The Zoner Consensus is a social network, holding and investment group consisting Zoners of different origin and affiliation, collaborating with the mutual interest of the resocialization of the whole Zoner community. Believing a centralized financial platform and a social network for discussion are mandatories to reform a society based on the deepest ideals of the Zoner culture. Already in ownage of a few companies and organizations the Zoner Consensus pushes forward gaining influence within the Zoner community and uses having hands into multiple projects, groups and organizations all around Sirius.
The foundation of the Zoner Consensus happened in the year 823 A.S. at Freeport 11. The station was in a constant threat by locals and each day another party appeared with the motivation of destroying it or taking contol of it.
It was a day the Core was this daily candidate threatening the Freeport, Alessa Samson and Dankien Moebus met each other. With the whole struggle ongoing in Omicron Delta any vessel couldn't leave the Freeport which forced both resting some days in the entertainment areas. The two person, who later will become the founders of the Zoner Consensus used to spend their time at the bar of the station and doing some more or less conversations with several people.
Both were speaking with different persons and accidently heard each others opinions on the current state of the Zoner community. What was to follow was a long time conversation with the exchange of each opinions, ideas and imaginations. In a conversation that had taken days, they talked about the Zoner history, their situation, humanity overall, the future, their own situations, basically everything. At the end of the 4th day, they shook hands and had an agreement and the very first Consensus. This agreement was about the foundation of the Zoner Consensus.
The first time was spend into finalizing the concept and also redirecting all finances. Both participants were already descent influencal Zoners, with Alessa being a staff researcher in the Ingenuus Research Group and having family relation of one of the first Zoner dynasties leaving the house space and Dankien, who was a head in the Omicron Trading Consortium.
A concept for improving and resocialising the Zoner community was worked out that is based on the combination of research, finances, education and human care. The teams from Dankien and Alessa were very ambitious about the concept and it was rather quick the Seraphim and the Outer Rim University, which is called Edgeworld University nowadays, were created as the first steps. As these, aswell as the Zoner Consensus required a base of operation they looked for a descent place to locate their organisations. After contacting the Ingenuus Researcher Group the Zoner Consensus was allowed to occupy the south wing of the Corinth Research Station which still is their major headquarter to the day.
With months passbying the Zoner Consensus grew in participants and a new projects were started. The latest one is the Sol Project, which is of a strong educational and scientific nature. Nowadays the Zoner Consensus gathers new influencial participants and uses to gain more owning shares in several appropriated organisations and maintains the construction of the massive space station the Consensus Multiplex which suits as the logistical for all organisations of the Zoner Consensus.
1iC:HassLHoFF™ 2iC:Doc Holliday Contact: Access to our discord server can be gained via pm ID: Zoner ID IFF: Zoner IFF Roof Tag: >Z|
Faction Tag: >Z|C<
Organisation Tags
ZOI: The Zoner Consensus and its organisations are operating sirius-wide.
The Zoner Consensus holds owning shares and/or influence at following organizations.
Dr. Prof. Alessa Samson:A former professor at the Manhattan University leaving New York in order to search for her missing husband and adopting command of her familys vessel the Antarctica. She finished the University with an expertise in neural diagnostics, computer sciences and acoustics. Alessa is one of the first insiders leading into the foundation of the Zoner Consensus. She has a very developed view and looking ahead for herself, her family, her team and the future of her species. She has advanced working experience in factions like the Canaan Project and the Ingenuus Resesearch Group, who are rumored to be the some of the highest educated and advanced research groups in Sirius.
Hans-Karl von Goeben: Until recently, Hans had been a freelancing scientist and independent gentleman for years. He worked as a specialist for cybernetics and augmentations in the ranks of IRG. Born on planet Stuttgart, Rheinland, in 792 A.S., he early discovered an intense interest in life and biology which years later earned him a good reputation. The laid-back, friendly researcher was expelled from his first university for critisism on the Kanzler's politic, which marked the start for Goeben's odysee. After finishing his studies at Heisenberg Station and Cambridge, he has ever since been roaming around Sirius. Over the years, the young scientist took part in various independent projects and expeditions in all Houses and beyond.
Angela Corino: Not much known about this participant of the Zoner Consensus, she stays hidden and entirely focusses on the Sol Project. The anonymous investor is said to be a wealthy outcast, possibly a member of the so-called old families tracking ancestry line all the way back to Hispania. Seemingly well-connected, but likely retired from public appearances and politics alike this member prodives much-needed funding and resources to Sol Project where legal methods make everything too complicated or simply impossible.
Dankien Moebus: Born in Liberty, he was an industrial engineer before he left Liberty to reach the edge worlds. In Freeport 9 he met and then joined the Zoner Trading Consortium. After some time he became one of the leaders of this Zoner faction. Among various activities he was responsible of the supplies of the ZTC stations, in charge of establishing contracts related to trade (new trade alliances and requests to relevant authorities for trading special goods), involved in diplomacy and in some research activities in the field of biology. After the ZTC/Omicroners disbanded he spent most of his time deep space conducting research projects on gravitational anomalies and unstable jumpholes.
Prof. Nerva Regis: A scientist and philanthropist, Prof. Nerva is always on the lookout for new and exciting science projects. Although he managed to collect several specializations during his life, he mostly focuses on Artificial Intelligence research and Bio-engineering. If he is not on one of his custom Corvos zooming around Sirius to help people that need his assistance, he can be found aboard his fortress "Unity". From all his lifetime projects, Prof.Nerva is particularly proud of his Omicron Orphan Initiative; which seeks to improve the life or orphans from all over Sirius.
Dr. John Henry "Doc" Holliday: His origins into Sirius are known only to an unknown few, Dr. John Henry "Doc" Holliday roamed Sirius as a lost soul before being shown the ways of Eris by the late Malaclypse. It was as the administrator of the Temporary Autonomous Zoners that he would rise to prominence. It was at this time that he created Med Force Enterprises, an entity that is dedicated to providing medical care and research as well as scientific research to benefit all.
For all of his goodness, he is still troubles with his past. He remembers a lifetime past, the people, events and places, he has no clue of his whereabouts between then and now. Having walked both sides of the law, he lives the Zoner way, keeping to himself and treating all regardless of affiliation. He now spend most of his time working with surgical teams, lecturing at Cambridge Medical Center and trading to fund his enterprise.
Dr. Kalsai Lostra: Originally born in Kusari, Kalsai was the offspring of a female scientist based in Nansei and a Libertonian diplomat. Growing up in various labs in Kusari, as well as gaining a political understanding influenced Kalsai to pursue degrees in Psychology and Public Administration. After graduation and spending roughly 12 years as a consultant for various organizations across Sirius, Kalsai was approached by up and coming research group based in the fringes. After signing on as a more permanent member of the Ingenuus Research Group, he was given the role as head administrator of Heisenberg Research Station, where he maintained and operated many of the projects fielded there. After appointing his successor, Kelsai is still with the IRG, but has ventured to Corinth station, where he is slated to help witha new vision of Zoners within the Omicrons.
Dr. Katherine Berg: Doctor Berg was born and raised on planet New Berlin in the family of scientists. Due to the incoming Nomad War her family moved to the Kingdom of Bretonia to secure their safety. Her parents, like herself, were desperate scientists who devoted all their time to science. In such an environment, the doctor also grew up. From the very childhood, she was brought love and interest in science. She had no great difficulty entering Cambridge University, which she graduated six years later. After receiving a master's degree in organic chemistry and technology of metals and alloys, she worked for some time in the Planetform, however, lack of prospects and too rampant ambitions forced her to leave the company and go in search of her luck and happiness, which resulted into the foundation of the Keepstar Research Group.
Tara Williams: Tara was born in April 796 into a family of Zoners in the Baffin system. Her parents were tech workers on Shasta at that time. She grew at the station and went to local school. There she first met Alex Mush. When Tara was 12, Alex worked as a head doctor in one of the station's med blocks, and also taught biology in the local school. He somehow noticed her, and when Tara graduated Shasta's school, recommended her to one of the colleges on Cambridge. She completed course of astrophysics and also finished civilian navigation courses. Tara and Alex stayed in touch and he helped her through couple of personal crises. By the time Tara returned to Shasta, her parents retired and she started working as a second pilot on a freighter, then as a navigator on a transport traveling between Baffin and Omicron Kappa. About a year ago she met Mr Mush again, and he proposed her a place of first mate on Lemuria and his other ships. Over the time she repeatedly took the command, when pressing matters called him to some other place. He also introduced her to ideals and goals of the Seraphim and Tara embraces these with all her heart.
Allan Brahms Fawkes: A resigned manager and business tycoon, Brahms - as he insists in being called - moved away from his retirement after seeing the horrors of war for the fourth time. During business interactions in Gallia, he realized he was wasting his life chasing for profits and started providing for the victims of conflicts instead, eventually reaching The Consensus for partnership. Originally from Rheinland but having operated in all Houses in the past, he has a discrete history with resistance movements and is not afraid to go wherever hope is needed. Brahms is a rather gentle, if not overly talkative, man - and as long as the topic is not his personal life, he is easily dragged into conversation.
Dr. Eli Starkweather: Originating from Leeds and lecturing at the University of Cambridge for a long time, but leaving the place for the pleasure of independence. Eli started hiring on the Antarctica and leading the chemistry team at the research vessel. He was a good friend of the former Captain and was a major part in the advanced education of the Captain's daughter Alessa. Even though Elis appearance might be very conversative for others, he has a good heart and a very modern view on moral and ethics. His passion is to motivate people into sciences, offer them good advises and education. Eventually he died in 823 A.S., but his mind and memory was uploaded into a neural computer located at the Edgeworld University.
Dr. Wes Octavis: A long time student, who has collected doctoral degrees as other people collect stamps, Wes was banned from the University, because of a tendency of staying at the University as a student for his lifetime. He lacks in being emotional and understanding forms of sarcasm and irony, which can be confusing or even annoying in a conversation with him. Even though there isn’t doubt that Wes is of a genious mind, he sees himself as the most intelligent person in Sirius and doesn’t hesitate demonstrating it.
Diplomacy in the several organisations of the Zoner Consensus might be different to the following major Zoner Consensus diplomacy.
The Canaan Project is a long-time known group of the Zoner Consensus founder Alessa Samson. Due to their artificial advancements they contain the elite of reseachers and scientists in their chosen fields of terraforming and computer sciences. The Canaan Project is currently the only known group that manages a constant peaceful contact towards the inhabitants of planet Gammu.
Med Force Enterprises is a health care and medical organisation in lead by Doc Holliday. It has good experience in exotic research and fields that most research groups won't touch.
The Temporary Autonomous Zoners are an interesting religious group of Zoner, who believe into a goddess names Eris. Their leader John Rackham and a lot members hold very good contacts within the Zoner Consensus and might be a potential candidate for participating in the Zoner Consensus.
The Ingenuus Research Group is one or maybe the elite, when it comes down to independent research. Some participants of the Zoner Consensus are still working there. An investment and collaboration are pretty much desired. Negotiations with the staff are in preparation.
Omicron Supply Industries are a very influential and rich Zoner organisation located in Omega-49. They are the main partner when it comes to transportation of supplies and goods.
The Confederation of Freeports is a Zoner collaboration with the purpose of improving the administration of Zoner assets. Their structure, approach and actions have governmental patterns and the Confederation is often involved (sometimes by force) into local politics with results which by times affect the Zoner community as a whole.
Over the years the Corsairs and Zoner have had a positive and cooperative relation. Usually the Zoner Consensus gladly helps the Corsairs in their need for food and humanitarian aid.
The Outcasts are a special case human society. Genetically altered by years of Cardamine influence, they are a society that the Zoner Consensus sees in need for humanitarian aid, but also being subject for genetic research.
The Order is used to be a long-time ally of the Zoners, but latest event resulted into some deterioration of the relation. As Core and Order are strong enemies both are currently trying to use Zoner as a tool for their interests.
Not much is known about the Sirius Coalition Expeditionary Corps. However they appear as an ally of the Order. Their political form of communism is propably of historical interest that may result into a contact of the Edgeworld University.
The Core is an aggressive imperialistic military group located in the Omicron. Their attitude and approach are beyond any caring mind. However as same aggressive they are as same instable they are. Any encounter with them could be different and dangerous.
The Nomads are usually are misunderstood alien species that feels invaded by humanity. This results into often aggressive contacts by them. The Zoner Consensus strongly avoids being a part of this conflict and searches to find ways for a peaceful coexistence.
There is close to no evidential information about the Gammuians. Even it isn't proven it is pretty certain they aren't human-made. Any approach must happen in highest caution as a serious concept of a correct approach them is still missing.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person