Ahoy gents 'n' lasses, most of you olready now wut happened, mo'er sum of you had a direct participation in deh event I'm gonna describe below. Ah, un' big sanks tae y'all fo' letting me be deh part of [M]olly, it means a lot fo' me. Well, bak tae deh topic now:
Our patrols spotted deh Crown forces entered Dublin. As we further acknowledged, dey had a Battlebrick, two foighters un' a funboat. Our defense forces were: a foighter, a bomber, two funboats un' of course Born To Kill. At deh beginning, we split un' I was caught un' disrupted by BAF|Ens.Alexandra.Kush. Dis fella played a bad officer un' thought he was deh Law:
[27.11.2017 14:38:36] BAF|Ens.Alexandra.Kush: Hold it.
[27.11.2017 14:38:49] BAF|Ens.Alexandra.Kush: I said hold it.
[27.11.2017 14:38:56] [M]-"Born_To_Kill": Why?
[27.11.2017 14:39:05] BAF|Ens.Alexandra.Kush: Because i said so.
[27.11.2017 14:39:19] [M]-"Born_To_Kill": Ya have no authority ere
Bot when his big brother BRF|HMS-Formidable appeared he claimed he had an authority, un' of course dey ended negotiations wis me wis deh battlebrick appearance, but "Shall we burn it?" really?! They thought dey could burn me, ahah. I did even wish 'em "good luck", bot soon ya'll know it didn't help:
[27.11.2017 14:39:29] BRF|HMS-Formidable: RO: target spotted.
[27.11.2017 14:39:30] BAF|Ens.Alexandra.Kush: I do now.
[27.11.2017 14:39:44] [M]-Blodwyn,O'Driscoll.: are we gettin' inavded boye bretonians anew ?
[27.11.2017 14:39:58] BRF|HMS-Formidable: RO: Opening Fire when in range. God Save the queen.
[27.11.2017 14:39:59] BAF|Ens.Alexandra.Kush: Shall we burn it?
[27.11.2017 14:40:05] [M]-"Born_To_Kill": good luck
In a minute our squad had gathered near me un' we started to defend ourselves from conquerors, dey even accompanied wis a booty hunter Prime_Number tae die along wis 'em:
[27.11.2017 14:44:14] Prime_Number: Steven: What a sight!
[27.11.2017 14:44:30] Prime_Number: Steven: Gold thieves all year around...
[27.11.2017 14:44:48] Prime_Number: Steven: Bretonian forces, may I assist?
[27.11.2017 14:44:55] BAF|Ens.Alexandra.Kush: Yes.
[27.11.2017 14:44:59] BAF|Cdre.E.Steiner: Take out the gunboat
[27.11.2017 14:45:11] Prime_Number: Steven: Lots of stolen gold to be recovered! Weapons hot!
[27.11.2017 14:45:18] Prime_Number: Steven: Target the Mollys!
Deh foight wos goin' smoothly, bot soon deh battlebrick started takin' damage. Dat didn't last long, as dere were lots of holes, it had torn apart by my un' allied forces fire. Unfortunately, he made me tae eat one of his heavy mortar, eh.
Deh next minutes were easier fo' all of oos. [M]-Martha,Lass had a foighter on her tail. I couldn't let her tae be molested by a lesbian, so deh lesbian shippe got blown up by a precise mortar shot.
Realized, dat deh assault failed, BAF|Cdre.E.Steiner packed his sings un' left deh battle, only a booty hunter remaining. Sorry Prime_Number, bot miss Driscoll's booty ain't fo' ya, so we've given him a good lesson. happy hunting at deh Hell, mate, ahah.
Well, seems I've described e'erysink, tanks e'eryone, who participated in Dublin event, dey'll sink twice 'fore assaulting 'gain.
With best regards Tom Shelby.
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-So, on December deh 20th 824AS, me un' sum' odher SCRA mate intercepted an empty Merchant Navy vessel goin' boye deh codename BAF|MN-Ullapool, roight in Dublin. O' course, nuffin' goes straight, when ye patrol bonny ol' Dub' !!! Un' we fell upon aodher rheinlander fella, meanwhoile. Deh lad started tae present himsel' a spoy... Un' oy wanna ask which spoy unco'er himsel' o' hersel' in deh firs' place. M'well , as he started tae talk gobshoites oy focused on questionin' deh Navy lad, which quickly dock on Graves although told t'was forbidden tae do so.
Roight, nuffin' unusual 'ere.
Lader, bodh Shamus O'Hara, frem deh MLA, un' Troy MacManus told 'bout deh Merchant Navy haulin' gol' aoutta Dublin. Un' oy gotta say say, tis a concern tae oos , especially since Deh Greta gran' admiral O'Brian contacted oos fer parleys. A ting dhat should be mentioned tae deh council, me says.
-Dhis wun, be anodher regular patrol encounter : it happened on January deh 5th 825AS. We discovered sum' odher space station, roight in deh Gol' Field. Cannae say we dinnae had toime tae contact deh owner, but deh truth be dhat de facility disappeared as soon as it popped up.
Me guess dhis wun pissed off so someone else o' t'was abandoned roight where it standed.
-Same day. Once 'gain, oys was tellin' some freelancer floyin' an Hydra Colonial gunshippie dhat dockin' at Graves station was forbidden. Un' o' course since went doire. D'cap'tain ordered tae shoot at aour vessels, meanwhoile wun o' his matey shown up blastin' lasers on aour ol' shippie. Lemme tell ye how it ended.
Deh first boat finally docked at Graves; which remoind me tae press deh security issue 'round deh aforementioned station. WHoile deh odher boat pursed oos in deh moine field.
* The woman grinned*
Den ye realoize dhat a good armored transport can stand 'gainst a boat in deh moines... T'was utterly destroyed, tae sum it up. Deh fools can ne'er learn...
-So let me end dhis report widh sumtin' unusual.
Again , on January deh 5th 825AS, we fell upon some Gallic Council Transport, codename [C]-CLT-Monastere.Solan. Deh Cap'tain was real gentleman, me remember, un' was haulin' some chimicals tae deh Hessians>. At least he pretended he was doin' so. A ting, dhat could easely be checked widh aour allies un' friend frem Rheinland.
But dhis wasn't deh sole encounter we made widh deh Republican Gauls.
Lader on, on January deh 20th 825AS, Troy un' mesel' jus' found a darn Battlebrick floyin' in Dublin... Can ye believe it ? As oif dey dinnae know deh laws 'round 'ere.
So, Di Rane, deh cap'tain o' deh CLN-D'Entrecasteaux, pretended :
* Some Gallic Council cap'tains considered stationin' deir ship in aour space widhaout deh Republic consent. [*]
* Dhat deh Armed force Hoigh command dinnae want dhis cap'tain tae interfere widh aour "activities" [* * ]
Whedher tis true o' nae, oy dun remember havin' any agreement o' sum' sort widh deh Squaddies Hoigh command. Especially when it comes tae aour "activities", laws, un' such. Un' me says we shall contact'em tae know more 'bout it.
* Dhat dhis ship o' deh Gallic Council as a whole was allowed tae shoot strangers, loike deh SCRA, i aour own space [ * ]
* Dhat dhis military shippie was unner Bret hoigh command juridiction, nae aours... in aour own space. Un' dhat we should contact dem Gauls hoigh command. [ * ]
Sumtin' we'll do soon 'nough, moight oy add.
Dhat be all fer naow.
Slán agat !
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(03-31-2010, 11:48 PM)Sprolf Wrote: That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.
So 'ere's deh report o' aour two last moinin' operations in which oy took part.
Deh firs' wun occured in november deh 15th o' dhis year. Un' all went smoothly, as deh gol' was flowin' tae deh Coin... 'till o' course, some poirats o' deh armed forces came in. Fortunatly, aour transport managed tae flee afore dey caught it.
Meanwhoile aour forces kept deir ships pinned until reinforcements could arroive.
Me guess dhat bodh, Barons|-Williams, un' BAF|ens.Victoria.Miller's ship were destroyed in deh process. Howe'er, due tae heavy damages done tae deh moinin' shippie, oy've got nae further data 'bout deh ensign's ship dimoise.
A'roight, deh second operation took place on November 21th.
Notin' much tae report, as deh whole operation went well...Until new Bretonian invaders were spotted again,near deh Northern moinin' field, where we were operatin'.
Dhis toime dey brought in a Rheinlander ship un' Libertonian wun. It seems dhat dey'd be in fer a moinin' operation aswell.
Whoile bein' told dhat BMM vessels coulnae took part in any moinin' operation in Dublin, we faced severals deiffenrents reactions : wun o' em BMMer troyed tae negociate whoile deh odher wun went a boit more aggressoive.
Ne'erdehless, dey started moinin' although bein' told nae tae.
Unsued what happened usually, a few shots o' warnin' tae make shure dey'll unnestand dhat it won't be possoible. Un' o' course, dey jumped on dhis tae open foire... Bodh o' em were destroyed... Dey'll ne'er learn.
But deh most interrestin' part was what happened afte'. It seems dhat bodh tradin' vessels dinnae care fer who would moine fer dem, un' offered oos tae fill deir shippies. Deh Republican wun e'en talked 'bout havin' relationship widh deh Red Hessian Army. Which makes mae wonder, oif tis all true o' nay.
Once deh datas o' deh encounter processed, dey'll be added tae dhis report. Un' deh Army will be contacted on deh madder.
Dhat be all fer naow.
Slán agat !
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(03-31-2010, 11:48 PM)Sprolf Wrote: That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.