SHIP ID: Destroyer Drunken Badger LOCATION: Pennsylvania, Destroyer Drunken Badger FROM: Amber Lane RANK: Independent Rogue TO: Some guy in Pennsylvania SUBJECT: Students?
[img float=right][/img]Sender ID: Epsilon 3, field operative Recipient ID:Amber Lane Location: Pennsylvania Encryption: Military encryption technology "Lockdown" Encryption level:None Topic:Howling[On the screen appears a fuzzy image of the pilot of the fighter. The voice, distorted by noise and helmet systems, does not make out who is speaking.]
Allright... RCRD-824A.S-17:18.mp4
Epsilon 3
Epsilon Wing
6th Liberty Navy Fleet "Nam et qui sumus derelicti a tergo"
SHIP ID: Destroyer Drunken Badger LOCATION: Pennsylvania, Destroyer Drunken Badger FROM: Amber Lane RANK: Independent Rogue TO: Some guy in Pennsylvania SUBJECT: Students?
Dear Guy,
I am glad you are a reasonable guy. I had some awesome time doing this, do whatever you want with these slaves.
[img float=right][/img]Sender ID: Epsilon 3, field operative Recipient ID:Amber Lane Location: Pennsylvania Encryption: Military encryption technology "Lockdown" Encryption level:None Topic: "Students"[On the screen appears a fuzzy image of the pilot of the fighter. The voice, distorted by noise and helmet systems, does not make out who is speaking.]
You owed me the last one. Here is your booze. I also brought some tobacco and good food for you. RCRD-824A.S-19:18.mp4
Meanwhile, you could tell me more about these poor souls and so on, so I will know, what to do with them.
Epsilon 3
Epsilon Wing
6th Liberty Navy Fleet "Nam et qui sumus derelicti a tergo"