(12-31-2018, 08:48 PM)Durandal Wrote: Is it necessary for you to gain something through RP for you to enjoy the experience? If so, I feel as though you may want to re-evaluate your experience here.
You do realize that you just TOLD someone their RP is pointless??!
T-there's supposed to be more to roleplaying than getting a ship or a base out of it! Character building! Emotions! Being a person!
I'm honestly shocked that I need to convey this to anyone. Since when did roleplay become about getting your own stuff?!
I've already explained that people can have an impact on things and get their own things, but that should by and large not be the reason for roleplaying at all.
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I agree, RP isn't always about getting a ship or a base but it can forge relationships between groups that may otherwise be enemies as in a possible common ground that only together can they fix which in turn can affect story lines.
I don't see how you can convince anyone what they do is meaningful if at the end of the day their roleplay is no more important than dust in the wind. It feels very artificial as a result. This creates a stagnant, stale universe that doesn't feel alive. It's not always about bases or whatever else, but leaving an impact or footprint as an individual, big or small. That's where other RP platforms greatly excel, and where disco falters.
(01-01-2019, 04:03 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: I don't see how you can convince anyone what they do is meaningful if at the end of the day their roleplay is no more important than dust in the wind. It feels very artificial as a result. This creates a stagnant, stale universe that doesn't feel alive. It's not always about bases or whatever else, but leaving an impact or footprint as an individual, big or small. That's where other RP platforms greatly excel, and where disco falters.
Roleplay doesn't necessarily have to have a point and I think that's the one thing Discovery lacks - simple, pointless, everyday roleplay. I remember having a discussion about this with @Petitioner a while back and we both shared the opinion of acquiring satisfaction from playing our characters in mundane scenarios, simply because these situations help us better understand these artificial people better.
As a roleplayer, who has spent quite a bit of time in more intensive roleplaying communities, such as the likes of Achaea and so on. If you're roleplaying with an agenda to make impacts or to somehow have tangible accomplishments, then you're doing it wrong and everything you do will feel two-dimensional and ultimately people will brush it aside as just being presumptuous.
Roleplay does not have a goal, roleplay does not have expectations. The beauty of being a roleplayer is to simply be a guiding hand behind your character through various situations. This'll sound corny, but it's about the experience and not the outcome. If you just contribute to the roleplay universe by simply existing and participating in roleplay with others, then you've already begun to influence things.
If having read and considered all I just said, and you still feel like @Lythrilux. Then I can only further assert that your perspective is wrong, and that, at least in his case, he's trying too hard to win a pissing contest with rival factions rather than simply enjoying the role of being a lawful evil antagonist. The world around you is only as stale, lifeless and stagnant as you make it.
One of the main things I've noticed in Discovery is that people have expectations in regards to their roleplay and if these expectations aren't satisfied, they don't participate in that roleplay. Players actively pick and choose only what they consider useful. As a result, there's no fluff anymore, you aren't playing real people anymore you're just projecting your own obsessions onto a virtual platform.
Read this once, let everything I've said sink in, take a look at various bits of roleplay between various people and then maybe you'll see what I mean.
(01-01-2019, 02:18 AM)Durandal Wrote: T-there's supposed to be more to roleplaying than getting a ship or a base out of it! Character building! Emotions! Being a person!
Role playing should be more than being a "flavor" NPC that is controlled by a player. If all that the non-core players ever get out of Discovery is an environment to form their role, then they are nothing more than the off screen character Han Solo is speaking to when he says, "Toss me another charge". It is also the height of arrogance to think that your player base is there for you instead of the other way around. Yes, you are presenting a story, but if the players are not an important part of that story, you need to go write on fanfic.net where you don't have to interact with your readers.
People come to environments like Discovery to be something more than one of the masses (hint: they already do that in meatspace). If you tell them up front that they can't have ANY influence and should be satisfied with that, most of them will leave.
(01-01-2019, 05:09 AM)Reeves Wrote: If having read and considered all I just said, and you still feel like @Lythrilux. Then I can only further assert that your perspective is wrong, and that, at least in his case, he's trying too hard to win a pissing contest with rival factions rather than simply enjoying the role of being a lawful evil antagonist. The world around you is only as stale, lifeless and stagnant as you make it.
Let me rephrase it in a way you can understand, if it wasn't explicit enough already. No matter who you are, a faction leader or a lone indie, in the vast majority of cases the mod can simply close it's eyes and utterly forget everything you and your characters have done, as if they never existed at all. As you go further away from official faction level roleplay, this only gets worse. Funnily enough actually, I think I'm quite fortunate to be part of the small handful of people that have in ways managed to influence the mod (but even then, that had it's limitations). But a lot of people still walk in, realise they don't mean jack and get frustrated. Or their attempts at creating emergent story telling get stone walled, like the brief Gallia v Kusari conflict that sprung up but the players weren't allowed to follow because the Devs blocked it. It's things like this which is what contribute to a stagnant, but literally and metaphorically, mod.
That's not to say roleplay isn't fun on its own, nor that you can't have fun even with the above in mind, but it's something to consider especially if you have expectations coming from somewhere else.