ID: Dr. Jack Frakes Base: Secret Valley Workshop Location: Bretonia / New London / 3E map Recipient: .:J:. Junker Congress Commander Date of Send: 14/April/825 A.S.
Good Morning.
We would like to count on you for the expansion of our facilities and therefore we check the market in Sirius, which your company is trustworthy when it comes to signing the contracts.. I hereby request the new delivery service of your company. That is: 50.000 Industrial Hardware with the value of 1008SC per unit / 40.000 Hull Segments with the value of 1200SC per unit and 40,000 Robotic Hardware with the value of 1450 per unit. This product must be delivered promptly to the master warehouse in New London, Map 3E. The Hull segments is found at Southamptom Shippiard in New London 40k distance from Base. The Industrial Hardware is found at Gateshead in Newcastle. The Robotic Hardware is found at Planet Los Angeles in California / Liberty or Planet Spague / Omega 3 / Bretonia.
"Upon completion of your supply demanded by Secret Valley Workshop Management, 100,000,000SC will be distributed to participants who are actively from beginning to end of the contract."
We have to confirm the start date of delivery, please.
My crew and I appreciate the bonus sent to us recently. The Dawn has had upgrades waiting for her in Invergordon and your generosity has given us the liquid capital to finally complete the retrofit. Her cargo capacity has diminished some, but this will further ensure her continued endurance through extreme conditions. This means reliably bringing cargo to destinations such as Secret Valley in spite of hostile celestial phenomena and lawless raiders in the untamed frontiers.
In spite of any perceived roughness in his technique, Big Sal has proven his reliability in compiling visual data in a concise format so he will continue that job for the time being.
We have been running Robotic Hardware out of Planet Sprague. Very little to report except quantities and success on that front.
So with the data from our previous burst, my tally reads as follows thus far:
19,885/50,000 Industrial Hardware
40,000/40,000 Hull Segments
15,525/40,000 Robotics Hardware
If your data or the data from any other persons following this message conflicts with mine, do feel free to submit a correction. Junkers may deal in society's broken toys but that's never meant we don't keep tidy books.
*Airing Voice Broadcast. . .*
*Signal Origination: Southampton Shipyard, New London System*
*Correspondence from Sandra Carter*
Hello, an' Happy Monday, Dr. Frakes; Mister Hannibal!
I got in a number've runs over the weekend; eight to be exact! In addition to some more Industrial Hardware shipments from Newcastle, I took a turn at haulin' a share've the Robotic Hardware from Omega-3. Six shipments of the Industrials, and two've the Robotics; each Bison full totaled 3,890 Standard Trade Units.
That leaves this broadcast's total at:
23,340 Industrial Hardware
7,780 Robotic Hardware
In addition, I've got some numbers from Mister Nick Ramsey! He shipped a few loads've Industrial Hardware, as well - 12,660 units of the stuff!
Which.. Unfortunately means we over-shipped Industrial Hardwares. It seems we dropped the ball on coordinating things, an' I wanna apologize for that, Dr. Frakes. I take it that means we likely accidentally dipped in'ta someone else's contract. If that's the case, y'can either chalk it up as a freebie for whomever else was supposed'a haul the excess 5,885 Industrial Hardware units, or they can dip into our contract fer some've the Robotic Hardware. Fair's fair, I reckon.
That leaves our runnin' totals so far at...
55,885/50,000 Industrial Hardware
40,000/40,000 Hull Segments
23,305/40,000 Robotics Hardware
Again, sorry for the mix-up, here! Let us know what we can do to patch this up, Dr. Frakes.
I won't bore you with the details of my journey aside from that the Dawn continues to impress wherever she goes. That old hull bears the scars of centuries adrift but she has the heart of a lion. Salvage has been moving out of Liberty to markets where it is needed, and from those places I bring you the goods you request. My years in captivity fall away as she and I reunite like old lost friends, sailing the economic lifeblood of all Sirius wherever the streams may take us.
*Airing Voice Broadcast. . .*
*Signal Origination: Secret Valley Workshop, New London System*
*Correspondence from Sandra Carter*
Well, I jus' got done checkin' in with the loadin' bay foreman. Accordin' 'ta him, our job's all wrapped up an' settled! The Secret Valley Workshop's quota fer the requested Industrial Hardwares, Robotic Hardwares, an' Hull Segments has been met! Proof've that can be found via this attachment.
Regardin' payment, go ahead an' split the agreed upon amount between the followin' accounts, please! .:j:.Sacramento.Valley
It's been real swell doin' business with 'ya, Dr. Frakes! It's been a pleasure so far. The Congress is likely gonna have'ta shift priorities towards other endeavors fer a while; we've got a back-log've folks waitin' on us. But this sets us up with a nice route towards Liberty via the Cobalt Ore ya'll offer, as well as towards Rheinland via ya'll's Gold Ore, fer when we happen 'ta be in the area.
ID: Dr. Jack Frakes Base: Secret Valley Workshop Location: Bretonia / New London / 3E map Recipient: .:J:.Junker Congress High Commander Date of Send: 20/April/825 A.S.
Good Morning, again;
Dear friends Junker Congress.
Again, my PhD is amazed at the Junker's ability to relate !!
In addition to workers and willing to do everything that is of benefit to their community, they are good politicians and praiseworthy in the observance of treaties, which motivates us to always have them in high esteem and consideration.
Your job was to receive the bonus. Here is the proof of the deposit in the accounts of the brave Pilots .:j:.Sacramento.Valley, .:j:.Drifter's.Fortune, .:j:.Trafalgar.Dawn.
With that, the original contract is finished!