ID: Adam Watson III
Location: Unknown
Encryption: low
*video omitted*
Hey buds,
I know my departure could be a shock both of you. After all we been thru together. I know its.. *sound like he's taking a sip* not how you expected to learn that i was leaving the navy but a man gotta do what a man gotta do.
I'm sorry i didn't told you my plan to leave. I know too well that you guys would have tried to either save my career or save what's left of me. I didn't wanted to bother you nor jeopardize your own career. *take another sip*
*yelling* Who i gotta bribe to get another drink 'round here?
Anyway, only wanted to thank you both. You covered my butt so many times over the last year. I owe you one or two or ... you got the point *take a sip*. Hope you'll forgive me brothers from another mom.
Well, this is a farewell. Eventually we'll meet again... in bar somewhere... or maybe to my fune... nevermind. Take care buds.
The rush of battle is a potent and almost lethal addiction, for war is a drug.
To be honest, yeah it was a shock. Didn't expected you to leave us like that. But if it's what you had to do..
You don't have to excuse yourself for not letting us know, but yeah, we would have tried to make you stay in.
I'm the one who have to thank you for welcoming me within the 5th ranks, and mentoring me with Gregor.
And remember that you saved my back more than once too.
And yeah, we'll meet again, and definitly in a bar ! Just tell me when, and where.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Low Origin:Norfolk Shipyard, New York ID:Gregor Sanders Subject:Erm...
Interesting how you can speak for us both without even asking me about what I think Nazawo....
But he's right, it shocked me a bit as well, even though I actually expected that after our talk few days ago.
Well, you know where you're gonna find me on weekends...or the evenings after patrols...or evenings in general...
See ya' in the bar!