⧫ O.C.V. Fedayeen
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 23/01/825
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: The Blood Dragon Shogunate
It is no doubt that Shogunate is aware of current political situation in the Kusari. The Imperial Navy had given up arms and Kusari civil war had came to a final conclusion. Specifics as to what kind of shape the new government will take are yet unknown, in entire possibility the specific negotiations are still underway to establish importance of the Samura-backed Emperor in the new regime.
I write to you with concern about our common Northern Flank. The Order specialists already present in Nagano are on all-time low morale, expecting crushing counter offensive by unified Kusari Naval Forces within months, perhaps we have no more than weeks. Our elite recon teams have gained crucial experience on the Tomioka, infiltrating and acquiring intelligence forwarded to the Blood Dragon fighing units. It is a possibility that they may be pulled out.
Our obligations to Tohoku however are stalwart as they were. The Arch is yet unresolved and the system directly translates into direct border between The Order Protectorate and traditionally understood House of Kusari. The Order Intelligence does not believe that Kusari wants to escalate Tohoku, nevertheless our northern battlegroup had been briefed to prepare contingencies against a push.
While I am certain that you had already put your greatest minds into developing a counter strategy that might perhaps still win Tomioka, we are suggesting to begin talks with the Golden Chrysanthemums to increase pressure on Hokkaido-Rishiri corridor. It is in best interest of us all. With highest regards.
Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"
Encryption: High
Location: Undisclosed
Recipient: Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Sender: Heung Hideyoshi
Subject: Nagano-Drifting Depo
Konnichiwa, Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
We are aware of the sudden peace between the Imperial Navy and The Republic. The Shogunate approves of this peace if we had it our way Kusarians would never have to fight Kusarians ever again, but we must continue to fight for the Shogun. This new peace means one less side, one less war for Kusarians which can only be a good thing for the people. Fighting in Nagano has always been fierce so I am surprised to hear that the Order agents are suffering poor morale now, perhaps it would be wise to draw them back into the safety of Akabat instead of risking desertion, that said I am unaware of how bad the morale issue is. If there is anything we can do or comforts we could provide to the agents please inform us and we will make any preparations possible.
I will speak openly as I do with all the Shogunates allies, yes the Protectorates northern front is at risk, the new capability of the Kusari Navy forces is a threat in both Nagano and Tohoku. I agree with you that the current government is unlikely to focus on Tohoku, they are currently deploying capital assets in deeper house space such as Battleship Hyono in Honshu so it is unlikely that their newer vessels will be fielding against us. With the tensions rising in the Sigmas as well, they will be occupied to an extent but the importance of Tomioka is not to be underestimated.
It is far more likely that they will start making a move for Tomioka before expansion into Tohoku. The Daimyo council will be meeting in due haste to discuss the future of Dragon interest in Nagano. Until then I can not confirm the actions of our fleets or strategy, however, if the Shogun chooses to launch another crusade upon Tomioka both logistic and capital support from the Order and our other allies will be crucial to our success. If you have the resources available I'm certain Order capital assets in Nagano would provide much need addition presence in the system but also increase the morale of those fighting on the planet. As for our allies at home in Hokkaido, I am certain that they would already be doing nothing but their best to support our cause.
In the meanwhile, our scouts in Omicron Mu working on our joint venture out there discovered an abandoned station. They have managed to board the station and restore basic life support and control systems. The station is on a slight drift and it is expected to collide with planet Nile in the near future. It has been calculated that we would have enough time to use it as a staging platform for our project and have time to dismantle the useful components to restore the Dreadnought Birth to its former glory. Work would need to start soon on this project as time is of the essence. I have made the assumption that your agents would like to analyze the station, we can assure you that there is nothing out of the ordinary or special that sets this station apart from any other except for its location and trajectory, however, I have attached all level access codes so that they may have full access to what is currently available. Before we begin hauling the required resources to the station, I seek clarification that the Order approves of the Dragons using this station within their space, considering the end goal of this project I assume there won't be a problem here but I am asking out of respect.
Heung Hideyoshi,
Shogunate Treasurer and Representative of Shogun Hideyoshi.
⧫ O.C.V. Fedayeen
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 08/02/825
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: The Blood Dragon Shogunate
Our soldiers can be expected to do their duty, however none of them are willing to sacrifice their lives in vain especially when faced with potentially non-existant chances of success of this operation. I am also responsible to not put our troopers into situation against impossible odds. If Blood Dragons decide to evacuate Tomioka, our scouts will retreat in dignified and organized manner before planet is overrun by the enemy. Our commanders in field would appreciate insight into how Blood Dragons want to proceed, the fear of the unknown cannot be ever fully knocked out of the human psyche.
You have our, Overwatch's official sanction to use this old supply depot to your needs of this project. Our local forces report that no enemy has interest in the location which works to our mutual advantage. Carry on as you go, most estimeed Hideyoshi.
As per your request, we can intensify our logistical operations in your region. Your soldiers should be able to choose from various surplus hardware ranging from pistols to gunboats as decreed by our treaty and will continue without interruption. Deploying capital asset to Nagano on permanent basis is a risky endeavour and may unnecesarily trigger adverse reaction from the Reunified Kusari. I suggest to make use and maintain of current flexible deployment doctrine concerning Order capital ship usage across Northern Kusari worlds. My own flagship may move into play as needed.
Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"
Encryption: High
Location: Undisclosed
Recipient: Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Sender: Heung Hideyoshi
Subject: Nagano-Drifting Depo
Konnichiwa, Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Work has begun on the Drifting Depo, and basic supplies have arrived on the station. More complex constructions are to be handled by our mutual contact Professor Nerva who has been sent out to advise on the station's requirements and status. As for the main topic at hand, our fight on Tomioka has been almost unquestioned, we have seen very few Samuran vessels supplying the planet, yet the Shogunates clans have made headway on delivering a considerable amount of resources to our joint forces. If the overwatches logistical divisions wish to provide assistance Kyoto can accept more Kemwer munitions to be processed before taking planetside and other less advanced munitions can be hauled straight to the planet's surface should you have the landing equipment necessary to do so.
Even with the increase Naval forces in Shikoku and the recently opened Uncharted system, the Shogunate is still prioritising Tomioka. We have no intentions of evacuating.
Heung Hideyoshi,
Shogunate Treasurer and Representative of Shogun Hideyoshi.