Under Clause 31-J of the charter of the Republic of Malta, all ranking officers and soldiers of the Maltese Armed Forces are required to post updates on non-official operations and patrols. Please use either the format provided below or an appropriate replacement format for your debrief transmission.
[Sender ID] Fleet Commander Randall Santiago, Task Force Imperium
[Recipient ID] All Combat-Ready Fleet Personnel
[Subject] Operation Cortar
[Encryption] Beta Level - High
[Priority Level] Gamma - Medium
[Transmission Begins]
Good afternoon pilots and captains.
If you are not already aware, the situations in the system of Omicron Delta are dying down. The Core's military activity against the Zoners of Freeport 11 has been rarefied, and sightings have been uncommon. This does not mean that our operations within the Omicron Sector are over, but the focus has been shifted.
With the recent Gallic push into the California system, and their subsequent domination over the Libertonian forces, the Gallic forces within the Magellan and Leeds system are worn from the recent engagements. However, the situations in Delta and the Omicrons have taken much longer than we had originally anticipated. The Royalists have gained some breathing room, but now that the focus has been taken off of Delta, we can resume our original goal.
With that, the Fleet Command has approved the initiation of 'Operation Cortar'. This op will be a multi-step action against the commercial forces of the Kingdom, and will be centering on any Gallic commercial ships that enter the Tau systems, Orkney or Languedoc. In effect, this operation will legitimize 'piracy' against the Gallic commercial forces, and lethal force is authorized when given no passive choice.
Once the Royalist Naval forces are sufficiently depleted of resources for their 'war', then the combined forces of the Fleet, the Bretonian Armed Forces, the Council and the Crayter Military can use this advantage to destroy what we can of the resource starved Royalist forward fleet. This operation, with hope, will begin to sow the seeds of defeat for the Gallic war machine, and in turn, allow for us to focus on the liberation of Malta from the misguided Cross.
My prayers go with you, pilots and captains. This operation will be the defining moment of the Fleet on the Western Front, and the time for you brave pilots to shine. This war has gone on long enough, and I'd say it's time we helped end it once and for all.
Good luck, pilots and captains. May the ancestors go with us, and lead us to victory.
[Comm-ID]: Randall Marcato Santiago - Maltese 72nd Fleet
[Receiver-ID]: 72nd Fleet Pilots and Personnel
[Subject]: Current Situation
[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong
Hola, compatriots.
I've several items I wish to present, and several new bits of information to bring to light.
As most of you are aware, the Fleet has made a breakthrough in our conflict against the Nomad invasion. The newly constructed Fleet outpost in Omicron Zeta is completed, and the majority of our civilian and noncombattant population had been moved to minimize that potential loss should our warships suffer failure. This station, christened Outpost Sehranna, will be a maximal priority target to defend in the case of danger, and will be of the utmost importance to our efforts in the Omicron theatre.
This also brings to light our relations with several of the other nations across Sirius. The Crayter Republic, Gallic Council and Battlegroup Auxesia are to be treated as friendlies against the Gallic Royalists and the Nomads. The Fleet is coordinating with Auxesia to develop materials to repel the invaders, and their aid is paramount to our efforts. In the months to come, our focus will primarily be centered in Coronado, as the Fleet command, as well as the civil department, has eyes to develop Planet Baja info something usable.
However, the Fleet's focus is being diverted back to the Omicron theatre, as new information has been brought to light that could spell promise. Scouting missions into the deep Omicrons will be somewhat frequent, and recon operations will be increased.
I wish all of you the best of luck in our days to come. We've no room for error, and support from our friends in this sector will be sparse where applicable. May the gods be watchful.
Go with honor. Fight with pride.
Commander Randall Santiago, Task Force Imperium, Maltese 72nd Fleet.
[Comm-ID]: Colonel Maria Cortez
[Receiver-ID]: Fleet Logistics and Pilots
[Location]: Heaven's Summit, Aragon system, Hispania Space
[Subject]: Dreadnought Ravager
[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong
To Logistics and Fleet pilots.
As per yesterday, the 16th of March 825 A.S., the Republic is hereby enacting phase one of Operation Paloma. This operation will oversee the complete restoration of the Hellfire Legion Dreadnought Ravager to prepare her for movement into the Republic's hands. The first section shall be a supply/delivery one, requiring several items from local shipyards and Freelancing outposts to be delivered to the Ravager herself.
The supply list for the operation will be pinned here and kept on track, and the signal given when all supplies are delivered and phase two can begin.
The following supplies are to be delivered to the Dreadnought Ravager with haste.
Ship Hull Panels - Belfast, Newcastle
Super Alloy - Scarborough, Newcastle
Superconductors - Rochester, New York
Engine Components - Kensington, New London
High Temperature Alloy - Scarborough, Newcastle
For this operation, transport vessels will be required to get reputation adjustments prior to beginning shipments. All other personnel of the Armed Forces are recommended to get the adjustment, but this is merely a requirement for logistics to allow for clearance to dock on Ravager.
Any completed shipments are to be posted here.
Also, with Crayter working actively against the corruption in Alpha, the Armed Forces has been authorized to deliver supplies of need for their war effort. As the Crayter Movers cannot be in all places at once, I'm giving notice to any willing captains that transport of materials will be acknowledged and compensated for at the treasury's convenience.
Any completed shipments to Crayter are to be submitted here for their logistics to note and file. Good luck, men.
Maria Cortez
Task Force Pacientia
Republic of Malta
[Comm-ID]: Cadete Jacob Mercer
[Receiver-ID]: 72nd Fleet Debrief Channel
[Location]: Southampton Shipyard, New London system.
[Subject]: Supply to Hellfire Legion, Molly pilot and stupid Gaians.
[Priority]: Medium
[Encryption]: Weak
High command of 72nd fleet,
Today I was again engaged in supplies for the Hellfire Legion. On the way I met the Gaian ship, who naively thought that he could get me out of the information about what I was doing in the Vespucci system. Of course, he did not get the ovette and tried to destroy me. But I was able to bring the transport unharmed to the Dreadnought of the Ravager. There I was met by a Molly pilot, whom I asked for help. He agreed to escort, indicating that in return he was asking for the revival of some old contract between the Outcasts and them. What exactly he meant - I do not know. I think you can understand everything yourself.
Quote:[22.03.2018 11:46:45] [M]-Martha.Lass: Ahoy Outcast
[22.03.2018 11:46:51] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Hello, Molly man.
[22.03.2018 11:46:55] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: *laugh*
[22.03.2018 11:47:12] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Hey, I need assist against one Gaian boy. Can you help me?
[22.03.2018 11:47:48] [M]-Martha.Lass: Depends
[22.03.2018 11:48:27] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Alright, I wait you
[22.03.2018 11:48:34] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Ah, I see.
[22.03.2018 11:48:46] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Wait, I need that you come with me. Together, I mean.
[22.03.2018 11:49:24] [M]-Martha.Lass: There' been some quarrels between outcasts and mollies
[22.03.2018 11:49:41] [M]-Martha.Lass: So if i help ye, i gotta get somethin' in return
[22.03.2018 11:50:07] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: I think, about it need talk in Communication channel... I mean neural net.
[22.03.2018 11:50:10] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Not here.
[22.03.2018 11:50:36] [M]-Martha.Lass: Tha' could work
[22.03.2018 11:50:47] [M]-Martha.Lass: I nkow we had some old agreemen'
[22.03.2018 11:50:57] [M]-Martha.Lass: Bu' it's lon' fergotten
[22.03.2018 11:51:16] [M]-Martha.Lass: Maybe it's time to renew it, as in this troubled times
[22.03.2018 11:51:26] [M]-Martha.Lass: so where ye headin' ?
[22.03.2018 11:51:35] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Well, you can tell me details in neural net.
[22.03.2018 11:53:19] [M]-Martha.Lass: Where ye headin' ?
[22.03.2018 11:53:30] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: In Newcastle system.
[22.03.2018 11:53:37] [M]-Martha.Lass: alrigh'
[22.03.2018 11:53:46] [M]-Martha.Lass: I'll escor' ye there
[22.03.2018 11:53:52] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Alright.
[22.03.2018 11:53:59] [M]-Martha.Lass: Have some business to attend in Belfas'
[22.03.2018 11:54:08] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Yeah...
[22.03.2018 11:55:48] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Hey, Manchester Jump Hole in other way!
[22.03.2018 11:56:18] [M]-Martha.Lass: Though ye headin' fer Newcastle
[22.03.2018 11:56:30] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Ah... I not know where Jump Hole in Newcastle.
[22.03.2018 11:56:43] [M]-Martha.Lass: Follow me
[22.03.2018 11:56:47] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Alright...
[22.03.2018 11:57:23] [M]-Martha.Lass: Ye know there' a Gaian Base in Machester
[22.03.2018 11:57:53] [M]-Martha.Lass: *Manchester, so it will be more safer avoidin' it
[22.03.2018 11:57:55] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Yes, I saw it.
[22.03.2018 11:58:53] [M]-Martha.Lass: And i'm sure tha Gaian must be lurkin' aroun' Manchester
[22.03.2018 11:59:01] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Yes, I think too...
[22.03.2018 12:00:14] [M]-Martha.Lass: there it is
[22.03.2018 12:00:20] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Aha, see anomaly...
[22.03.2018 12:01:22] [M]-Martha.Lass: So i'll be expectin' yer message thru the Neural Net
[22.03.2018 12:01:22] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: 93K. Heh. Alright...
[22.03.2018 12:01:28] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Alright, I wait.
[22.03.2018 12:01:40] [M]-Martha.Lass: Ye wait ?
[22.03.2018 12:02:00] [M]-Martha.Lass: I was expectin' a message from ye
[22.03.2018 12:02:34] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Wait...
[22.03.2018 12:02:37] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: I check.
[22.03.2018 12:03:56] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: I have an idea about your contract with Outcasts.
[22.03.2018 12:04:21] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: I can tell to my High Command about you. They can create communications with you.
[22.03.2018 12:04:36] [M]-Martha.Lass: It's an old alliance ye
[22.03.2018 12:04:52] [M]-Martha.Lass: Please do
[22.03.2018 12:05:04] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Alright, I talk with them about this.
[22.03.2018 12:06:15] [M]-Martha.Lass: Ye should be safe from here
[22.03.2018 12:07:12] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: No, I need to go. End one work
[22.03.2018 12:07:27] [M]-Martha.Lass: Don' think tha Gaian will venture here
[22.03.2018 12:07:42] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: Yes, you right. Thanks again!
[22.03.2018 12:07:59] 72nd|MLS-Pamplona: ?: I don`t forget about you! Good luck!
[Comm-ID]: Colonel Maria Cortez
[Receiver-ID]: Debrief Channel - Cadete Mercer
[Location]: Heaven's Summit, Aragon system, Hispania Space
[Subject]: Recognition
[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong
Cadete Mercer,
I and the Admiralty are impressed with both your speed and initiative. With your effort we're that much closer to bringing the Ravager back online. In addition, rekindling an old trust can certainly go a long way, and I thank you for relaying this knowledge to the High Command.
From here forward, you're now promoted to the rank of 'Lieutenant'. Keep doing Malta proud, Mercer.
Maria Cortez
Task Force Pacientia
Republic of Malta
[Comm-ID]: Lieutenant Jacob Mercer
[Receiver-ID]: 72nd Fleet Debrief Channel
[Location]: Ravager Dreadnought, Vespucci system
[Subject]: End of supply
[Priority]: Medium
[Encryption]: Weak
High command of 72nd fleet,
I am proud to inform you that today I managed to finish the delivery of all the required materials to the Ravager Dreadnought in the Vespucci system. Proofs of my work you can see below.
[Comm-ID]: Colonel Maria Cortez
[Receiver-ID]: Debrief Channel
[Location]: Heaven's Summit, Aragon system, Hispania Space
[Subject]: Delta Operation
[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong
To all pilots.
The Aurora and accompanying escorts Lieutenant Jacob Mercer and Operative Hydra launched an incursion into the Omicron Delta system in response to reports of Nomad activity in the system. Upon arrival to the No-Fire-Zone of Freeport 11, an Irra-class Purifier was detected to the east of the station, along with several craft defending the Kemmerer Supply Station and numerous Commune Raiders acting on behalf of the alien entities known as the Vagrants. The Purifier was engaged, and with brute force was 'purified' itself. The Commune, acting against the interests of the Maltese, aligned themselves with the aliens, attacking the Aurora and accompanying escorts with all available ships.
The force of the Commune was beaten back, the guns of the Aurora knocking a brother fallen to the Commune's lies out of the fight. All other vessels bode a hasty retreat upon this, allowing movement back towards stationing in Omicron Tau. In the chaos, Operative Hydra's craft was shot down, their pod recovered by the Aurora's tractor, and Lieutenant Mercer providing escort back to Republic space.
As of this update, the Commune is to be engaged on sight by any and all forces of the 72nd, for allying with enemies and engaging forces of the Republic.
That is all.
Maria Cortez
Task Force Pacientia
Republic of Malta