Project: Kikou is the strengthening of spaceborne assets in order to ensure the ongoing security of Guild space amidst the region's changing climate.
Battleship Daishouri
Operation Briefing
The Guild paramilitary must remain up to date to maintain its effectiveness. Guild combat doctrine so far has relied on lightning fast snubcraft strikes that would then fade back into the nebula to avoid reprisals. This is a highly effective tactic, but not one that can continue to be relied on entirely. Hostile capital vessels, large scale attacks on Guild installations and large swathes of open space in Guild territory have made it clear that adaptations to modern warfare must be made.
The development of cruiser and battleship class ships will thus be initiated in order to ensure The Guild is in the possession of the heavy assets required to keep its paramilitary competitive. It will also be necessary to sufficiently train the crew of these ships.
Plan and Execution
The Guild is already capable of constructing its own ships, and the project will be based on Niigata Star City in Sigma-59, which houses ample research and development facilities in addition to its shipyards to be utilised by our scientists and engineers. The creation of its capital vessels will begin here. However, this project will be unlike any previously undertaken, so there is much to learn and time to be spent. The information gleaned from the formerly Imperial Rheinland battleships will be of great use to the design effort and will likely be of significant influence in the final product.
In addition to this data, there are several friendly organisations who have experience that The Guild lacks. Attempts will be made to enlist the assistance of, for example, The Blood Dragons, Kishiro Technologies and The Order to guarantee the efficacy of this project and the strength of the ships it is intended to produce. A compartmentalised approach will be utilised in this respect, in an attempt to maintain an element of confidentiality in the interests of security.
As part of this expansion of The Guild's fleet, publicly available plans on the neural net will be utilised to construct a "Bustard" Civilian Light Carrier.
Having such a mobile launchpad at The Guild's disposal will assist greatly in its projection of power outside of the vicinity of its permanent installations. In addition, this may be considered a "dry run" to test the manufacturing process and identify any areas to be improved.
The first deliveries of the super alloy required for the construction of the frame of the Shantar Maru have arrived at Niigata Star City, where engineers have begun work in a drydock assigned specifically to this project.
The ship has been named in honour of the Shantar Maru Garanchou freighter. This has been deemed appropriate as it is paving the way for the development of Guild heavy assets, as its predecessor did when it collected data on the wrecked Namura Maru to be used in the improvements made to the Daishouri Maru and Ayakashi Maru.
Work on the engine assembly can now commence with the appropriate components and superconductors. In addition, materials to be used in the ship's life support systems have begun to arrive.
Chief engineer Anna Neumann, who is overseeing the construction of the Shantar-Maru, has reported on its progress.
The frame of the ship is mostly complete and ready to be reinforced with hull and armour plating. A large portion of the engines have been mounted within this superstructure. Once delivered, the required high temperature alloy used to create a safely contained engine assembly and the last remaining components can lay the groundwork for the ship's power supply.
Finally, once the ship has been plated and sealed to protect sensitive systems from ambient solar radiation, life support and computer processing systems can be installed to make the carrier spaceworthy. Materiel shipments should continue with haste.