We finally arrived in Omicron-Xi and already had our first contacts against the Corsairs. Nothing special so far, only Jägergeschwader, nothing that could actually hurt us.
It feels odd to move further into the Corsairs Systems, back in the days we actually fought against normal people, now I'm going to kill people who are eating kids... whatever, the Bundestag gave us the orders to finally get our Fuß into that System.
I hope that the Heavy escort will stay for a while, I'm not really interested that the Schwerin get's heavily damaged in the first few days.
I also got informed that the Gas Miners attacked Fulda, and managed to hit the Station pretty hard... I just hope that we can finally destroy this guild für allemal. It's time to take back what is ours, and what we deserve.
*Alarm, Abfangjäger Geschwader 67 zu ihren Maschinen, wir haben ein feindliches Jägergeschwader auf den Radar, Ich wiederhole...*
Hier bin ich wieder, back from fighting against the Corsair Geschwader.
It went really gut for us, only some minor damage against our Wraiths, nothing heavy.
The Soldaten are doing fine so far, no problems and the Disziplin is still on the highest standard that we have in the Armee. Even the Schlachtschiff Schwerin had no Problems yet, the engines are running, the Feuerleitsysteme are smooth and their Präzision is amazing.
"Major Jakob von Braun, melden sie sich unverzüglich auf der Kommandobrücke, Vize-Admiral Engel möchte sie sprechen"
The Vize-Admiral wants to speak with me, I wonder about what, at least it's just the Vize, and not Admiral Sterr...