==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Nomad Cruiser Neutralizer does tremendously less damage than displayed ====================
According to the infocard, the Nomad Cruiser Neutralizer turret does 40,000 shield damage per shot. According to FLStat, it also says 40,000 shield damage. However, when using it ingame, it does next to NO shield damage whatsoever. It can barely take an NPC fighter shield down by 1/5th.
Edit: Looks like the same problem with the Battlecruiser version.
Not a bug, its meant to kill powercores on ships, AFTER you deshield them. Doesn't work directly on shields. It's like a paralyzing venom from a Black Mamba that lets its prey lose all mobility before devouring it whole. ~eigos
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: CM not working ====================
After several battles, I noticed that the so-called Sentinels do not always work. Sometimes it happened that I used about 10 of them against one torpedo, but the torpedo still fell on me and was not even distracted by deceptions.
At the same time I did not notice such a bug before.
==================== Type: Commodity (choose one) Bug: Companion tool claims Iridium is sold on planet Nauru yet when in the shop it is not pressent ====================
I went up with the lads to Major to farm at people's suggestion. It's figured that because Major is riskier, there's greater reward. Ishtar's seem to spawn far more often than Battleships - and as such is much more difficult- yet drop nothing at all. Surely, like the relationship between Nomad Cruisers and Gunboat remains, Nomad Dreadnoughts should drop at least something like 2 or 3 battleship remains given the extra difficulty? Right now going to Major/Psi really is pointless, because it's a lot harder with a lot less reward. Surely this must be an oversight?