Comm ID: Hideyoshi Yoshitsune Location: Hakone Village, Planet Tomioka, Nagano Subject: Safe Refuge in Rheinland - URGENT
It has been some time since I have contacted your organization for anything. Years, really. But I hope you remember me.
My name is Hideyoshi Yoshitsune, former Shogun of the Blood Dragons, now in exile due to internal power struggles by the more feudally-minded in the Shogunate. I have remained in Kusari under the alias of "Kobayashi Sora" for some time now. After my involvement with the Gas Miners Guild, however, both the Kempeitai and my old Dragon rivals have learned of my location, and Kusari has proven to no longer be safe for me and my daughter. I plan to depart for Rheinland as soon as possible. However, I do not know of anywhere or anyone in the country that could provide safe refuge.
Therefore, I beseech you to assist my daughter and me. Please use your resources to secure both safe passage and a new home.
⧫ OCV Fedayeen
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 25/03/825
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Hideyoshi Yoshitsune
The truth is, the only regimes that endure are the ones that are stable, not the ones which promise the rose gardens. The feudal Blood Dragon shogunate while operating under... odd system of hierarchy, have filled the gap and survive what universe has to throw against Shogunate. The Order is happy with the current management, so are the majority of the Blood Dragons. However, I do not approve of outright murder. I cannot keep you within The Order Protectorate for security and political reasons in the way you are most likely accustomed to live independently. I will secure two 'seats' for you.
You will rendezevous with elements Akabatian mountain infrantry scouts near Aki Falls within two days time. You will be given spare Order uniform to blend in with the formation on its way to the landing site designated Zeta under control of The Order. Blood Dragon invasion force does not question Order movements and these parts are free of enemy activity. "Your" platoon will be rotated out, destined to Port Said as part of the garrison duty which for the time being is quiet yet well supplied backwater. This is where you will part with The Order and you will be halfway into House of Rheinland proper.
On site, you will meet with a Bundschuh operative, Annika Haupt is the name. While you and your daughter will be free to go as you please from this point onwards, Haupt is arguably your best bet for your succesful and safe relocation into Rheinland itself. Speak to her and make your own mind, she owes us some favor.
Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"