==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Gave the new Hornet CD a try. It works just as intended but only like every 5-6 shots. The other CDs get stuck after maybe 50m flight and remain on spot until they explode.
Edit: This seemingly happens only when you: a) stand still, b) only impulse speed. On engine kill or full thrust speed none of the CDs suddenly got stuck. ====================
Me watching the daily drama turn into yet another Disco-doomsday discussion:
A lot of Class 6 guns( Scythe, Arequbus, some other gallic ones I think), Xeno & Gaian GB turrets, and some pulse weapons (falcon, dragunov) seem to be missing their techcells and thus give 100% compatibility with everything (assuming no other should-be conflicts of course). Some of this is based off the Mactan Network, but I think since that take details from server files, then that means the files are done wrong...?
==================== Type: Kempeitai IFF Bug: Kempeitai still red to KNF and possibly Kempeitai Id card needs updating ====================
Kempeitai should be friendly now that Imperial Kusari Navy have merged with KNF. Nansei Research Facility is red and everything else having to do with the faction is also enemy.
==================== Type: Imperial Kusari Navy IFF Bug:Imperial Kusari Navy still red to KNF and possibly Id card needs updating ====================
In 'player status' > REPUTATION (in the game) they still appear although we know they merged with KNF.
==================== Type: Ship Bug: The Sunburst spontaneously loses its shield when logging in. Not every time, but often enough that you're out a chunk of money because you suddenly have no shield. This is likely not a good thing to have happen on the /restart Beginner ship. ====================
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Universal Armor Upgrade</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>Spaceship armor upgrade is an essential piece of equipment for anyone heading in distant dangerous areas of Sirius sector. The Mk VIII uses the best alloys on the market and the newest hull reinforcement technologies. Additionally, it comes with shockwave-resistant, durable iridium struts placed in the cargo hold. Those take up some extra space and make the price very high, as iridium is difficult to process. In terms of protection, this type of armor rivals the weaker Capital Armor upgrades. Multiplies base armor by 2.5; occupies 20 cargo space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
It was left for flavour, like how there isn't a Havoc Mk I in-game. -Xalrok
==================== Type: Ship Stats / Equipment Bug: After removal of lesser AUs, Arrow and Hayabusa have problem with cargo. ====================
Arrow and Hayabusa have only 20 cargo space. Which means, that now they can choose between:
a) mount AU (requires 20 cargo)
b) mount CODE weapons (requires 1 cargo) and have some spare cargo space for mission loot etc.
Then I switched ships to do something else. Then tried again.
[13.04.2018 13:28:19] /drawcash MyBankShip ******** 100000
[13.04.2018 13:28:19] 2018-04-13 13:28:54 SMT : You have drawn 100.000 credits from MyBankShip
It looks like you have to wait 10 minutes and then relog in order to be able to withdraw cash from your other char.
Im not 100% about the 10 minute wait, but Im pretty sure that you did not have to relog in the past.
It should be fixed now, turns out I accidentally made the drawcash command check the online time not of the character the money was coming from, but of the character running the command. Sorry about that. ~Alex