The dark hangar of Freeport 11 met Victoria with a gloomy silence. Getting out of the close shuttle, she straightened her jacket on the move and shook herself. She should have a beautiful view, as she was one of the diplomats of the Foundation. Looking at her watch, she was afraid of being late for the meeting. But the delay could lead to fatal consequences. In one of the corridors, Victoria crashed into an unknown pilot, who carried cakes to his room. A moment later, the diplomat was already sitting on the floor, trying to chew a piece of cake, and the pilot guiltily looked then at her, then at the tray with the surviving cakes. Victoria already wanted to express all her anger, but realized that she was to blame. Embarrassed, she stood up, simultaneously removing cream from her lips.
"Im... I'm so sorry, mister..." She said.
"N-nothing, miss..." - Just as embarrassed answered the pilot "Right, it's my fault."
"You are not guilty," Victoria answered. "My name is Victoria, I'm a diplomat. Whats your name?"
"Jakob Berger, Lieutenant of the Order" - said the pilot.
"Let's be acquainted," -said both victims, and shook hands. Jacob quickly opened his breast pocket with a quick movement, and took out his business card a bit. Victoria accepted it, thrusting it into the inside pocket of the jacket.
"I have to go," Victoria said. "I have a meeting soon, which I can not be late for."
"Likewise," answered Jakob, stretching himself in a smile, "We'll see you again, Lady Victoria"
"Are you sure, sir Jacob?"
"I feel the spinal cord, and we will meet more than once." The officer of the order answered with the same smile.
"Well, Sire Jacob... See you!" - Victoria laughed, continuing to shake off her jacket. - "Do I have cream on my face?" she asked.
"Not a single piece," answered officer. "Good luck!" Said Jakob with a grin.
Victoria nodded to him and again ran toward the hall in which the meeting was held. After a couple of minutes, she was already standing near the door to the room. Looking at her watch, she let out a sigh of relief, had time. Knocking on the door, Victoria opened it, and found that there was no one. Entering the room and closing the door behind her, the diplomat sat on her right chair, and waited, looking at the interior at the same time. In general, the room had a mixed Kusarian-Bretonian style, and she liked it, because she herself Bretonian. Suddenly, she remembered her sister, Eva, who always dreamed of becoming an officer.
Victoria opened her eyes, and continued to examine the interior. Her attention was drawn to the table that stood in the middle of the room.There was a tea set , and a fresh bouquet of flowers. "Cute," Victoria thought to herself.
She looked again at the clock. After that, she closed her eyes, and plunged into the hurricane of her thoughts and feelings
Kyouko was lost deep in her thoughts till she heard loud screaming of stopping elevator.
"Excellent, I'm right in time", she thought. Then she opened the door and entered.
Victoria was already waiting there, sitting on the table. Kyouko rolled her eyes and coughed.
Suddenly, transmitter has came alive, and she took her headphones on.
"Hai? Mr. Irving, could you wait a bit? Yes, I remember your request, yes. I completely agree
with you, but we can talk 'bout that later. Huh? They're denying to accept our services?
Remind them Zwickau, or else. We've already passed that point, I see no reason to stick to
them like a chewing gum on a sidewalk. Their intentions are still unclear, and we have to
do something about that. Hai. Excuse me, I'm a little busy now, I'm waiting for our very special guest. Yes, that's 'bout some of our lost property. Yes, I'll wait for your call.
Kyouko then examined documents that were laying on table like a bunch of trash.
"Ms. Fureimuhasu, if you want to go on vacation, then just inform SDD 'bout that. I want
you to stop dealing with serious documents like that."
She sat on a chair that was right opposite to the door.
"Are we ready to meet our special guest, Ms. Fureimuhasu? If so, then you may invite them."
After she said that, she has suffered from a headache and rubbed her forehead, then
gazed into the door, waiting for the inevitable.
Communication neural net SAT-E2343
Connected users: Dr. Berg, Dr.Alferov, Operative Sheppard <Dr.Berg> Are we ready to move on, Anton? <Dr.Alferov> Da, everything is prepared. Despite the fact that only a madman will attempt to commit murder in a freeport, I have prepared additional security systems in the meeting room. Let's check our personal weapons. <Dr.Berg> My personal laser pistol works just fine. <Dr.Alferov> The same here. <Dr.Berg> Sheppard, what is the state of "Dreamweaver"? <Operative Sheppard> We are standing near with meeting area. Ready for backup. Sheppard is out. <Dr.Berg> It seems, that everthting is prepared. Let's move already. Two people come into the meeting hall. The first man was a woman of rather high stature, wearing a lab coat and a neat but simple hairdo. Her hair has a soft-chestnut color, and their tips are painted white. A woman wears glasses in a thin frame. On the right side of the robe was printed the sign of the research group. She wears a badge. "Catherine Berg, CRO"
The second man was clothed in combat armor covered under a scienstist lab coat. In his hands he carried a small black case. He also wears a badge."Doctor Anton Alferov".
Both people exchanged glances between each other, after which they took free seats. The man put the briefcase on the table. The woman cleared her throat and said: "Well, well, well... Good day, my future colleges. You were looking for a meeting and now you have it. Before we begin the negotiations, I want to remind you that this place is strongly protected, so I hope that you will not do anything stupid. I remember you said that we have your equipment? Well, before we start talking about his return to you, you have the opportunity to introduce yourself and tell us what you might be interesting to us. And forgive my tone, these are the consequences of the profession."
The woman finished speaking and sighed, taking her breath away.
Victoria stand up from her chair and quickly glanced at the people that were sitting in front of her.
"Well... greetings here."She suppressed her inner fear and continued: "Let me introbuce myself. My name is Victoria Flameheart, and it was I who organized this meeting."
She smiled slightly. "Most likely you already know each other, but I'll probably introduce my supervisor again." After this words, she turned her head toward lady Kyouko."Lady Kyouko Kirigiri, founder of "Founditation."
She looked again at that room, reserved for this meeting. Next to her was sitting lady Kuroku, in front of them - Dr. Berg and a certain "Doctor Anton Alferov." Victoria couldnt get rid of the thought that somewhere she had already seen him. But where?!
"Well... i think, meeting was started."- Said young diplomat.- "Lady Kuroku, please, say, all that wanted to say for our dear
After this words, she sit down on her chair and prepared to listen all that said her supervisor.
Kyouko's stare moved onto the newcomers. She felt a bit nervous, like when Sonzaishinai departed last time.
"Greetings, Ms. Berg. We haven't met yet, though I've already heard about your work."
She cleared her throat.
"It seems that you're a bit too cautious, huh? It's dangerous to meet with strangers these days, y'know. Especially on business affairs. Well, I should agree with your attitude, because I already died once and won't let that happen again for sure."
She gazed into nowhere.
"Let me introduce myself. My name's Kirigiri Kyouko, I'm ex-Administrator of UEC. The one who was in charge for all our work done. And all our, eh, evidence has gone with all our personnel that are presumably dead for three years now."
"We know that you've gathered some items in Omicron Delta. Exactly, it's equipment from some our lost ships. Blackboxes, datacores, tools and beacons. Beacons were activated when you've picked them up, so we were watching your attempts to break the encryption with such an interest. If you want to encrypt our datacores, you should've had a battleship-sized quantum decryptor.
However, I do have keys from all this equipment, and I would like to take it back. All I need is data from our last ship that was sucked into an anomaly in Omega-3.
My offer is a simple one. We get everything back, you get most of the encrypted data from there, excluding something you shouldn't see. I'm sure that you're not interested in interrupting Rheinland Federal supply lines."
(03-14-2018, 11:34 AM)6th Liberty Navy Fleet Wrote: Of course, the world will last for a while
The man sitting next to the woman, as if did not notice the fact that he was not greeted. In the end, these people came here to meet with his colleague, not with him and he was grateful for just being here.
Meanwhile the doctor Berg answered:
"Died once? Well, I guess, that I shouldn't ask too many questions about it. Your offer indeed sounds interesting, despite the fact, that we are able to provide a mainframe with the size of battleship, at the end, we managed to obtain the whole level here, on Freeport 11. However, it will take too much resources and time to decrypt this information and the final result seems to be... Doubtful. Is it possible for you to tell us more about information there and about what you are going to hide from eyes?
And indeed, we checked old Rheinland neural-net news and heard about your... Actions. We find them pretty interesting, but it's just another reminder, that we should act carefuly now."