Please post any problems which may occur in-game as replies in this thread. These may be bugs, errors, oversights, etc., which we shall fix as we can.
Please take a moment to read through previous bug reports to prevent redundant posts.
If anything has a note saying "Fixed" and the bug persists in the game, that's because the hot fix or bug patch for that issue has not been released yet, however the fix has been completed in the development version.
Use this format to help us sort through your posts:
[b][color=#FFFF00]Type:[/color][/b] Ship Stats / Infocard / Systems / Effects / Equipment / Commodity (choose one)
[b][color=#FFFF00]Bug:[/color][/b] List the thing that is wrong. Keep it short
Patch notes and in-game inspection tell different stories because the ship itself hasn't changed despite supposedly being implemented? Just thought I'd document it for the sake of formality and so that it doesn't become an over-sight during a later patch.
Post does not specify which ship. ~Alex
EDIT: SCRA|Krsnik is the exact name of the ship.
Fixed. -Xalrok
"Knowing Humanity - We will be duty, bloody and unavoidable."
==================== Type: Systems Bug: Turning towards Ragnitfelde in Koenigsberg, from whatever distance, reduces my FPS. Being inside the Osterode Anomaly drops my FPS rate to an unplayable level. Beong in rhe D5 mininh zine im Omega-2 hfas giwen md eye camxer, ====================