From: "Krsnik"
To: Administrator Hanamura of Freeport-11
Priority: Truth
Enabling video-feed
[Message Begins]
Kill transcripts are attached within this communication to act as visual proof that the Coalition is indeed acting on its word of ensuring the safety of the Freeport from subversive threats.
I additionally wish to provide you with the following transcript, I can only urge you to be cautious of the individual known as "Megaera".
That should be all for now, Administrator.
Megaera: Hmm hello
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Hmm?
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Reading non-Coalition signatures
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Well now, you are bold pilot.
Megaera: ho so?
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Its understandable, trade lanes provides some type of configurating spacetime matter field
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: hail, if friend.
Megaera: Should I be worried?
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: It is not best to sneak up on people in these parts.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: not, if you have no ill intentions, comrade
Megaera: Well it is just me
Megaera: Your group I never met before
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we are reading your Blood Dragons IFF. They are trusted allies of the People of Coalition
Megaera: It malfunctions
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: It is my duty and the duty of my crew to ensure the safety of this expedition Doctor.
Megaera: Yesterday it read outcast
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: To create this field House definitely used some high-energy emmiter points
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: I will be watching you closely Freelancer.
Megaera: I am a friend of blood dragon though
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: at any rate - don't interfere with our surveying process and we'll be fine
Megaera: My sister is Sakurai augus
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Your sister?
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: a famed name, indeed. A friend of our friend is our friend
Megaera: yes
Megaera: But I am more a wanderer
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Anybody can say she sister of somebody wellknown
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: be welcomed to stay, although this place can hardly be called "hospitable"
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: That is for sure.
Megaera: I know
Megaera: Almost all people that fly these parts want to kill me
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: aspirant, can you try to examine this ruins in close?
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: I examine it right now
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: aliens, infested Order, fanatic core, what else do you expect?
Megaera: Well yea
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we are interested if there is any electronics of some sort in these...tings
Megaera: And order
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: from what we know about Tradelane technology, it relies heavily on sophisticated electronics
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Sinse we dont end analyzes of inner structure of Delta ruins we dont know how perform observations of its inner systems
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: the Coaliton still lacks tradelane technology and the findings can be... marvelous
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we shall penetrate a hole in the structure for you, aspirant
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Though that technological gap is ever decreasing be assured of that.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: powering up frontal guns
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: It can be on structural level
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: breach - successful
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: anything to be extracted?
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Megaera, hmm... why does that name ring a bell.
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: I mean, topography of crystalline can be system itself
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: these technologies seem to be too complex for us
Megaera: I am pretty known sadly
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Nothing to observe
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Its looked abandoned
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: I concur with you, aspirant. It must be embedded in the structure itself
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: if that is a tradelane, it must lead somwhere
CPW-Indigirka: Gena :i'll be patrolling nearby
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: let us check where to
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Probably all valuable components what be in structure cavityes was extracted/used/absorbed by structure
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: another component
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: I guess its "going to rabbit hole?"
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: proceeding further. Let's see how deep the rabbit hole is
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: On another end can be some valuable
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: .... What happened...
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: My head...
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Get signature readings
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: what...the...hell
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Its... too big
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: CPW - cover us, we proceed on
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: And..look on signatures readings.. its still active
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Copy That Kardashev.
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Is it even active...
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: looks like a jumpgate.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: the data we have obtained on the nomad war in 800-801 claimed there was something similar
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: That is now Jump Gate, that is the passage to hell...
Megaera: I advice you not to enter it
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: When we use jumpgates and holes,ships systems perform some field configuration which activate it, we can try activate it and
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: read signals
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we believe it is best not to jump
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Oh, its active
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Write signals!
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Only the damned enter that... they do not return.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: writing...This is incredible!
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we shall commence material examination
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Aspirant - send probe inside
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: I believe, we can receive the data from it for a few miliseconds
CPW-Indigirka: Gena :What's on the other side?
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: I guess readings completely same as Houses generated wormholes?
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: The devil himself...
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: You are all communists!
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: I do not like this Doctor, I caution against it.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: jumping inside without necessary preparations can be too dangerous
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: We dont belive in devil, you are shoud be ashamed
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we can not risk People's assets without cautious preparations
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: I believe, it was a figure of speech
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: My mother's "supersitions" can be hard to shake, she was Bretonian.
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: But i agreed i dont want see what on another side
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Sending probes
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: By myself of course
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: any readings?
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: is the signal similar to Houses' jumpgates and/or jumpholes?
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Only one image, and high energy readings in ends
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Yes,way through wormhole has same signatures pattern
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: well, we are not expecting the probe to return...
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: That would be a leap in faith too far.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: similar to "tradelines" we can't trace anything resembling electronics
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: But it definitely use another energy supply for creating it, its bigger and create more powerful and stable line through space
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: topology
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: don't worry, "Korolev", we shall request from the HCSTA to allow us to convene an expedition inside
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Copy that.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: if the HCSTA approves, we will see if there is a "devil" on the other side
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: If so I will bring my guns to bear on the beast.
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: And shout on it if that needed
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: i assume, we will require the assistance of local zoners and freelancers
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: I believe, it is time for us to leave for good
Megaera: the zoners are too busy in these parts
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Ah, i forget about she
Megaera: How can you forget about me?
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Hostiles signature
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: hostiles signatures
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Not for long it isn;t.
CPW-Indigirka: Gena : Contact
Megaera: Well I am a friendly hostile
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: have they been spying on us?
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Looks like "Nomad"aliens
Megaera: hmm
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: yes, the signature patters are same as those of other specimen
Megaera: Hello
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: remain on guard
Megaera: Darklings are leaving
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Dont know i dont read any signatures of nomad technology on ship of this women
Megaera: No threat to 'hara home
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: aspirant, start analysis of movement patterns
CPW-Indigirka: Gena : Could not scan but the ship was small
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Dr.Belov, to hell analyses, it women speak with specimen
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we read it as a specimen similar to one we encountered today in O delta
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: But i dont read any patterns like wild
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: A "bomber" type
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: You should not try and get to friendly with that... thing.
Megaera: They dont like you being here
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Friendly?Same thing kill transport full of civilians
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: when the small ones appear, the bigger ones usually follow
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: We lost Evgeniy on this mission
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: this indicates it is time for us to live
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: *leave
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Then we should be rid of that thing quickly and leave.
Megaera: If you shoot they will open fire
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: negative, "Korolev". It is too small for us to capture it
Megaera: Right now you can still go
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: security of the data obtained is our utmost priority
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Oh for god you are communicate with them?
Megaera: ye
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: My head still ached from last contact,what wrong with you
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: you are walking on thin ice, Megaera
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Beware what you say in the next few moments Freelancer.
Megaera: hmm
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: I am only fond of Human company here.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: today you are communicating with the, tomorrow you are worshipping them, and the day after - infected by them
Megaera: I dont intend on that
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Indeed.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: commecning jumphole protocol
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Seems like if they want infected her, they would do it freely
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: ressuply at Freeport-11
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: What the hell in this omicrons, we need report all to comissariat
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: It is following us...
Megaera: I am not an it
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: ignore the hostile
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we still have another place to investigate
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: but first - refuel
Megaera: And I am friendly too
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Indrigirka get away from that... thing.
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: I dont hear before,what some humans contact with nomads by their will
Megaera: Why the sudden hostility?
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: what is the status?
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Moving the Korlev into a defensive pattern along the Freeport Perimeter.
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: That... thing still follows.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: copy that, "Korolev".
Megaera: Oh I thought you meant me all this time
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: May be they study us as we do it?
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Then that blasted thing can study the barrels of this ships forward guns.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: if you are sure about your capabilities to put it down - see no reasons against.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: yet, our capital vessels have limited capabilities to assist you
Apsu: Megaera: What is the Coalition doing here?
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: None of you concern, Freelancer.
Megaera: Studying your technology to mimic house tech
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: it seems we have weird stuff going here
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Firing off a warning shot... maybe that will scare it off.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: this "freelancer" might be infected
Megaera: I am not
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: How can we be sure of that.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: is spoke throu you. Care to explain how?
Apsu: Dr. Belov: Can you give me a preliminary mission debriefing?
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: It imitates!
Megaera: se?
CPW-Indigirka: Gena : I think it likes my ship
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: it seems it is a sort of mimicing
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: God, it not imitates...
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: it was directly from kardashev post
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: You dont feel nothing?
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: I remember not losing control over myself
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: this is a new pattern behaviour for smaller species
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: CPW-Indigirka I would advise from approaching too close to the Alien.
Apsu: Gena: Maybe we should just tell it what we did in Minor.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: aspirant Shweik, are you recording this?
Megaera: It probally just mimics
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: yes..we can later extract all our bort recordings and compare
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: CPW-Indigirka, report. Did you lose control over yourself?
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: or is it just mimicing us?
CPW-Indigirka: Gena : no im fine
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: i assume it might be that pattern of telepathy they used previously
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Firing off another warning salvo... gunnery crews ready.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: but now they communicate in our own vocal patterns
CPW-Indigirka: Gena: it seems to me it is harmless
Apsu: Gena: We should communicate with it.
Megaera: Some communicate in diffrend ways
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Only i feel this terribly headache?Or it from injures in corsairs battles
Megaera: Kessereya almost uses a human speech
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: expedition, your thoughts on whether we should continue surveying
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: I belive, our further operations can reveal our intentions to them
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: I will follow your lead doctor.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: therefore, we should scrap the remaining objectives for later
Apsu: Antonov: What intentions do you mean, Dr Belov?
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Yes, we can only destroy it to hide our purposes or retreat without any violence
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we had intel on another place of interest nearby
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: but now we should refrain from visiting it
Megaera: what place?
Apsu: Antonov: What place of interest?
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Not interested for you i suppose
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: to resist its interrogation
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: moving to Omicron Kappa
Tip: Are you new to our server? Introduce yourself on our forums in the Welcome Section
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: CPW "Indigirka", report
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: any threats to your vessel?
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: If it follows us into one more system, my hand will be forced. We cannot afford for integrity of expeditionary vessels
CPW-Korolev: to be comprimised.
CPW-Indigirka: Gena : I follow you
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: copy that
Apsu: Megaera: I wonder if I can remember what I saw the Coalition do in Minor.
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Let us now wait.
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Gunnery crews ready weapons, feed power away from engines.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: let us wait for everyone
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Indigirka is here. Aspirant Shweik, return immediately
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: 20 sek
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: We all seem to be here.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: proceeding to Corinth station
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: Moving the Korolev into rear position.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we need to share some intel with zoners and inquire about their possible participation in our suicide mission
Megaera: wait for me
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: The infectee follows us?
Megaera: I am not infected!
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: i belive, she is not infected indeed
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: This woman's ship not contain any piece of nomad tech
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: If you say so.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: that might have been an attempt of aliens to saw discord among us
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: But she in some strange unity with them
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: yet, her motives remain unknown
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: agreed, apirant
Attention! Stand clear. Towing SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: There is some sense in that notion.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: Moving to Omicron Theta
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: final destination - Kamchatka station
Megaera: *sips sake* think I lost them
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Good luck, freelancer. Better stay away from those aliens
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: We definitely must make report for comissariat
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we surely will
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: And i mean not HCSTA
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: yes, indeed
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: High Command can benefit from this report as well
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Below: coordinates for Kamchatka station are set
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Tak tochno. Begin recognaisance of path
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: report on any suspicious activity in the system
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we have made it alive out of there. Another victory for the People!
SCEC|Anton.Shweik: Clear. For now
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: And to my sanity... that place... it is unnatural.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: it is indeed
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: we are nearly here
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: secuting the data
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: data - secured
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: excellent job, comrades
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: the base staff reported unsual activity in the system
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: too many unidentified objects
CPW-Korolev: Antonov: I might as well moor the Korolev here, I have matters to attend to aboard. Proshchal'nyy Privett Doctor Belov.
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: be warned, they regularly have patrols of these abominations
CPW-Indigirka: Gena: I'll check everything 30 km from the station
SCEC|CPRV-Kardashev: Dr.Belov: Farewell, Antonov.
Megaera: planet Absconsum... intresting geography
Sirius Coalition Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]
"Knowing Humanity - We will be duty, bloody and unavoidable."
Audemus vita nostra muniatur.
We dare to defend our lives.
Coalition Agent Krsnik:
Thank you and your comrades for your invaluable efforts to defend this station. You have my utmost gratitude from me and the crew of the Dragostea, as well as the denizens of Freeport 11. I have also taken the information forwarded to me by you prior and will keep it in the dossier I have for Megaera.
Furthermore, Radar data from the Dragostea during the battle confirmed you claimed a hit on a registered nomad target, Kessereya, bountied by the Administration for 60 million Sirian Credits. I don't know if this will serve you succinctly as such, given your homeland favoring.. Social Credits, as my colleague Alexei, put it - but consider it a token of appreciation from the people of this station for what you did today in helping us fight the Nomad threat that lingers over us.
From: "Krsnik"
To: Administrator Hanamura of Freeport-11
Priority: Truth
Enabling video-feed
[Message Begins]
Alexei failed to mention something, Administrator. Soldiers of the Coalition do not work for money, but since you have wired this to me as a token, I will not rudely refund it on mere principle. I find service to be its own reward, and while both my craft and I have taken damage and bruises respectively, I am all the more prepared for the next time the beasts decide to treat us as prey.
A few days ago, I faced one on my own for the first time in my service record, slaying it while on the brink of being killed myself. Today, the kill was much more decisive, only a matter of time before the might of the Revolution catches up with the filth we both seem to be dealing with.
I am however not sorry for how I handled the Paladin and I am not sorry for calling Alexei a deserter, for me, both these facts are true in every sense I can think of. Though.. I am not used to appreciation, so I suppose I should be thankful instead of adamant.
Thank you for the gesture, Administrator.
Sirius Coalition Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]
"Knowing Humanity - We will be duty, bloody and unavoidable."