Name: Jack McAllister (Captain of the [*USI*]Anchorage) Rank: Employee Department: Department of Trade Subject: Encounter with a hostile vessel Report:
This encounter took place on the 16th. of November at around 12:30pm.
The Anchorage left port at Planet Houston, where it had previously been docked, with an empty hold and the intent to fill up with platinum at Plat. Inc. for further transport.
However, upon reaching the jump gate leading to the New York system, the Anchorage was stopped by a Unioner vessel by the name of UN|Gunda.Riehl{CF.
A monetary demand of 2 million credits was issued, it being relatively low due to the fact that the Anchorage was currently not transporting any cargo.
With no law enforcement entities in the area at the time I saw no other option but to, reluctantly since it would end up funding further illegal activites,
pay the demanded amount, in order to ensure the well being of both the ship and it's crew.
After the money was payed the hostile vessel departed I was able to be on my way again.
Included is the communication log from the time of the incident: Log 1 Log 2
Name: Lulatia (Lulu) Bellisario (Captain [*USI*]Possum.Grape[T] ) Rank: Trainee Department: Dept. of Trade Regarding: First report on activities (NSTR) Ship status:OK Crew status:OK Event: This is my first report as captain for USI and let me start of by mentioning there is nothing significant to report (NSTR).
It is a blast flying this marvelous Bison for the corporation and apart from managing the crew and getting to know this ship I have mainly been active in supplying our TX base with the needed supplies. The crew is getting to know each other better every day and I'm happy to say we have a good team. During some runs we encountered several non-friendlies and managed to either evade or be dismissed in a "Stop-And-Go" kind of fashion.
Due to unforeseen (minor) mechanical issues to the ship my crew and I regret to have missed the convoy run for repairs kept the vessel docked. All repairs have been completed successfully and we are looking forward to the next opportunity.
For the coming time my team and I will again be focussing our efforts on delivering the needed supplies in TX unless otherwise instructed.
The contribution of 12M to the USI treasury has been made for some runs have been profitable.
*Juni Trent* (Captaining [*USI*]Gilbert[E]) *Employee* *Department of Trade* *Completing a storage module on Sirius Base Construction*
Delivered: 44,000ish units of Hull segments, 9880 units of Industrial Hardware, 4840 units of Robotic Hardware, 9880 units of Reinforced Alloy.
I hope this will suffice for this report. A few of my crew seem to have misplaced the invoice for the remainder of our transported inventory. I'll have to reprimand her I mean them to keep better track in the future. Aside from the small hiccup the proof should be in the pudding so to speak or at SBC for that matter. The entire Trip was almost uneventful. Started off by taking around 18 or so trips to and from Planet Houston to pickup and deliver the Hull Segments. Then we Picked up 9880 units of Reinforced Alloy from Philadelphia Station took 2 trips doing that. Took another 2 trips picking up 4840 units of Robotic Hardware from Planet Los Angeles in the California system, and finally took 2 trips delivering 9880 units of Industrial Hardware from Trenton outpost.
On the second trip on my way to pick up I ran into a liberty rogue however I was lucky enough to dock in time at WestPoint station and waited while 2 of our security department ships were able to successfully defeat not one but 2 rogue ships within the vicinity of Norfolk Shipyard. After which I was given the all clear and proceeded with my last delivery. Unfortunately I took a bit of damage before docking at Westpoint so my video surveillance system was inoperable, but the [*USI*]Saint.Paul[CS], and [*USI*]Fort.Dix were the security vessels who provided the aid. To them my crew would like to thank them for their support. I'm told a shoutout goes mostly to [*USI*]Saint.Paul[CS] for their major role in the skirmish. I'm told it was a glorious spout.
My apologies for the lack of required footage and imagery that is normally required in the formal reports but the old habit seems to be dying hard with having bad record keeping with this matter. This was a successful mission nevertheless and I will continue to bring such aid to USI as long as I am able.
-Captain Juni Trent signing off-
Juni Trent [VP] - Executive Administration Universal Shipping Inc.
*Juni Trent* (Captaining [*USI*]Hoplite.II) *Employee* *Department of Trade* *Security escort through New Berlin system*
The [*USI*]Aurora[L-E] was recently transporting aluminum ore through the New Berlin system in Rheinland space with me in escort, when we stumbled upon some interesting scans and images. I've enclosed the images so you can look at them for research and possibly pass on to the LSF or whatever party may be interested as you see fit. Enclosed recon evidence:
The gate seems to be about 60k away from Konstanz Border Station along with a storage station adjacent to it. Your guess as to its purpose is as good as mine but I don't get a good feeling from this sight. Not one bit.
-Captain Juni Trent signing off-
Juni Trent [VP] - Executive Administration Universal Shipping Inc.
Name: Luke Emerson->(Captain Of [*USI*]Aurora[L-E]) Rank: Lead Employee Department: Department of Trade Subject: Supply Report
Reporting supply run for Sirius Base Construction. I have delivered a total amount of 12,350 units of Hull Segments and 200 units of Robotic Hardware to Sirius Base Construction for construction of Storage Module. Shipping manifests are attached below.
Name: Edward Moore Rank: Trainee Department: Trade Event: Generic report
I suppose it would be prudent to report in regarding how things have gone so far since my recruitment.
I must say that it has so far been an honour to be a part of the team and to fly with my colleagues. I have been busying myself mostly with the aluminium-gold run, be it the ore or refined product (depending on availability of a miner), and also a few runs from Kansas. I have also ran a few commodity routes to Liberty from Rheinland. The runs have so far been safe, no pirate activity to report. I should also add that I have settled really well into my Titanic, I like her.
There's not really much else I can add at this time, but no doubt I'll report in should anything of interest arise.
Name: Lulatia (Lulu) Bellisario (Captain [*USI*]Possum.Grape[E]) Rank: Employee Department: Dept. of Trade Regarding: Report on supply contract in Munich (NSTR) Ship status:OK Crew status:OK Event: Captain's report for USI (NSTR)
As confirmed in Internal Messaging my crew and I have committed to supplying 11610 units of Hull Segments to the contracted order. Proof of 1 of the six deliveries (all are similar) can be found below.
The six runs (more to follow) were quite uneventful apart from the two times where we were stopped by unfriendlies. Fortunately these events were easily overcome by either a bribe or a smooth talk. Nothing more significant to report otherwise. The first three runs were from the TX system and when internal scanners showed an increase of hostiles the loadmaster advised to obtain cargo from Kyushu. This has worked well and made up for his previous error of not factoring in that the size of the hull segments itself means that we are only able to take half a load instead of a full hold.
With a marvellous crew like this its hard to be unforgiving or to 'keel-haul' the ones making a mistake.
Yours in the service of transportation,
The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list...
My name is Amy Rayburn and if you haven't already heard I am the newly appointed Chief of Logistics.
Yes yes I was recently the Chief of Security but after taking some time off and thinking about my future I
have decided to hang up my security wings and focus my efforts in another direction within the company.
I hope to learn and grow from each and every one of you, please feel free to contact me if you have any
questions. Look forward to seeing you out there!
This is a notice in regards to the recent pirate activity in the Rheinland sectors, it is advised to request an escort or hire one on hand. If you do acquire a hired escort
please provide evidence of the transaction so you may be refunded.
Further more it is suggested to avoid the Omega-3 and Omega-7 sectors into Rheinland. If you have any questions please contact me.