To: The Unione Corse From: Armin Jansen, der Alster Union. Subject: Pursuing other avenues.
We've heard much about you - you're quite active in the Tau borderworlds nowadays; news eventually filters through the black market - along with your... produce.
We are the Alster Union, the primary source of underworld smuggling traffic within the Rheinland-Liberty border region.
You may not have heard of us - our area of operations are quite distinct from your own. However, our enthusiasm for your products remains quite close to our hearts.
I will be blunt. We are experiencing a massive climb in the demand for the Gallic narcotic known as 'Nox'. The price for the commodity upon the installation of Freeport Two, a renowned pirate haven, has skyrocketed. It's earned the nickname Schatten in the Rheinlandic underworld. The substance has become remarkably popular within the Unioners, where it has become seen as something of a status symbol, in part, due to its rarity. The commodity is fetching vast prices amongst the heads of wealthy smuggler's parties who seek an alternative to Cardamine, which remains rather frowned upon in our movement. Your Nox appears to be the answer.
We would be willing to brave the dangers and ship Nox, or encourage you to ship the commodity ourselves, since there is something of a market developing for the drug. Let us know if this deal is of any interest to you, or not.
Armin Jansen.
First contact representative and Diplomat-in-Chief of der Alster Union, Pacifica Base, Bering.
Transmission Ended
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Arek took one look at this transmission and asked me to reply in his stead. After going over it again I can see why, and I'm afraid I'm disappointed in what I'm hearing.
Well. Let me try to explain why, monsieur... Say you walked into a bar, looking for that special someone you wish to some day court, settle down with. Not a quick fling with a stranger, but properly seeking to date this individual, and you have never spoken with them before in your life...
Are the first words out of your mouth an offer of a tryst in the night back at your abode? Non, I sincerely doubt they are. I would not presume a man of integrity, sending a communique on behalf of your organization, to do such a thing to one whom you can imagine a future with. But if we were to change the context of your wording, that would be precisely what you have managed to accomplish doing.
Now, I'm not saying this would be an indignant "Hmph!" followed by a slap to the face from the stranger you have chosen to approach, not at all monsieur. This isn't a communique between individuals. I'm sure I could offer a more apt analogy of how your message appears, sending it to strangers such as we are. But I imagine the reason I am replying, rather than a membre of the Senat, is so you might have another opportunity to, shall we say... Set the groundwork first. One does not construct their office without a solid foundation, monsieur. Try not to use the blunt approach in your reply and I'll make sure my époux does not brush it off but forwards it appropriately.
Let's put this in your words, monsieur, just to be blunt as it were... If you wish to conduct business with us, you are welcome to respond, preferably in a more cordial manner. As only Arek and myself have seen this, we're wiping the slate clean on your behalf that you may try again. Don't waste it, monsieur.
Selan Maxim
Casual Flier: Returning Player. Forum-PM me if you require my attention
To: The Unione Corse From: Armin Jansen, der Alster Union. Subject: Pursuing other avenues.
My purpose is to be... brusque.
I can provide you with an alternative. Fortuitously, we have recovered a particularly enterprising countrymen of yours from deep within the Omcicronis, whose manner you may find more desirous.
Armin Jansen.
First contact representative and Diplomat-in-Chief of der Alster Union, Pacifica Base, Bering.
Transmission Ended
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
I am Tribun Antoine La'Biere, and I represent the interests of l'Unione Corse Sénat.
You will forgive the delay in our response, Monsieur Jansen, but we were performing a thorough head count of our membres to see if any were missing or lost. Alas, we are all accounted for!
That brings us to the question of whom exactly you have of Gallic origin that would be in your custody. We do hope that he, or she, has been well treated. It is clear from your message that you expect said personage to help you bridge the gap of communications with us, after all!
Madame Maxim was not forthcoming about what exactly you desired of us, so I leave the matter open to you and your envoy to enlighten us with. I hope that you make good use of this opportunity!
To: The Unione Corse From: Armin Jansen, der Alster Union. Subject: Pursuing other avenues.
No less than Achille Augustain Nadeau, previous head representative of the Tau Commonwealth, once-native of the Maine system and a frequenter of Monte Carlo's all-masculine bordellos. Unfortunately, he's behaving rather pensively - the individual is irrevocably capricious without significant influxes of Nox, Chateau de'France, and the high life, in that specific order. He's presently co-opting for the Hansa, an independent worlds trade order camped out in the Bering Belt.
Digging him out of his recalcitrance will take time (along with a vast credit infusion and a significant amount of fawning). Till then, forgive us if we defer you to an equal, but not an underling. Far from it.
Madame Von Ravensburg is the Rheinish equivalent of royalty. Perhaps her manners will be more familiar to your custom?
Armin Jansen.
First contact representative and Diplomat-in-Chief of der Alster Union, Pacifica Base, Bering.
Transmission Ended
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
To: Tribun Antoine La'Biere, of the Unione Corse From: Alise von Ravensberg, der Alster Union Subject: Getting to know each other and a possible common future Location: Somewhere in the Tanner Belt Encryption:High
Guten Tag Mister La'Biere,
My name is Countess Alise von Ravensberg and I think that I can, perhaps, make Mister Jansen´s intentions clearer to you, instead of speaking about someone you might have never heard of. Infact we do not know if word about our organisation have reached you in Gallia yet, I personally would not be suprised if this is not the case and you hear the first time about us.
So just to provide some information about us:
We, the Alster Union, are one of the main three revolutionary movements within Rheinland. Most of the artifact and diamond smuggle within it is under our control. Adding to this is the fact that we are the largest provider of ship manufacturing and repair capabilities for less lawful organisations within Sirius.
Despite the rather large distance between us, we are convinced that our organisation can help each other and build a relationship of mutual interest and profit. Things we are able to offer to you and your people are our technical knowledge, connections reaching further into the sirian underworld and naturally something that everyone needs in our current times, sirian credits.
Kind regards,
Alise von Ravensberg,
The Countess of Ravensberg.
Mademoiselle Ravensberg, we of l'Unione Corse are businessmen at heart, and we are always keeping an eye out for relationships that may be of benefit to all parties involved. Regretfully, your offer does not fall into that category.
We ply an honest trade across Gallia and abroad, and putting ourselves into bed with an organization like yours with such a, shall we say, storied, history, adds nothing to that reputation. We regret that the fever dreams of a Nox addict like Monsieur Nadeau have led you to think otherwise, but the tales of our supposed illicit activities are just that; tales told by the jealous who envy our honest success. We do hope that you forgive him that misunderstanding, it is a widely told falsehood after all.