These won't change the meaning, but would instantly lower number of words on IDs:
Currently, there are 43 counts of this sentence:
"both within and outside of their Zone of Influence"
It can simply be swapped for "anywhere".
Approved on 2019 December 24th.
35 counts of "attack if ships refuse to comply"
15 counts of "attack if they refuse to comply"
3 counts of "attack if they do not comply"
Proposed: "attack if they refuse"
21 counts of:
- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.
Proposed: Remove the redundant line.
Approved on 2019 December 21th.
34 counts of:
~ Can demand cargo and credits ...
Proposed: "Can engage in piracy"
Reason: Demanding information or other sort of reasonable actions should be permitted too as it is conducted already ingame without repercussions from staff.
Standardizing wording would make sense. As long as "case law" on some of the wordings won't conflict with the intent of the standardization, it would likely be a good idea for simplicity's sake.
I disagree with fourth, due to the fact new players may not comprehend what is piracy as activity, seeing that there's part of the players who think that "smuggling" is an unlawful action. There is a risk that some new player may think that it gives him full right to destroy player ships and take their cargo shortly after.
Cause this is how piracy was done in original Freelancer.