Si, si. Kudos to everyone in Delta this night. Had plenty of fun, RPing my BS for once.. And kudos to the Outcast for showing up in quite a nice moment, couldn't have picked it better myself!
(01-15-2018, 08:58 AM)The League Wrote: As long as your questions, comments, or concerns are presented, they will be addressed.
If you believe that you have been wronged by one of our guys, contact us for it to be redressed.
If you are a hot chick, kindly show up to our parties undressed.
(02-01-2018, 03:48 AM)Black Smoke Wrote: Si, si. Kudos to everyone in Delta this night. Had plenty of fun, RPing my BS for once.. And kudos to the Outcast for showing up in quite a nice moment, couldn't have picked it better myself!
PS: Sorry to Mageara for calling her a loco lady
Kudos. Sadly was on the phone the entire time hence absolutely no concentration on the pews. Still glad a bit of action was created, seeing as there wasn't anything major going on beforehand. We can always have our fun together in Liberty anyway
(02-01-2018, 03:37 AM)PKPower Wrote: Kudos to everyone partaking in the Delta shenanigans this evening. The Vagrants, Corsairs and all of the indies. Had some great fun.
Kudos to Nomads, Aoi and Commune in Delta just now for the quick pew, needed it after being in the hospital with my mom. Sorry I didn't put up much of a fight.