I have made a personal delivery of Docking Ring parts to Nauru to see the result of our hard work on project that is without a doubt, the farthest way from Pueblo. It is great sight of fully operational Docking Ring that allows your organisation to safely operate on the surface. The future looks even brighter for your expansion.
However, while traversing your territory, I checked up on your laws and noticed that we have been omitted from receiving Omicron Rho Trade Visa despite what we believe was an excellent and swift completion of Docking Ring. Therefore we would like to ask for Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering ships to be granted permission to freely deliver steady supplies of Ageira White Boxes to Nauru as well as ship out valuable materials or products back to Liberty. Should this require a payment, we are of course ready to cover the costs for ourselves and our partners - Deep Space Engineering.
On a matter of Ageira White Boxes, recently Rheinland, Bretonia and Kusari has recognized and edited their laws to include it as exclusive and proprietary product that is restricted to be shipped by Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping vessels only. As you may know, our containers are created to provide above-necessary-security and will explode upon being tampered or opened outside of designated facilities. This makes it highly dangerous to uneducated and misinformed merchants who manage to get their hands upon these White Boxes via unknown and illegal means and might put themselves or those around them in extreme danger. As such, we would also ask to put similar legislation in your laws in order to safeguard civilians in your territory as well as extend this public knowledge about this highly restricted commodity.
ID:John .B Garcia Location:Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho Subject:Rho Visa - Ageira White Boxes ENCRYPTION:APM-STANDARD
Good evening John White,
Core pilots can be quite touchy when encountering unlicenced captains within their homeland so we should look at getting that resolved to prevent any unnecessary damage as soon as we can.
As regards for restricting Ageira White Boxes though Rho we may have an issue here as Core and APM captains often move these already and the rest of the organisation would not be too pleased if they were suddenly restricted in movement.
I have taken the liberty in drawing up a basic first draft of a potential compromise that should work for both of us. Please keep in mind that this a first draft that is subject to review. feel free to suggest any amendments and ask any questions.
Licencing of goods act 825 - First Draft
■ Ageira are to provide a training seminar to APM captains to ensure they are fully capable of handling Ageira White Boxes (AWB).
■ |APM Captains are licensed by Ageira to move AWB units from legal and licensed establishments belonging to Ageira (Pueblo Station) to Core controlled planets, stations and projects.
■ |APM Captains are prohibited to haul AWB to any third parties.
■ Ageira are supplied with Rho Trade visa for the duration that |APM are licensed to haul AWB.
■ AWB are to be considered fineable contraband within Omicron Rho
■ Fines are to be 50% of cargo hold market value on Nauru, credits obtained via fines are to be divided between the two parties (APM-Ageira)
»ID:Nathan Archos »Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho »Subject:Rho Visa - Ageira White Boxes »ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
John White,
Excuse Mr. Garcia for responding to this transmission before it reached my desk. I will be handling matters from this point.
The lack of granted visa to Ageira Technologies is an error. Your assistance in helping construct our docking ring is more than enough of a reason to give you a permanent visa. This is an oversight, and it will be corrected.
Our legal codex has also been outdated for a while since recent encryptions on the legal channel have made it harder to keep them updated. We will be rectifying this soon, in accordance with your wishes so that the deliveries of the white boxes can be consistent.
Thank you for responding as previous message got us concerned although we will assume that Mr. Garcia was talking about Bio Neural Processors, which are on the free market while Ageira White Boxes are fiercely protected and restricted commodity in all four major houses as of few days ago, which as you can see, we wish to expand to be covered in local laws and regulations by legally recognized organisations such as The Core.