' Wrote:if they shoot you then shoot back, I mean, you should have more firepower than them so what's the problem?
Because then he would be marked hostile by all who weren't already and he would have no chance at making his relation with the people he shot at better.
Not to mention two decent bomber pilots can kill an Osiris, especially if the pilot is very new and doesn't know how to use the ship effectively to kill figther/bombers (prefferably not at all without Gunboat or Fighter escort, but there are nifty ways to do it), or, indeed, at all. If you don't learn how to fly it that ship is an underarmored deathtrap...
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
It wasn't a BS but I bought an Avenger I wanted to use for BH purposes made a RP for it..asked the SA,LNS,LSF but never got a reply and so I just scrapped the idea cause I got sick of waiting..
But of course..that is totally diff than a cap ship when I was in SF and wanted to use a Liberty Battle Cruiser I had to ask SA first and make a RP for it and that was awhile back..but then again I was using another factions ship for a different faction. It worked out though cause SF RP wise was a sister faction to SA.
Quote:Bs|Juggemaut is setting up his new fighter..so having a civil ID is normal..and Order can use Nomad tech is normal too....
HMMM all i got to say is wrong.
I did this many month's ago. Got my 800mil, transfered to a new char,(with a name very well known to all corsair's at time), purchased my osiris, and was making my rep corsair.
What happened you say? Hoodlum showed up said buy corsair ID now, or scrap ship. Since i could not buy ID as i was not 100% green ship is now gone/800mil gone. Reason i was given? ID first, ship second.
Sooo having that ship without the ID/TAG is enough for you to loose it without any warning from an admin.
uhm... ok so could someone fill me in: How would one be expected to do the missions to be able to buy the ID, without buying a ship first? -feels your pain-
Had a similer prob making my corsair, flew my starflea all the way to be "born on crete".
I had some money-
bought a ship-
took missions-
to get the rep-
to buy the id-
to make the ship inrp, and me not be over level.
Setting up a charcter can litterally be a catch 22, you will most likely be breaking atleast one rule, even if its just an rp one, no matter how you do it...
' Wrote:uhm... ok so could someone fill me in: How would one be expected to do the missions to be able to buy the ID, without buying a ship first? -feels your pain-
Easy: Buy a Trader ID from Manhattan, fly over to Crete in a ship of your choice (but within Trader ID restrictions), do some Corsair missions, get the tag, get the ID, and then get your ship. Anyone gives you a hard time, PM them saying "//Setting up character, this ID is temporary"
' Wrote:Easy: Buy a Trader ID from Manhattan, fly over to Crete in a ship of your choice (but within Trader ID restrictions), do some Corsair missions, get the tag, get the ID, and then get your ship. Anyone gives you a hard time, PM them saying "//Setting up character, this ID is temporary"
That's what I do. Its smart advice, I wish more people would follow it. Get your rep fixed in a VHF with a generic ID, then get your proper ID and buy whatever ship. Assuming you aren't sticking to a VHF, which I would. Fighters and bombers FTW!!!
...hmm you bought...you should at least have the pleasure to fly it...thou setting up a reason for having (RP) wouldn't hurt. But if people are giving you crap about it...
blow them up....
Joking.... Just tell them its okay that you have your plans that they can't interfere with...but do write a RP story summery on how you obtain the ship...
It's a silly mindset to think that "I bought it, so I should be allowed to use it". Especially in the case of Capital ships, which are a cause for heartache here...
It's not that hard to write a little background on the capital ship of a pilot's choice. It's also not hard to roleplay one in game also (in-game RP is always a big plus). The people who are the target of these so-called "witch hunts" are not scapegoats and innocents; they are people who refuse to roleplay/use poorly thought out roleplay as an excuse to game without restriction.
In this case, in my opinion, it is extremely unrealistic and almost comic that an Osiris is being used to sell weapons from the Order to the public. The same feature could have been achieved in a fighter or a small transport, which would have actually been in character (how can you sell weapons secretly in a massive Osiris?).
People jump to defend these players not because of their roleplaying situation, but because they are out to fufill their personal (and/or group) agendas regarding factions and "freedom".