First, I am not the base owner, nor associated with it.
Second, the salt comments just prove my point.
Third, calling
Quote:Illegal contractors.
The Naval Forces will proceed with the dismantling of the installation.
role play is an insult even in the land of MELancer. The fact that it was not illegal by the server rules has nothing to do with the fact that it is role play only by technical definition.
Since you all want to pretend not to know what I am talking about, the fact that a DevMin sees this as acceptable behavior means that it is being set forth as a standard. That standard and the fact that you are rules lawyering in response to me point it out are what I am disappointed with.
The fact that it is a recurrent situation is what is depopulating the server.
Well @"Chance" the RP of KNF occured prior to the latest notification.
It is better seen as an engagement notification. There is no need to spew tons of words into the info that weapons go hot.
The important part (which is pretty okayish here) is the way that leads to an engagement.
The RP is pretty standard for illegal bases. Kusari Gov was not informed nor was the proper procedure followed by Ku laws, and as such it was destroyed. The RP would have developed more if the base owners responded to the summons. They did not, the base was destroyed. That's pretty much how it works
No one can out boop me, not even an Admin! Boop. ~Spuddo GRAVE REPERCUSSIONS ~Ramke Get booped on, nerd. ~Durandal I wanted to be a part of the party, hi Tails. ~Inferno Pokes are superior boops. ~Naz
Tbh, it does seem like a huge issue that new(er) players are able to construct a PoB with little to no effort and are completely unaware of the consequences and implications that follow. Also note that PoBs are required mostly by the community to have a somewhat active forum presence (registration, paying rent, looking out for attacks), and a inexperienced player would most likely not acknowledge these requirements as valid even when warned since they have no reason to think there is any threat to a PoB they perceive as mostly harmless.
(07-12-2018, 05:54 PM)Sciamach Wrote: Outcast slavery is actually far better for the victim than the corporate slavery and crime-less imprisonment of the Houses down in places like Liberty Rheinland and Bretonia
Calling out a player as DevMin when all he is doing here is playing the game as regular community member... That's just disgusting behavior by you, @"Chance"
I expect better from everyone but improving or doing better is everyone's personal business. Part of my idea to treat people the same despite of their status in community. He or she might be a developer but that does not make it a requirement to satisfy your subjective expectations of roleplay quality when it comes to mundane and daily tasks such as dealing with illegal player owned stations.
You calling out player like that is trial-by-forum and against the rules. If your intention were purely to inform player that he or she should have done better as per your subjective opinion, you could have discretely sent a private message with your feedback. But since you made a public thread, I can only assume you wanted to stir forum drama while slinging mud at someone you have personal grief with.
At least he did more RP than the people actually operating the base.
Speaking of which, who were those guys even? What RP have they done around the place beyond waving at every passing ship and just mindlessly travel in formation? What did they even intend to do with it?
And I can't wait to see one or both of them weigh in on this, if they even possess forum accounts.
(03-01-2018, 03:23 AM)Chance Wrote: First, I am not the base owner, nor associated with it.
Second, the salt comments just prove my point.
Third, calling
Quote:Illegal contractors.
The Naval Forces will proceed with the dismantling of the installation.
role play is an insult even in the land of MELancer. The fact that it was not illegal by the server rules has nothing to do with the fact that it is role play only by technical definition.
Since you all want to pretend not to know what I am talking about, the fact that a DevMin sees this as acceptable behavior means that it is being set forth as a standard. That standard and the fact that you are rules lawyering in response to me point it out are what I am disappointed with.
The fact that it is a recurrent situation is what is depopulating the server.
Actually you still did not explain what "quality roleplay" you expect exactly. Can you bring some example? Because so far you act like that last post was the only roleplay done, but it definitely was not. In the first post of that thread, the base owners were shortly, yet fully explained what they did wrong, what is expected from them to do, what is going to happen if they won´t and even provided with direct link to thread where the base should be registered. And previously to that, there is quite usual patrol report roleplay post. The last post was just mere "not talking to us? okay, have it your way" confirmation of the consequencies mentioned in the first post because it was quite pointless to repeat all over what was written in the first post. So, what more do you expect, eviction notice written as haiku?
(03-01-2018, 06:46 AM)Chance Wrote: Really, you don't expect higher standards from the people that control the environment, ergo make/enforce the rules?
First, devs do not make or enforce the rules, that´s admin job. Second, lawful roleplay in this case consisted of 222 words if my MSWord counted it correctly. That´s exactly 222 words of roleplay more than the base owners did. Considering this ratio, the standard seems high enough to me.
I could understand complaining about the time window for response (in my opinion, if the base was at tolerable place, it could have been longer than 24 hours). But complaining about "incredibly disappointing level of roleplay" does not fit the situation at all.
Why do the Golden Chrysanthemum still exist in Kusari if 15 year old hentai girls can become admirals?
Why do they speak like politicians if they are admirals? Why do they speak as if they are reading a previously written speech? Isn't it easier to simply send it in textual form? Maybe they expect to scare their enemy by their cute smiles? Also, why and how does one sign an audio-visual transmission? And why is BBCode even important for RP?