ID:Ezrael Vertiga Location: Subject:Defending the Delta ENCRYPTION:
Guildmistress Loyola, Guildkeeper Lyell,
I'm observing the situation in Omicron Delta via the Live Feed and the public news. I believe both of you know at this point Administrator Akibara and I have the share the same history with the Core, that shouldn't be a secret anymore. I've contacted him and offered an additional warship for the Freeport 11 defense against the Order, and while I have my agreements with the two of you that sort-of provide neutrality, I would like to make sure we won't get into trouble with each other if the Apahanta arrives the freeport to assist.
The Guildmistress has reviewed your request to assist in the defense of Freeport 11 and has deemed your aspiration to risk your own and your crew's lives a noble cause and therefore allows you to quote, repay your terrible sins with blood, unquote. The Core forces have been briefed by Guildkeeper Daniels to avoid any hostilities towards your war vessel for the time being. We can only hope you will repay that favor.
Should you have any more questions do not hesitate to use this channel further.
ID:Ezrael Vertiga Location: Subject:Defending the Delta ENCRYPTION:
You probably saw what happened. The Apahanta got heavily damaged and we'll leave Omicron Delta again. That being said, It was an honor to fight with Core and Zoners against the Corsairs and Order. Reminded me of the few good days I had within the Core.
I contact you regarding this. I'm pretty certain you already have been contacted by the other parties who are related to this. I may or may not have a significant amount of information for you, including parts of a heavily encrypted access key for the Vault. That is pretty much what you are looking for, isn't it?
What you have to offer has definitely caught Command's attention. We would be most interested to hear whatever information you have regarding this vault of ours or how you got your hands on what you're telling us to be part of the key to getting onboard this little locked up facility. Luckily for you the Guildmistress and Guildkeepers have voted to consider your offer as so far cooperating with you has been beneficial. Question that remains though is what do you expect to see in return? I hardly expect you're doing this out of the kindness of your own heart, I've known you for long enough to know you're not that kind of a person, Vertiga.
always a pleasure to see you again. To get straight to the point, I'd like to request three things:
1. Permanent restoration of a cooperative, neutral relation with the Core.
We have the same allies and multiple shared enemies, mostly the Corsairs and the Order. When I took the Apahanta, the ship I myself funded, and a fair amount of people who where both loyal to me and didn't wish to fight the Zoners with me to defect from the Core, I didn't do it to fight the Core, and you know that. Cooperation in the past has shown fruitful for both sides and I believe there is no reason to fight each other. It would be a waste of resources. I request the Core's full amnesty for me and all the other Core members who left with me. They shall be welcome in Core space again, protected by Core's laws. No tricks. Additional to that I request docking rights for Yaren Station and Dagger Outpost, both only to be used in emergency cases as for example to assist or resupply and repair in combat scenarios.
2. I want to be present when the Core opens the Vault.
Knowing big parts of the backstory of this thing, I really want to know what exactly is in there. While I can already say it is at least not directly related to the Wild - at least nothing of my information is confirming that so far - I want to know what kind of technology is hidden there.
3. If there is loot to share, I want a fair share of it.
33% of what we find on the station as well as copies of the station's database.
If you agree with that, you'll receive a full report on what I've found in the data storage of a ship called the Titanic and a related smuggling outpost in Bretonia. This will include the code snippets I have in my possession. According to my information you will have no means to open the Vault without them.
I am Supreme Guildkeeper Nathan Archos. In absence of Guildmistress Loyola, I am taking over leadership and administration of The Core. I do not know you, nor have much knowledge of your personal indifferences with The Core, but I am willing to put it aside for the sake of opening this vault.
The Core agrees to your terms as long as the following are kept in mind:
Your docking allowances are for Yaren and Dagger ONLY. You are not permitted to dock on any of our other installations.
The Core proposes a threeway split between you, we and a 3rd party which we have been in contact with whom we believe have the other code required for opening the Vault.
by Sherry Aguilar and Ezrael Vertiga
Battleship Apahanta
On November 25th (824 A.S.) one of our scouting drones recorded an unknown signature in the Omicron Chi system. Approaching the unknown signature, it turned out to be a Bustard-class Carrier with the callsign The Titanic. It was caught within a nomad minefield. Further investigation made the deployment of the Apahanta necessary, as the ship is small enough to traverse through the system's fragment field while being resistant to radiation, alien organisms and possible nomad activities as well as equipped with a powerful shield to reach the Titanic within the mine field.
Captain Ezrael Vertiga entered the Titanic with a breaching pod. The ship itself had a complete loss of life support; the use of EVA suits was absolutely necessary as the ship was soaked with radiation and alien organisms. Those have rendered the found bodies of the former crew of the Titanic into deformed decomposing piles of meat. The Titanic was actually only barely damaged. Outer hull was affected heavily by the influence of radiation and alien organisms, leaks in the hull disabled life support, killing all life on the ship. Captain Vertiga aimed for the reactivation of the ship's systems and after hours we were able to pull the Titanic out of the minefield, towing it to the closest shipyard. The ship got repaired in the following days and sold to a research group after installing a new data core to the ship.
Analyzing the data of the damaged data core of the Titanic, we were able to reconstruct the event that lead the Titanic to Omicron Chi.
Accessing Blackbox
Reading data
Filtering data for latest mission data
[November 05th, 824]
- Ship reactivated after repairs, Poole system, coordinates -47000, -1000, -25000 (approximately)
- All systems online
- Coordinates set for 6E00307C-E3D5C293-60731D26-8F7AABF3-5C089DF4-8339C774-34354377
- Jump Drive charging
- Jump Drive active
- Jump successful
- Waypoint set: B7
- Charging Cruise Engines
- Transaction with Ũ̴̥˞ñ̰˞ˡ̙̪̊̈k̽̃̽̈˞̴̰̼̠̠n̩̠̯̈̊˞ˡ˞̴˞ɔ˞̴ɯ̻̪̘̈˞n̪̊
- Payment sent to Ũ̴̥˞ñ̰˞ˡ̙̪̊̈k̽̃̽̈˞̴̰̼̠̠n̩̠̯̈̊˞ˡ˞̴˞ɔ˞̴ɯ̻̪̘̈˞n̪̊: 25.000.000 Credits
- Receiving cargo [DATA CORRUPTED]
- Waypoint set: C7
- Charging Cruise Engines
- Entering Jump Hole
- Entering ˡ˞̃ɲ̈˞̴œ̯̤˞ɽ̙̪̊˞̴ð̴ḍ̻̻ⁿ̟̠̽˞̴ʁ˞ʲ̊̊̊̊ˡ˞̴α̴̺̺̺̺̪̘̪̺̺̺˞ʉ˞̴ʷ̃ɒ̤̈̊˞̴̰̃ɮ˞̴k̽̃̽e̊̈
- Waypoint set: B34
- Charging Cruise Engines
- Leaving ˡ˞̃ɲ̈˞̴œ̯̤˞ɽ̙̪̊˞̴ð̴ḍ̻̻ⁿ̟̠̽˞̴ʁ˞ʲ̊̊̊̊ˡ˞̴α̴̺̺̺̺̪̘̪̺̺̺˞ʉ˞̴ʷ̃ɒ̤̈̊˞̴̰̃ɮ˞̴k̽̃̽e̊̈
- Entering Jump Hole
- Entering ɰɚɪ̈ʄśkʊɠɚɮɸɛɬð
- Sending mooring request: ʜɛi̠̠̺ʂ˞̴ë̘̝̻̯̽ɳ̻̙̈˞β̽̊̽̈e̺̹̟̟̊̈̊˞̴ʀ̴̃˞ˡʛ R̴̻̞̝̝̝̙̜̩̤̰̼̈̽̃̽̃̃̽̃˞ɚ̴˞̺̈ʃ̙̹̬ë̙̃̊ɒ̃̊̊̃̃̈̈̊̊̊r̊̊̊̈̊˞ⁿ̺̙̘̬̬̻ɕ̩̩̰̰̽̽̃h̪̹̹̥̥̥̥̥̥̹̜̟̽̈̊ ʄt̪̪̺̺̩̠̠̩a̩̜̻̽ð̙̈̽ɨö̈ɲ
- Mooring with: ʜɛi̠̠̺ʂ˞̴ë̘̝̻̯̽ɳ̻̙̈˞β̽̊̽̈e̺̹̟̟̊̈̊˞̴ʀ̴̃˞ˡʛ R̴̻̞̝̝̝̙̜̩̤̰̼̈̽̃̽̃̃̽̃˞ɚ̴˞̺̈ʃ̙̹̬ë̙̃̊ɒ̃̊̊̃̃̈̈̊̊̊r̊̊̊̈̊˞ⁿ̺̙̘̬̬̻ɕ̩̩̰̰̽̽̃h̪̹̹̥̥̥̥̥̥̹̜̟̽̈̊ ʄt̪̪̺̺̩̠̠̩a̩̜̻̽ð̙̈̽ɨö̈ɲ
- Receiving cargo
--- 550 Jump Drive Batteries
- Unmooring
- Waypoint set: EF9
- Charging Cruise Engines
- Coordinates set for 59013A4E-748DB8AF-44C9DAF6-9B6A9B73-E679847E-6B04CE61-34641B69
- Jump Drive charging
- Jump Drive active
- Jump successful
- Waypoint set: B7
- Charging Cruise Engines
- Entering ç̪ɦαɔ̺̺̠ ˞̴F̺̊ɪ̈̽e̠̠̠̠̠̠̠̠̠̠̺ɭ̴̃̽˞ð
- Sending mooring request: Tɧɚ ̴Mɪdˡ˞̴ɳiγɥðˠ̽̃ Rʊ̠̬̞ɳɲ̤ɘ̈̊ʁ
- Mooring with: Tɧɚ ̴Mɪdˡ˞̴ɳiγɥðˠ̽̃ Rʊ̠̬̞ɳɲ̤ɘ̈̊ʁ
- Removing cargo [DATA CORRUPTED]
- Receiving cargo [DATA CORRUPTED]
- Unmooring
- Waypoint set: B7
- Charging Cruise Engines
- Leaving ç̪ɦαɔ̺̺̠ ˞̴F̺̊ɪ̈̽e̠̠̠̠̠̠̠̠̠̠̺ɭ̴̃̽˞ð
- Coordinates set for D4012401-71̬1̺̺̪3̻̩̯̙̬̊̊̈̽˞C̴˞ˤ̙̬̜̠̺̻̩̻̈̽̃̊7̴̻̺̙̞̪̝̥̜̙̟̯̼̺̞̊̊̈̽̃̃̃̽̈̽̊̽̊̽̚̚˞ˡ˞̴̰̼̽̚̚F̘ʰ˞̴ˡ̻̬̜̞̩̰̚E̪̙̞̹̬̬̊̈̽-̽A̯̪̞̝̹̜̪̙̽̈̊˞̴4˞̴̰̃̽̃4̠̪̙̞̽̊ⁿ˞̴̽ʘ̼̰̯̠̟̹̥̞69F3-1744̚˞̴9̴̪̙4A̺̩̚3̚˞-Fɕ̪̜̠̈̃˞̴βACC7F-1625C̻̊C̽6α-34385770
- Jump Drive charging
- Jump Drive active
- Jump successful
- Waypoint set: B1
- Charging Cruise Engines
- Entering To˞̽̃ɹfɐ̴ɚɳ A̴ʃteʁ˞˞̴œɨɖ F˞ɨɜɮ̚d
- Entering ʊ˞ɫ̺s̺ˡ̺˞̴θ̺ɚr ɶ̽ɮ˞̴œ̊˞̴ʉð
- Sending mooring request: Tɧɚ ̴Mɪdˡ˞̴ɳiγɥðˠ̽̃ Rʊ̠̬̞ɳɲ̤ɘ̈̊ʁ
- Mooring with: Tɧɚ ̴Mɪdˡ˞̴ɳiγɥðˠ̽̃ Rʊ̠̬̞ɳɲ̤ɘ̈̊ʁ
- Removing cargo [DATA CORRUPTED]
- Interrupting cargo removal process
- Force-shutting cargo bay doors
- Unmooring
- Diverting power from life support to defensive systems
- Jump Drive charging
- Jump Drive active
- Jump successful
Unable to restore data. End of Blackbox recording.
The recordings show that the Titanic was used as a jumpship, which was confirmed by the discovery of the remains of a jump drive on the Titanic. There are multiple recordings of jumps all over Sirius, most of them having led to the Poole system, while some of them also led to the Sigma-15 system. According to the logs, the Titanic was returning from some deals in other systems when it got attacked by an unknown force. The ship initialized the jump drives without calculating hyperspace coordinates and jumped into the Omicron Chi Nomad Minefield. This must have caused some destabilizing effect on the ship's jump drives as what we found on the Titanic was beyond repairable conditions. The jump drive must have exploded, disabling the Titanic from jumping out again - either that or the crew was already dying before the explosion.
Captain Vertiga deployed the Apahanta to investigate the coordinates the Titanic used to reach the Poole system and triangulating possible suitable jump locations within the asteroid-rich Poole system, conclusion was that the hidden outpost the Titanic used as a base of operations was located within the Ulster Cloud, a perfect spot to hide an installation in. Finding the Vented Smuggling Facility, we deployed salvaging teams to loot anything interested from the station that was about to fall apart from the heavy damage it sustained from what we suppose to be the same hostile force that attacked the Titanic as well, causing it to blind-jump.
Both the databases of the Titanic and the Vented Smuggling Facility mention a third object which we assume is the Vault. It was only hinted but quite often in the crew logs as well as in the jump drive logs of the Titanic. We assume that whatever the Vented Smuggling Facility was producing was transported by the Titanic to the Vault. We assume this because the ship was frequently jumping to the Sigma-15 system without any jumps to other systems. Those jumps always started in Poole and lead to Sigma-15. This is conveniently overlapping with the broadcast the Core shared publicly all over Sirius and apparently Gallia. Core is known to have a claim on one half of the Sigma-15 system and the footage shows the unknown station, the Vault, in the lower orbit of a desert or wasteland-ish planet surface. There is reason to believe that this is not Nauru as the Core would have noticed a foreign installation the moment it started existing. The broadcast stated the Vault was found within Core-controlled space, which is really not that big: Omicron Rho, Omicron Delta and Sigma-15's eastern part. Following this deduction, the Vault is supposed to be located in the orbit of Planet Baltrum in Sigma-15.
Both the Titanic and the Vented Smuggling Facility contained snippets of codes. We assume those codes are required to access the Vault. We also assume that those codes need to be put into the station using a special ship we found on the Titanic, a Light Fighter called Talisman. It was the only ship in the Hangar of the Bustard, stripped of anything of value but the protocols of the Titanic indicate it was launched every single time when the Titanic entered Sigma-15. This combined with the fact that Core wasn't able to enter the station makes us assume the Talisman is the only ship that is whitelisted by the station's defense system, making it the literal key to access the Vault to use the codes on it to unlock it. However, in order to do so, we need all codes. This is where we believe Rosalie Saint-Yves of Gallia to be required, as private communications with her have confirmed there was a fourth installation in Gallic territory that contained another snippet. The gallic general was weirdly interested in the topic, repeatedly threatening us to make us comply.
Long story short: We have a code snippet to the Vault and the means to enter the Vault for the input. What we lack are the other snippet(s) to unlock the Vault.
Sherry Aguilar & Ezrael Vertiga
Commander and Captain of Battleship Apahanta