==================== Type: Effects..? It's a special category. Bug: Docking when Forming ====================
So, ever since the undock cinematic was removed, there seems to be the following bug taking place:
When attempting to Formation-Fly (F4 by default) on a group member, the game seems to check if there are any nearby dockable stations. If there are, the player attempting to form will trigger the "X is requesting to dock" server message. It seems that the player's ship will still attempt to make its way towards the targeted formation member, however, if ANY docking points cross the path of the formed player's ship, they will instead quick-dock with the nearby station that they had no intention of docking with.
I stumbled upon this last night when my fiancé kept trying to form on me immediately after undocking (Without moving away from the undock port). Even having her impulse/thrust away before forming would trigger a docking message, although as long as she did not cross another quick-dock point, the formation attempt held.
(05-10-2018, 02:36 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: ==================== Type: Effects..? It's a special category. Bug: Docking when Forming ====================
So, ever since the undock cinematic was removed, there seems to be the following bug taking place:
When attempting to Formation-Fly (F4 by default) on a group member, the game seems to check if there are any nearby dockable stations. If there are, the player attempting to form will trigger the "X is requesting to dock" server message. It seems that the player's ship will still attempt to make its way towards the targeted formation member, however, if ANY docking points cross the path of the formed player's ship, they will instead quick-dock with the nearby station that they had no intention of docking with.
I stumbled upon this last night when my fiancé kept trying to form on me immediately after undocking (Without moving away from the undock port). Even having her impulse/thrust away before forming would trigger a docking message, although as long as she did not cross another quick-dock point, the formation attempt held.
Just want to add that I have experienced this as well. It seems pretty situational, but it happens.
==================== Type: Ship Equipment Bug: Gun hardpoints 1 and 2 are backwards on the Waran ====================
Waran's a heavy bomber, like the Barghest, but two of its weapon hardpoints are facing the rear.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
(05-10-2018, 02:36 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: ==================== Type: Effects..? It's a special category. Bug: Docking when Forming ====================
So, ever since the undock cinematic was removed, there seems to be the following bug taking place:
When attempting to Formation-Fly (F4 by default) on a group member, the game seems to check if there are any nearby dockable stations. If there are, the player attempting to form will trigger the "X is requesting to dock" server message. It seems that the player's ship will still attempt to make its way towards the targeted formation member, however, if ANY docking points cross the path of the formed player's ship, they will instead quick-dock with the nearby station that they had no intention of docking with.
I stumbled upon this last night when my fiancé kept trying to form on me immediately after undocking (Without moving away from the undock port). Even having her impulse/thrust away before forming would trigger a docking message, although as long as she did not cross another quick-dock point, the formation attempt held.
Can confirm, had this last night playing with Boss. It caused an infinite loop of "dock denied; destination is too far" until we managed to get through a jump gate.
(05-10-2018, 02:36 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: ==================== Type: Effects..? It's a special category. Bug: Docking when Forming ====================
So, ever since the undock cinematic was removed, there seems to be the following bug taking place:
When attempting to Formation-Fly (F4 by default) on a group member, the game seems to check if there are any nearby dockable stations. If there are, the player attempting to form will trigger the "X is requesting to dock" server message. It seems that the player's ship will still attempt to make its way towards the targeted formation member, however, if ANY docking points cross the path of the formed player's ship, they will instead quick-dock with the nearby station that they had no intention of docking with.
I stumbled upon this last night when my fiancé kept trying to form on me immediately after undocking (Without moving away from the undock port). Even having her impulse/thrust away before forming would trigger a docking message, although as long as she did not cross another quick-dock point, the formation attempt held.
Can confirm, had this last night playing with Boss. It caused an infinite loop of "dock denied; destination is too far" until we managed to get through a jump gate.
As a side effect, when this bug happens, every time you are shot with any weapon or when someone within the vicinity drops a countermessure - you will get the INCOMING MISSILE soundeffect and icon.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(05-10-2018, 02:36 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: ==================== Type: Effects..? It's a special category. Bug: Docking when Forming ====================
So, ever since the undock cinematic was removed, there seems to be the following bug taking place:
When attempting to Formation-Fly (F4 by default) on a group member, the game seems to check if there are any nearby dockable stations. If there are, the player attempting to form will trigger the "X is requesting to dock" server message. It seems that the player's ship will still attempt to make its way towards the targeted formation member, however, if ANY docking points cross the path of the formed player's ship, they will instead quick-dock with the nearby station that they had no intention of docking with.
I stumbled upon this last night when my fiancé kept trying to form on me immediately after undocking (Without moving away from the undock port). Even having her impulse/thrust away before forming would trigger a docking message, although as long as she did not cross another quick-dock point, the formation attempt held.
Can confirm. While playing yesterday, formed up on a friend who was far away and the message popped up. Even after hitting free flight afterwards all I had to do is to get close to the location to trigger the insta dock procedure.