (maybe the GC become a political activist group like the Farmers Alliance? Except they only use armed force when they witness misogyny, the same way Farmers Alliance only use force when they see Synth Paste ships).
The reason I say this is because all Houses have some sort of unlawful element inside of them, but it would be really cool/interesting to experiment and see what Kusari would look like with all of its unlawful organisations turn into lawful or quasi-lawful factions. This is because we've never really seen what a House might look like with little/no unlawfuls. It could lead to players creating their own new indie-pirate factions inside of Kusari, like the Rat-Pack (or something like that). It would be interesting to see where this would go. And if the experiment didn't work, you could just have an update where the Kusari gov thinks the new Blood Dragon Praetorian Guard is becoming to powerful or behaving undemocratically and then have them expelled again (thus reverting them back to an unlawful group). Could do the same thing with GC if the experiment fails. Or maybe BD use their newfound lawful influence to ban the Farmers Alliance and tackle Hogosha, seeing those two factions become the new unlawfuls of Kusari.
I'm sure theres a million plot-holes that don't work with my above suggestions since I'm not a Kusari player, but my point is that it would be interesting to see what a house with no-more unlawful factions would look like. You could do this with Bretonia too e.g. Gaians/Mollys/Bret Lawfuls agree to a ceasefire after the war with Gallia because the House needs to rebuild and is tired of fighting for a while.