First of all, let me introduce myself and my cell. I apologise for rudeness, but I am not able to tell you moi real name by obvious reasons. However, you can call me as "Solitude de Knight" and I got a honour to represent the Maquis cell "Solitude" in this transmission. Actually, you will not see much difference between our cell and any other the Maquis cell in general, as we all share methods, practice and cause, we are fighting for. However, our cell was created to disrupt Gallic supply operations and support you in battle and I should say, that we cope with this goal without any problems.
For me, it seems, that a lot of time passed during the last contact made between our groups. However, the last encounter with the captain of [C]-CLN-Cathedrale.Elne, the Council gunboat, reminded me, that we should do it one way or another.
First of all, I'm wondering about the current state between our groups. Have you forgoten about our support during the Second Gallic War? I hope non. I'm also aware of your disagreements about our methods to deal with le Roi's ambitions, but in times, like those, they work perfectly well, don't they?
Secondly, we would like to re-request our access to your technologies. Currently, we are forced to stick with civilian and brigands ships, but, I will be honest, we are still looking for getting a couple of the Council ships for our cause as well. Currently, we are requesting the access to:
BJ-6 "Basilisk" Council Bomber 1x.
MJ-1 "Gecko" Council Light Fighter 1x.
MJ-4 "Stellion" Council Very Heavy Fighter 2x.
It would be a great addition to our group.
And as the last, but not least, I would like to attach a couple of footages, showing our grop disrupring Gallic lines and providing you help at the battlefront. You will find them below.
That's all for now. We are looking forward to seeing your answer.
Solitude de Knight
Solitude cell
Sacrifice. Fidelite. Devoir.>> attachments/downloading...
>> requesting.encryption/key...
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Initialisation... Intensité du signal:██████████100% Encodage:__________██████████PLUS FORT Source:________Marne, Champagne Expéditeur:____Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil___[C] Destinataire(s):Solitude de Knight
Sujet:_________Re: - Transmission entrée...
Monsieur de Knight,
Je suis Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil, et non, we did not forget the assistance of Maquisards, as long as it persists, it will be rewarded. Speaking of which, our strike craft technology is open to any Maquis cell without the need to re-request anything, just how it has always been. Keep up your good work et we will keep supplying you with these fighters et bombers.
Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
Général en Chef Du Conseil