Sender: Luciano Vasquez, The Brotherhood Location: Petra Outpost, Sigma-15 Encryption: Mucho strong Recipient: Junkers, Marauders and Congress Topic: Salvaging Base Modules
Saludos my Amigos,
I'm not sure how up to date you may be on events in the sigmas, but recently, our hermanos the Custodi, and the Kusari Naval Forces, both lost outposts in the Sigma-21 system. I'm wondering if you would be able to try and salvage anything from the remains of the bases, located in the orbit of Saigon, and near the binary star pair respectively, and haul it to Skiros Station, in Omicron Gamma. I'm not sure how much will be left in a state thats worth re-using by this point, but it is better than risking all the potential resources going to waste. Of course, I'll reward you for anything you manage to bring back, and if your scans show there is nothing to salvage- then I'll still pay a bit out for your time.
╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont, Texas
► Destination ID: Luciano Vasquez
► Encryption: HIGH
► SUBJECT: Salvage
Hola, Mister Vasquez. I was admittedly not aware that this had occurred, but now that I am I will indeed make certain to send a salvage team out that way. Our salvage crews operating in that area are typically equipped with highly advanced sensor equipment due to operating inside the Crow Nebula, so i'm certain if there is anything left of use our boys will manage to find it. From the information you have given I feel I should tell you right now that it is unlikely for us to recover anything useful from the Naval Base. The gravity from the binary stars will almost certainly have picked up most of the debris and pulled it in to the point where recovery efforts would be more expensive than simply buying the materials we'd recover.
Hopefully Saigon will be a bit more fruitful. In order to give our crews the best chance I would however like to know if you have any details regarding the Naval presence. Do you know when they are most active, which routes and what ship classes they use for their patrols? Any information on this matter will be useful.
Sender: Luciano Vasquez, The Brotherhood Location: Petra Outpost, Sigma-15 Encryption: Mucho strong Recipient: Junkers, Marauders and Congress Topic: Salvaging Base Modules
Saludos Deputy Ivankov,
I share your worries that any remnants of the naval base will be too far gone to justify recovery, and had it not been for some pressing matters back on Crete, I would have called you up much sooner.
As for Naval patrols, I believe that without their outpost, they will now have to come from Honshu, before heading further out into the system. Apart from that speculation, all i can say is that the Rheinland Military is also present in the system, although the extent of their presence is not fully revealed yet.
╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont, Texas
► Destination ID: Luciano Vasquez
► Encryption: HIGH
► SUBJECT: Salvage
Hola, Mister Vasquez. After our last talk I instructed several of our Combat Service Freighters to survey the area and locate what remains of these stations. Our fears regarding the naval base appear to have been correct and I feel it would be entirely pointless to mount any kind of recovery effort. There is much better news however on the other station.
Just so you are aware of how high risk salvage operations like this typically work from our end, we tag the debris with a transponder so that it might easily be located in the future once those it came from have left the region. Due to the strong gravity in this case only a single transponder was needed as most of the debris appears to have been pulled into roughly the same area, so the amount of effort on our part up to this point has been fairly minimal. From here on I believe there are two ways to go about it, although I feel you have the first in mind. We can either transport what's worth salvaging back to you directly or if you'd prefer we can haul it to our own smelters and deliver the finished product to you.
Let me know what you decide and if you still want this to go ahead.
Sender: Luciano Vasquez, The Brotherhood Location: Petra Outpost, Sigma-15 Encryption: Mucho strong Recipient: Junkers, Marauders and Congress Topic: Salvaging Base Modules
Saludos Deputy Ivankov,
The loss of anything salvageable from the Naval Base is unfortunate, but at least it was expected. As for the remains of Constantinople, given it was a Corsair construction, I'm sure our engineer's will be familiar enough with the components to be able to dig through it and return any pieces to working condition. If you could round up the debris and deliver it to Tripoli Shipyard, that would the best, I think. Once that is sorted, I'll just need an account to wire you your payment.