While I've been here for almost 4 month I still don't have a good overall picture of the ships and their sizes and capabilities. So to help me and others wondering about the same thing I'd like you, the senior members here, to post a rough estimate what is needed minimum (for a medium pilot) force to take down a ship of this particular class. All mixed fleet combos can be listed. This kind of list is helpful in a sense to make the fight or run decisions quickly.
I omit fighters since all fighters (except vanilla light/medium fighters) can take down a fighter. Also please assume that ship is packing absolutely the best shields and armor up-grades money can buy. And if there are any ships that defy the classification system please state them. Btw. I still don't know which one is bigger. A battlecruiser or a battleship, so a "pecking" order clarification is amuch appreciated and also what the difference between some battlestar and battleship? Very confusing.
Bomber- 1x fighter well equipped can take it down . But be careful they got Supernova Torpedo. Always keep the shields up.
Gunboat- 2x Bombers well equipped with shields buster and of course supernova
OR 1x Bomber and 1x fighter still well equipped (Fighters can't use supernova)
Gunship- A fighter balanced with shield busters, regular guns and missiles OR 1xbomber.
Light Cruiser- I think 1 or 2 bomber can take it down or 1 gunboat well equipped maybe.
For the rest I'm not sure so I leave the answers to other people.
Bomber - One good VHF/HF/LF pilot or of course, another bomber.
Gunboat - One good bomber pilot (if there are no missile turrets involved and the gunboat is average) or one bomber one fighter.
Gunship - Do you mean the BH Gunship? If so, one bomber if the gunship's pilot is bad and doesn't have CapMk8. If the gunship has cap mk8 and is a good pilot, expect possibly.. 2-3 bombers to take it down.
The Lane Hacker Gunship is actually pretty terrible. If the pilot is crap, one bomber. If the pilot uses missile turrets, 1-2 bombers.
Light cruiser - One bomber if the pilot is crap, 2 if average.
One Gunboat if the pilot is bad, bomber and gunboat/two gunboats if the pilot is good.
Cruiser - One bomber if the pilot is crap, 2 if average.
One Gunboat if the pilot is bad, bomber and gunboat/two gunboats if the pilot is good.
Pirate cruiser - One bomber if the pilot is crap, 2 if average.
One Gunboat if the pilot is bad, bomber and gunboat/two gunboats if the pilot is good.
Destroyer - Outcast destroyer: 2 gunboats if the destroyer pilot is good. 2 bombers.
Battlecruiser - Possible with one bomber, preferred number would be 2. 3 Gunboats maybe?
Dreadnought - Possible with two bombers, preferred number is 3. 2 Battlecruisers could probably take it down.
Battleship - Possible with two bombers, preferred number is 3. 2 Battlecruisers could probably take it down.
Battlestar - Possible with two bombers, preferred number is 3. 2 Battlecruisers could probably take it down.
Battlestar adv. - Possible with two bombers, preferred number is 3. 2 Battlecruisers could probably take it down.
Carrier - Possible with two bombers, preferred number is 3. 2 Battlecruisers could probably take it down.
Juggernaut - Possible with two bombers, preferred number is 3. 2 Battlecruisers could probably take it down.
Bomber - light fighter and higher can take it down ( even an average pilot can do it )
Gunboat - VHF with inferno.. or 2 VHF or one bomber or equal to heavier ( when both are average, when both are aces, then it should be a little more firepower )
Gunship - same as gunboat, its the very same class
Light cruiser - 2 VHF with infernos or 1VHF+1bomber or more ( 2 bombers if the bombers are average )
Cruiser - same as above
Pirate cruiser - same as above
Destroyer - same as above
Battlecruiser - basicly same as above, but more difficult ( 2 bombers should do it though )
Dreadnought - 2 bombers
Battleship - same as above ( since BBs can only focus on one target, the bombers can take turns shooting / evading ( 3 bombers will do it easily , even average pilots )
Battlestar - same as above ( since BBs can only focus on one target, the bombers can take turns shooting / evading ( its a BB class, only a different name - but thats not down to stats )
Battlestar adv. - Battlestar - same as above ( since BBs can only focus on one target, the bombers can take turns shooting / evading ( its a BB class, only a different name - but thats not down to stats )
Carrier - Battlestar - same as above ( since BBs can only focus on one target, the bombers can take turns shooting / evading ( its a BB class, only a different name - but thats not down to stats )
Juggernaut - Battlestar - same as above ( since BBs can only focus on one target, the bombers can take turns shooting / evading ( its a BB class, only a different name - but thats not down to stats )
Gunboats: 2 Bombers or 3 Fighters
Cruiser: 2 Bombers or 2 Gunboats
Battleship: 3 Bombers or 3 Gunboats
Both parties are consisting of players of average skill (i.e. bombers missing, battleship pilots aren't very accurate, etc), even at that these are very arbitrary numbers. Typically piloting skills vary much from player to player, specifics of ships, loadouts and equipment such as capital ship armor kits can play decisive role in outcome of battle, least not forget teamwork can turn the tides against nearly impossible odds.
i think it is not so easy to say what ship ca beat what ship.
for example one of our TBH member is able to destroy 99 percent of corsairs gb in his single bomer, but there is 1 percent of gb(me:P) that can beat him in his bomber. it is 70 percent on ship and 30 percent on pilot skills
a bomber.
well basically, alot of bombers can bring down anything.
but as a rule it probably goes down to something like
light fighter - LF/HF/VHF/SHF/B
fighter - LF/HF/VHF/SHF/B
super heavy fighter - VHF/SHF/B
Gunship - VHF(x3)/SHF/B
Gunboat - VHF(x3)/SHF/B
Light Cruiser - SHF(x2)/B(x2)
Cruiser - SHF(x3)/B(x3)
I wouldn't go further than this for now, but this is your average skills pilots. Ofcourse Cruisers or even Osiris ship class ships were taken down by two bombers but alot of it depends on skills and even more on skills of a person taking the shots.
You should probably look for yourself, or if you really require some training or something you could come to the faction thats really outside your player's ZOI and ask them for few duels.
Well... 2 xeno equiped eagles can take down a lib GB with b/b to spare. You just have to be very very careful and dodge like crazy.
1 well piloted bomber can take down a GB.
2 good bomber pilots can take down anything up to a cruiser, and can have a damn good crack at a battleship and take them out if they do a good job... Anything is possible with luck and provided you have good pilots.
But yeh...
2 bomber can take down a battleship, cruiser, battlecruiser...
In short, there is absolutely no point flying anything bigger than a fighter or bomber if you don't want to get raped XD If you don't like dying to two small bombers, capital ships are simply not for you. Of course, a lot of it depends on skill and i've killed two attacking gunboats or two attacking bombers using my outcast destroyer before, but even though i'm good with that ship and those gunboats/bombers were of average skill, if those bombers had been elite pilots I would still have had no chance to win.
So yeah, would be nice to see capital ships actually worth something :/