COMM ID:Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:Smuggler Operations and Freeport 12 ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
While on a standard supply run aboard the [LN]-LLS-Fort.Wayne in support of Long Island Station last evening, Lieutenant Wazowski reported contact with a pair of bombastic smugglers. Leading the way appears to have been Mister Tordai, with whom this command should be well acquainted by now, carrying illicit Xenos Relics aboard his vessel. The LNS-Miasma attempted to disrupt the incoming vessels to prevent their mooring, but the LC-Fortune's.Fancy once again forced its way past and into the landing pattern at Manhattan. When the LC-Fortune's.Fancy reemerged the captain of the LNS-Miasma attempted to detain the vessel, but Mister Tordai refused to cooperate and initiated his escape efforts supported by the LC-Halite.
I quickly responded by hot launching from Manhattan as soon as I received word from Lieutenant Wazowski and contacted the captain of the LNS-Miasma to assess the situation. I made my way towards Rochester Station where I intercepted the LC-Halite attempting to evade the Miasma. After disrupting the Halite I attempted to solve the issue diplomatically and without violence as I asked both sides to clarify what the situation was. After the Miasma's captain gave his report the Halite made another break for it and I was forced to pursue the vessel.
Had it not been for the timely arrival of Nicole Bradley of the 5th Fleet and Officer Paul Morgan of the LPI's 1st Division then this criminal may have eluded justice. Thankfully, though with much difficulty, we tracked down the LC-Halite as it attempted to escape into Galileo. I must commend Officer Morgan's persistence here, as it was through his efforts we were able to pin the vessel long enough for Miss Bradley to arrive and begin the engagement before it could leave Liberty proper. Meanwhile I had looped through Kepler into Galileo to cut off any possible attempt at retreat, a fortuitous move as the LC-Halite managed to jump via gate into Galileo with Morgan and Bradley in pursuit. I cut the lane and engaged as well, and Bradley and I kept up the fire as Morgan circled to provide the cut off to any escape attempt. The criminal worked his way north and attempted to dock with the modular facility Freeport 12, and we were forced to activate the station's automated defense systems in order to prevent this from happening. Officer Morgan would eventually lose his vessel to these defenses, though his person was left relatively unharmed.
It was shortly after this point that things grew in complication as the LC-Fortune's.Fancy arrived on the scene. Brazenly and on open comms Mister Tordai declared his intention to dock with Freeport 12 in order to retrieve Xenos Relics and ordered his compatriot to keep our attention until the station's defenses deactivate and he could proceed. Lacking the firepower to deal with the heavily armored transports, Bradley and I kept our pursuit on target; we did register that the Fortune's Fancy received clearance to dock on the station before our pursuit took us away from there. The Halite egressed back towards Liberty and into the New York system, where at long last we pinned the vessel once more and Bradley landed the killing blow.
There are a few points left to deal with at this time. The first is a fuller investigation into Freeport 12. Clearly this station appears to host both criminal activity and illicit goods and should be dealt with accordingly. Second, the antics of Mister Tordai and his associates needs to be brought to an end. With near impunity and an open contempt for law and order he and his fellows regularly violate our laws on contraband smuggling and next to nothing has been done to prevent his operations within Liberty space. I think that we have documented enough incidents with him that any judge would sanction the revocation of his rights to operate here. I believe that we should pursue such sanctions at the earliest opportunity.
COMM ID:Lt. Commander Daniel Redding TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:Junker vessel "Taipei" attacked [LN] forces ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Good evening,
Earlier today I embarked with Agt. Saturn of the ESRD to conduct a patrol of the Bering system given the increased piracy now that Freeport 2 has been abandoned by the Zoners. We came across an individual by the name of "Taipei", it was a Junker armoured transport. He claimed that we had no right to be in Bering (despite our treaty with Rheinland stating otherwise) and ordered us to pay a fine of 1 million credits. As our lives were being threatened, Saturn and I began to engage the Junker.
Eventually we damaged the Junker enough that he agreed to surrender. As I was reading to him his rights, he "claimed" that Agt. Saturn open fired at him again while subtly moving into Rheinland's half of the Bering system and subsequently claiming that we had no right to enforce Liberty's laws on Rheinland's space. I collected all the evidence I could to show the Rheinlander's the nature of this individual and how he had deliberately manipulated the situation to endanger Rheinland space. As he refused to cooperate and constantly interrupted us while we attempted to read him his rights, Agt. Saturn and I agreed to nullify him. Unfortunately, before we could do so, Freeport 1 granted him docking rights.
COMM ID:Lt. Commander Daniel Redding TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:Gallic incursion at Magellen ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Good evening,
Earlier today, I RV'ed with Bretonin forces engaged with a column of Royal Navy capital ships. In short, we took no losses despite being outgunned and managed to destroy the RNS Tonnant II & La Rochelle. During the fight I was aided by a BAF Dunkirk class battleship, a bounty hunter as well as Lt. Hunter & Cpt. Steiner of the BAF|. We made short work of the hostile capital ships and secure the sector.
Sincerely, Lt. Commander Daniel Redding, 1st Fleet, [LN]
COMM ID:Commander Richard Burns TARGET ID: Liberty Navy First Fleet HC ENCRYPTION:High
Good day,
With the news of Rheinland declaring war on the Gas Miners Guild, Archangel and I went to the Sigmas a few days ago to gather any intel we could. We questioned a GMG pilot, a Golden Chrysanthеmum, and an ALG pilot. The full transmission log will be attached below.
Today, I went out alone into Sigma-13 to investigate the Frankfurt jumpgate. The ship's computer returned an error when I attempted to initiate the docking procedure and it was automatically aborted. There appears to be no structural damage to the jumpgate, however the dense nebula made it difficult to visually assess. My findings will be attached below.
[03.11.2017 01:37:58]GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Few moments ago we weren't under the supressive fire from two gunships - Rheinlandic Odin and Kruger one.
[03.11.2017 01:38:16] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Konnichiwa, agents.
[03.11.2017 01:38:31] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: Good day.
[03.11.2017 01:38:45] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: It's strange to see Liberty Navy so fat from the Republic.
[03.11.2017 01:38:49] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Seems we found something afterall.
[03.11.2017 01:39:20] GC|Kiko.Nakano: Indeed. A strange sight for sure
[03.11.2017 01:39:23] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: And what did you find?
[03.11.2017 01:39:36] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Actually, your government could inform us about you.
[03.11.2017 01:39:47] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: From what it looks like two ships that aren't killing each other like I'd expect.
[03.11.2017 01:40:25] GC|Kiko.Nakano: Oh, parlay is still a thing. I don't need to shoot if I don't want to.
[03.11.2017 01:41:02] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: We were having a nice talk before bloody killing each-other, yes? *She smiles and winks*
[03.11.2017 01:41:05] JM|-Arumas: Uhhhhh.
[03.11.2017 01:41:17] GC|Kiko.Nakano: I have a flare for the dramatic, what can I say? *smiles*
[03.11.2017 01:41:46] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: So, what are you doing here, soldiers? That's not Republic's zone of influence after all.
[03.11.2017 01:42:02] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Keep going, Marauder. You didn't see us, got it?
[03.11.2017 01:42:24] JM|-Arumas: I'm pretty sure I do, unfortunately.
[03.11.2017 01:42:31] JM|-Arumas: I will keep going though.
[03.11.2017 01:42:43] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: I don't see anything in this nebula. It could be an illusion.
[03.11.2017 01:42:50] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Operatives. Not soldiers. Those ground grunts can't fly a spacecraft to the coffee shop.
[03.11.2017 01:43:27] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: So, I guessed right. But don't you have Liberty Security Forces for this kind of job?
[03.11.2017 01:44:24] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I'm confident the spooks have something better to do than look at clouds.
[03.11.2017 01:44:43] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: And it seems, that I know the reason of your appearing.
[03.11.2017 01:45:50] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I'm sure all of Sirius could figure that out, with the news and whatnot.
[03.11.2017 01:46:26] GC|Kiko.Nakano: I assumed Liberty would be interested in finding out what happened, no surprise there.
[03.11.2017 01:46:27] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: Hey that's right, Archangel. For a second I had no idea what he was talking about.
[03.11.2017 01:47:09] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: She. I'm the Guildmistress.
[03.11.2017 01:47:33] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: It's pretty rude from your side, but well. I guess, that you want to ask some questions?
[03.11.2017 01:47:45] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Many.
[03.11.2017 01:47:54] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: Indeed *slurps tea*
[03.11.2017 01:48:31] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Since the Republic is one of the largest Guild's client and we are interested in help to you, I can answer on them.
[03.11.2017 01:49:08] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: Exactly the reason we're here. Can you give us information regarding the explosion of the jumpgate?
[03.11.2017 01:49:12] GC|Kiko.Nakano: I enjoy a good yarn before a fight with a Guildmistress, so I'll hang around until you're done
[03.11.2017 01:49:21] GC|Kiko.Nakano: *sips tea*
[03.11.2017 01:49:55] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: That's pretty obvious question, but I answered on it in our statement.
[03.11.2017 01:50:08] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: We didn't do it.
[03.11.2017 01:50:34] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Then I assume Rhienland did, in their own GMG ship, with their own GMG transponders.
[03.11.2017 01:50:54] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: It can be a third party, which is interested in this war.
[03.11.2017 01:51:20] GC|Kiko.Nakano: Who benefits from Rheinland's expansion but Rheinland?
[03.11.2017 01:51:24] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: We've recorded several stolen or missed in action ships.
[03.11.2017 01:51:33] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Right. Any of these "third parties" that would be notable?
[03.11.2017 01:52:18] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: I've heard several rumors about "Wilde" group and nomads, but nothing else.
[03.11.2017 01:52:39] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: I guess, that you can give me more information about it.
[03.11.2017 01:53:03] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: Bit silly of us to ask if we already ahd the answers, isn't it?
[03.11.2017 01:53:05] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Who knows, it could have even been these matriarch fanatics.
[03.11.2017 01:53:30] GC|Kiko.Nakano: Not really our style, but flattered *grins*
[03.11.2017 01:53:36] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Just look at the whole situation. Rheinland is interested in expansion, but it would never attack own station. We aren't-
[03.11.2017 01:53:52] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: We aren't interested in this war at all, since it has only loses.
[03.11.2017 01:54:01] [ALG]-V.4: Hm, well this is unusual.
[03.11.2017 01:54:15] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: I don't see any waste here, what about you, Archangel?
[03.11.2017 01:54:34] [ALG]-V.4: We generally don't collect waste in Wraiths.
[03.11.2017 01:54:34] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Konnichiwa, ALG. Are you lost?
[03.11.2017 01:54:45] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I see plenty of waste. Looking at some right now.
[03.11.2017 01:54:49] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: Touche.
[03.11.2017 01:55:05] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: I doubt, that it's the right place for you now.
[03.11.2017 01:55:09] [ALG]-V.4: I think very few people in the Sigmas these days are lost. Those who are here likely have a purpose.
[03.11.2017 01:55:27] GC|Kiko.Nakano: Wandering is sometimes purpose enough.
[03.11.2017 01:55:53] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Perhaps that is why the debris removal is here. Could have been attracted by the smell of one of us.
[03.11.2017 01:56:12] [ALG]-V.4: We are moving Division V assets -like this fighter- from the Omicrons to the Sigmas. Seems like it might become necessary.
[03.11.2017 01:56:34] [ALG]-V.4: We can't assist the Guild against the Federal forces, obviously, but we can assist against the Unioners and the Core.
[03.11.2017 01:56:39] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Since when did a waste disposal company need a fighter wing in the Sigmas
[03.11.2017 01:57:13] [ALG]-V.4: Oh, I'm not from the local fighter wing. That would be Epsilon squadron, in Frankfurt.
[03.11.2017 01:57:18] [ALG]-V.4: Division V is more flexible.
[03.11.2017 01:57:39] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Wetworks, then. Makes less sense than before.
[03.11.2017 01:57:59] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Since when Liberty Navy wing allows to itself to enter the border of the Guild without any warnings from official side?
[03.11.2017 01:58:23] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Since the Gas Miners Guild entered a war with the entire House of Rhienland.
[03.11.2017 01:58:35] [ALG]-V.4: Not the entire house. Not us.
[03.11.2017 01:59:22] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: We have nothing against agents, trying to find out the truth about Fulda event, but we don't enjoy the fact, that you-
[03.11.2017 01:59:35] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: You appeared here without any notification.
[03.11.2017 01:59:50] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: We'll be sure to send our message with a handbasket next time.
[03.11.2017 02:00:01] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: Although it's worth noting that knocking on someone's door can make the rest of the guests run away.
[03.11.2017 02:01:37] [LN]-ESRD|Phantom: *sigh*
[03.11.2017 02:01:46] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Anyway, you are here, anyway. As I've mentoined already, the Guild didn't start this war and didn't explode the Fulda.
[03.11.2017 02:01:50] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Is that all?
[03.11.2017 02:02:09] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: So, the Guild claims to not have started this war, but it was a Guild ship that fired this... device.
[03.11.2017 02:02:42] [ALG]-V.4: I hope you appreciate the irony of this Rheinland ship using GMG weaponry.
[03.11.2017 02:02:59] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: These ships were missed in action, lost or stolen, as I've said. That's not such a bid deal to stole someone's ship.
[03.11.2017 02:03:01] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: This device seems unconventional from the amount of damage it did, but it was too... unrefined for any organized group.
[03.11.2017 02:03:56] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: I've, actually, seen a pirate with one of your gunboats some time ago.
[03.11.2017 02:04:30] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Doubtful. Common pirates do not just steal a Type-19
[03.11.2017 02:05:18] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The pirate here seems awfully quiet.
[03.11.2017 02:05:30] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Doubtful as well, as the Guild ships attacking Rheinland and exploding stations.
[03.11.2017 02:05:44] GC|Kiko.Nakano: You gentleman seem to be asking all the right questions, I don't want to step on your toes.
[03.11.2017 02:06:16] GC|Kiko.Nakano: We've...softened our stance in recent years. I don't shoot unless there's a clear purpose
[03.11.2017 02:06:27] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Moreover, we were trying to stop this war and were ready to work with governments to find out the truth.
[03.11.2017 02:06:44] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: It's sad, that only the Republic of Kusari contacted with us.
[03.11.2017 02:06:48] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: That seems to be working out for the Guild.
[03.11.2017 02:07:07] GC|Kiko.Nakano: We're interested in the cause of this war, too. Distractions for Kusari's navy and the GMG change our..calculus
[03.11.2017 02:07:41] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: You mean, more unprotected traders.
[03.11.2017 02:07:50] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: Why do you think, that we, actually, want this war to happen?
[03.11.2017 02:07:57] [ALG]-V.4: Obviously the Guild had nothing to do with the attack. The most obvious assumption is that the Republic pulled a false flag.
[03.11.2017 02:08:12] [ALG]-V.4: But even if not, they seized the opportunity.
[03.11.2017 02:08:26] GC|Kiko.Nakano: Funding from poor traders is such a...crude way to fund a movement. I won't deny it happens, but I haven't shot at a non-Samura
[03.11.2017 02:08:27] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: I can't see any benefits from current events for our side.
[03.11.2017 02:08:28] GC|Kiko.Nakano: transport in years
[03.11.2017 02:08:44] GC|Kiko.Nakano: If I was interested in traders, I'd be in Kusari right now. *smiles*
[03.11.2017 02:09:06] [ALG]-V.4: There are no doubt elements in the government that have been waiting for such an opportunity for years, decades.
[03.11.2017 02:09:38] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Right... and Rhienland military movements have been rapid?
[03.11.2017 02:09:49] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: One more point is that we never were contacted by Rheinland Government, BDM, MND or other groups.
[03.11.2017 02:10:14] [ALG]-V.4: You saw how they responded to the Omicron crisis. They were already moving assets when the Bundestag was still denying-
[03.11.2017 02:10:16] [ALG]-V.4: any involvement.
[03.11.2017 02:10:29] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Move out of the area silently.
[03.11.2017 02:10:30] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: And look at The Core reaction.
[03.11.2017 02:10:35] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Wait until you're out of scanner range.
[03.11.2017 02:10:43] [ALG]-V.4: Well....the Core are to be exterminated. Simple as that.
[03.11.2017 02:11:11] GMG|Hotaru.Mori: H: When war even wasn't declared yet by Rheinland, they've already done it.
[03.11.2017 02:11:25] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Yes, that much is obvious.
COMM ID:Commander Richard Burns TARGET ID: Liberty Navy First Fleet HC ENCRYPTION:High
Good day,
This is a small update regarding my previous report.
I've set out once again to gather more intel, but I couldn't find anyine or anything apart from the obvious and unmissable wreck of the Sigma-13 jumpgate in Frankfurt. Unlike the jumpgate in Sigma-13, this one is completely destroyed as well as the border outpost and the trade lane near it.
[RECEIVER-ID]: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Reporting Channel
[SUBJECT]: After-Action Report for November 15th, 824 A.S.
[PRIORITY]: Beta - Low
[ENCRYPTION]: Beta - Low
Evenin', command.
Today we had a brief encounter with an Outcast dreadnought. The ship was identified by our scanners on the Durango, and after Liberty Police Officer Dennis Weaver, the ship was engaged. The fight was a fairly decent slugging match, and while the old girl took some hits, she came out victorious.
The rest of the flight back to Norfolk was quiet, which was all we should've heard.
[RECEIVER-ID]: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Reporting Channel
[SUBJECT]: After-Action Report for November 22nd, 824 A.S.
[PRIORITY]: Beta - Low
[ENCRYPTION]: Beta - Low
G'mornin', command.
Got a call in from the Rheinland Police about a smuggler moving artifacts through the Hudson system up towards Liberty. I made my way out, and after a rather lengthened search, the suspect moved into the Manhattan grid. I called out to them to halt, which was ignored as they flew west into the Detroit Field. I tried to explain to the captain that he should halt his course or I would've opened fire. Unfortunately, he neglected to return words, and I was forced to engage him to prevent those artifacts from spilling onto the Manhattan market.
While an unfortunate case, Liberty is secured from smuggled goods once more.
[RECEIVER-ID]: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Reporting Channel
[SUBJECT]: After-Action Report for November 23rd, 824 A.S.
[PRIORITY]: Beta - Low
[ENCRYPTION]: Beta - Low
Happy Thanksgiving, command.
Got a call from a trader today about an Outcast warship lurking to the west of Fort Bush. The Glendale with responded with myself at the helm, identifying the warship as a 'Cpt.Blackbeard', a heavy Outcast dreadnought. Upon moving to engage the enemy, we were joined by a second Outcast dreadnought, a 'C1pax', which promptly moved to assist his ally. The Glendale toughed out their fire for the time it took aid to arrive in the form of the Third fleet battleship L.N.S. Arizona. Together, Glendale and the Third fleet vessel engaged and, at the cost of the Arizona, destroyed the second Ransuer to show up.
Alone, we staved off the first Ransuer's mortars, charging the enemy and pelting them with every volley we could throw at them, until they eventually fell to the Glendale's armament.
Once finished, we returned to Norfolk for repairs. Another day won.
COMM ID:Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center SUBJECT:Patrol Results ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
It was an extended patrol today, one that produced some satisfying results.
To begin I began my patrol with a sweep in the Pennsylvania system where a pirate was rather brazenly flashing his identifier signal. A check of all lanes and a look into the Hallam Nebula produced no initial results. Thankfully I was met by a member of the local LPI guard identified as Lance.Spot on patrol who had spotted a suspicious signal back towards the New York gate. We both made our way back there and found the self-declared pirate attacking local patrol craft. The officer engaged the target, though it quickly became clear that the pirate was more interested in playing hideaway than actually defending itself, so I lent my firepower in support; ultimately it was almost unnecessary as the officer managed to drop the target in quick order.
Parting ways, the officer returned to the Pennsylvania system while I returned to Manhattan's orbit. I met a member of The Forlorn Hope organization there, identified as Forlorn|-Impact, who I struck up a conversation with briefly before we both detected a hostile signal approaching Manhattan which just as quickly faded back. We both took a lane to search out the target, with Impact finding the hostile down lane towards Fort Bush. Arriving at the location myself I found the enemy to be a well armed and armored Liberty Rogue "Pitbull" transport spoiling for action. Quickly deciding that more firepower than my Guardian could supply would be needed I left Impact to keep the vessel occupied while I had an Upholder warmed up on the pad for my use. Swiftly returning to the engagement in the Upholder I helped Impact take the vessel down with him taking the final blows. I regret that I was not able to take a visual record of the conflict.
Agreeing that working together would benefit us both we restocked our consumables and took back to the lanes. It was here that things took an ugly turn, as a transport bearing VIPs crammed inhumanely into its cargo hold, in clear violation of Liberty health and transportation guidelines as stated under Section One Article IV of the Laws of Liberty, went past me at Manhattan. My attempts to halt and talk to the captain of the vessel in question were repeatedly rebuffed, culminating in the vessel opening up on me with its turrets. I was forced to down the vessel, though thankfully a freelance vessel was nearby who was able to make a rescue effort for the VIPs, all of whom were returned to Fort Bush for processing and injury treatment.
Finally, the last action of the day took place in that failure of a system known as Bering. Several known pirate operatives, namely The.Blue.Mask and TPM-Silence (who would be very silent throughout), were located there, and I requested that Impact join me. He quickly acknowledged my request and joined me while I peddled for time with the criminals. With Impacts arrival we turned the tables on the pirate operatives, taking them one at a time. While Impact engaged The.Blue.Mask, someone with whom he was previously familiar, I watched for my opportunity to contribute to the fight. Noticing a pattern to the pirate's actions, I took a well placed anti-matter shot that annihilated the enemy's "Cutlass" bomber. As I was not in a craft that I felt would fare well against an "Eagle" fighter, Impact stepped up and took out TPM-Silence in a swift engagement.
Overall a rather successful patrol, though it saddens me to see what a cesspit the Bering system has become. I recommend to all pilots that if they get the opportunity that they should work alongside the pilots of The Forlorn Hope. Their skill is impressive and it's good to have pilots who are as relatable as they've appeared to be with me so far.
COMM ID:Lieutenant Adam West TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Command SUBJECT:Flight report ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Medium
Yesterday evening my unit got informations about an assault to happen in Ontario very soon. Of course I immediately rushed to my ship to aid, seemingly as the only pilot of the first fleet, possibly the others were too busy to notice the emergency calls.
Getting to the point, once I arrived in Ontario I met up with a group of other fighters who had reacted to the distress signal, mainly secondary fleet personel but also two 5th and a 17th pilot along with a LSF agent.
Quite soon after my arrival news poured in about an attack on the Alberta jumpgate whereafter our fighterwing immediately set course for its location. Upon arrival we were met with a combined force or the Lane Hackers and Harmony Separatists apparently trying to **** with our jumpgate!
As they did not leg it immediately we engaged them right on spot and shot down every single one of them. Sadly we had to take a few losses too and Nick Warners ships systems were compromised to the point of beeing unable to fight, we collected the escape pods of the shot down, I hope they will recover fully.
My confirmed shootdowns:
[07.01.2018 20:15:42] Death: H|-Tau-1 was put out of action by [LN]-Adam.West' (Gun)
[07.01.2018 20:21:23] Death: LH~Vladimir.Scorpius was put our of action by [LN]-Adam.West' (Collision)
[97.91.2018 20:25:40] Death: H|-Lena.Smith was put our of action by [LN]-Adam.West' (Mine)
That would be all.
Signing out,
Lieutenant Adam West
Liberty Navy, First Fleet